- 0:01 | no what’s up y’all what’s going on Welcome Back to Life with us TV it’s your girl that and it’s your boy Stan if
- 0:10 | you can’t tell like I literally just ran on set like I was sitting there staning said you know you got one minute right I
- 0:17 | was like oh shoot yeah one minute I ran from one side of the house to the other
- 0:22 | so what’s up fam hope you guys been having a blessed week we back once again
- 0:28 | for another Cruise tips live Q&A for our first time Cruisers so as we always
- 0:34 | start off first thing we want to find out when you come in the house who is new to the family this your first live
- 0:41 | you’re new to the family we want you to put a one in the chat and then also if
- 0:46 | you have a cruise coming up put your cruise date in the chat so everybody can see when you get ready to take off that
- 0:55 | part right there guess when we’re about to take off a couple days in a couple of days yeah man what’s up Christina what’s
- 1:02 | fam what’s up toana what’s up JMA what’s going on Michelle what up EJ EJ are you
- 1:09 | home yet or what’s up uh what’s up Daryl September 12 up
- 1:16 | Crystal okay what’s up and also welcome to the family also Michelle first time
- 1:21 | here yes welcome so the family can see you what’s up Melinda what’s up
- 1:26 | Crystal oh I think I hit your on keyboard oh
- 1:31 | what’s up Adina what’s up Stephen what’s up ashleyy what’s up fam what up though
- 1:38 | what’s going on cousin all right all right what you doing on here what’s up good okay I see some on some September
- 1:46 | cruises all right okay Australia that’s what’s up Robin say this is my your
- 1:52 | first live welcome to the live glad glad you was able to catch your first live
- 1:57 | your birthday is July the 28th well happy happy birthday all right as we will be pulling out on that date
- 2:04 | actually for our group Cruise I’m excited I’m not ready like I’m ready for the group cruise part on a personal note
- 2:13 | zero packed I got I’m more packed than she is yeah CA I’ve been us usually is the opposite it is the opposite way
- 2:19 | around but when I tell you you slipping the business has been insane this week
- 2:25 | like things that used to move quickly are not moving quick is is ever since Friday when that Microsoft thing
- 2:33 | went down now every business yeah that was crazy is just suffering because now
- 2:38 | everybody’s playing catch up right and things that used to would take like a
- 2:44 | few hours is taking a few days so yeah so it just seems like I can’t put a pen
- 2:49 | in nothing right now to actually stop and do some work yeah I mean to do my
- 2:55 | own work you know so uh EJ said yep I’m home and mad as [ __ ] had to go to work
- 3:02 | today oh that sucks yeah like right after vacation like not like not even you have the rest of the week off you
- 3:09 | gotta go straight back into your chair is loud and disrespectful yeah it’s gonna have to be what it is but uh hey
- 3:16 | look uh if you have if you have a question well first of all we’ll get to as many questions as we can tonight and
- 3:22 | so whatever question you have for the queen we actually you put a QE or the word question in front your question and
- 3:28 | like I said we’ll get to as many as we can so we going to ask some questions and we going to talk about cruising we
- 3:33 | going to have some fun we are let’s let’s run it though let’s run it um before we get started um just to let you
- 3:39 | all know we have been trying something a little differently y’all probably have seen it up and down your feed but we are
- 3:44 | committed to doing short form content a little bit more frequently than we have
- 3:50 | ever had done yeah so thankfully we do have an editor that’s helping us go in
- 3:56 | and edit some pieces out of our teaching video and things like that to repurpose
- 4:01 | them as shorts that’s been helping a lot but if you want to catch some of those we have been posting every day on Tik
- 4:08 | Tok and it has been going really well we actually had like two videos go semi viral yeah and I was like what the heck
- 4:16 | like so Tik Tok same name life with us TV over there on Tik Tok yeah and it’s
- 4:21 | linked down in the description link down in the description make sure you follow us over there and while she doing that make sure you follow us over on life
- 4:28 | with us TV’s Facebook page as well uh it be lit up over there I still say I
- 4:34 | wonder do people be doing any work during the day but it’s all good though it’s all
- 4:39 | about cruising and having some fun while we cruising so make sure you join that page yes because we are within the next
- 4:46 | 30 days we have a lot of Facebook pages that we kind of segmented out and at the time it sounded like a good idea to have
- 4:53 | a virgin page a carnival page and I’m like the more we grow we cannot manage all of these pages so what we decid to
- 5:00 | do was tell everybody that’s in those micro groups make sure you just come on over to the life with us TV landing page
- 5:06 | and that’s where we’re just going to concentrate our attention to and we also have a all-inclusive life with us TV
- 5:13 | page as well so those two are going to be the main pages and of course when we have our groups and stuff we’ll break
- 5:19 | that out for the good information or the more personal information that we need
- 5:24 | to convey only to the group but other than that baby we only two people
- 5:30 | say we were over here running ragged what’s up Rachel Rachel thank you
- 5:36 | for the 199 Super Chat we greatly appreciate it said is it worth buying the spa and steak dinner is
- 5:43 | worth I’m not sure which Cruise Line you’re talking about but I can say on Virgin is 100% worth it indeed if you’re
- 5:51 | doing Carnival the spot is always worth it to me for the steakhouse for me it’s
- 5:57 | always a hit or miss I can’t say that I’ve had disgusting food but I can say
- 6:04 | I’ve had food where it’s like I pay for this you know what I’m saying right so
- 6:10 | if it’s Carnival it’s like a uh but if it’s virgin go for it if it’s Royal go for it yeah
- 6:18 | indeed all right let’s go ahead and move on let’s see uh so I say toana say hey
- 6:23 | family this will be my first live so excited going on Carnival Sunrise to Jamaica and wow that’s the itinary that
- 6:31 | I went on yeah that’s the itinary we did for our my birthday yep had an amazing
- 6:37 | time yes we did came back with a boo boo to show it uhhuh what’s up Michelle
- 6:42 | Michelle said good day I finally called a live I will be on the fenia in September any hotel or dinner
- 6:49 | recommendations let me drop a link um they Port
- 6:55 | yes I’mma drop a link this is my vetted out um Hotel recommendations that only the
- 7:03 | people that come through my business usually get but I like y’all a little bit actually I like y’all a
- 7:09 | lot so sometimes I’ll drop y’all stuff that only they
- 7:15 | get um all right it’s it’s coming yes that
- 7:20 | didn’t sound right at all it’s on the way there we go the way
- 7:26 | it finally posted yeah so that link has um Hotel
- 7:32 | recommendations support information yeah um
- 7:37 | transpo and uh dinner recommendations definitely uh the steakhouse like we
- 7:43 | mentioned uh if you try uh since I don’t know if this gonna be your first cruise but if you haven’t done the steakhous
- 7:49 | the steakhous yeah um I’m trying to remember the Italian style um specialy
- 7:55 | dining venues off the top of my head but there are some specialty ding venues
- 8:00 | that are only found on those Italian style ships do that because of course
- 8:05 | it’ll be the only time that you’ll be able to do that because they’re concentrated just to those that those
- 8:11 | three two two ships yep all
- 8:17 | right what’s up Curtis ctis said I K I say I caught a live yes sir yes you did
- 8:24 | inde yes sir what’s going on crystal Melinda
- 8:30 | all right all right I see Mimi say November the 10th 2024 I’m on Virgin
- 8:35 | vages man got you and we on it in two days yeah not quite three days yeah
- 8:41 | three days all right we got a day in Miami to burn up what’s up what’s up Tasha Tasha said Carnival Magic in 16
- 8:48 | days first Mom and Dad’s vacation without the babies this mama needs a
- 8:53 | break I I hear you look don’t get too frisky now come back with a with a Cru
- 8:58 | baby hey that’s the reason to get frisky yeah because they don’t have the P but
- 9:05 | that’s when you get caught up CUA CU you be too free like the old people say man you just you feeling
- 9:11 | yourself what’s what’s going on thank you so much for the $5 Super Chat we great we greatly appreciate it what’s up
- 9:20 | kimim uhuh it’s starting starting again you was good last week thank you for the 999 Super Chat
- 9:28 | fam say hey fam how are you doing we are good all inclusive to Lon October the 12
- 9:34 | Carnival Magic December the 22nd my birthday is Tuesday July the 30th happy
- 9:40 | uh well early birthday yes I will be 35 come on now actually I’ll be 53 years I
- 9:49 | I say you just made me feel so old hey hey but I love how you how you transpose the numbers see yeah I’m G start doing
- 9:55 | that I’m G transpose the numbers man you’re going to be the same age I’m gonna be older by transposing now no
- 10:01 | you’re gonna be the same age well not you’re not 45 yet yeah I am 44 yeah yeah
- 10:09 | had to think about that for a second say nope uh what else do we have we really
- 10:16 | didn’t have a lot going on as far as any news or anything new that we needed to share we’re just here to chat it up with
- 10:23 | y’all and see what it is that y’all doing because we have to tell you all
- 10:28 | that only if we’re feeling froggy which I don’t ever feel froggy on vacation but
- 10:34 | we will be missing in action for like two weeks and that’s because one we’re
- 10:39 | hosting a group cruise and I’m not a big fan of going live when I’m in
- 10:44 | atmospheres where I’m conversing and having a good time with the people that I’m with um I just don’t break and do
- 10:53 | that so I’m not saying that we won’t but I will say that the timing would have to be perfect and we would to fill it to be
- 11:00 | able to do it then right after that we’re actually celebrating the Leos yes
- 11:05 | indeed both of us are Leos if you can’t tell I’m very much the Rowdy one he’s the calm one um but we’re celebrating
- 11:12 | our birthdays right after that in the Southern Caribbean so on the K on the kar on the Carnival Horizon finally
- 11:21 | about ready to be loud and wrong finally uhuh so we’re just gonna be taking a
- 11:26 | much needed break we only take like like when I say we only shut down maybe
- 11:32 | two to three times a year yeah this is one of those times where we’re going to just like shut down because one I feel
- 11:39 | it like I feel like I need to shut down at this time and we’ve worked really really hard
- 11:46 | like we’ve pourn out so much and we’ve done so much the business is doing very well and it’s time to just sit back and
- 11:53 | enjoy for at least a week indeed what’s up Ivan what’s going on fam
- 11:59 | say what’s up Shere said I wish I could could have been on that cruise trying to
- 12:05 | book September uh 2012 and you should and so what she’s talking about is our
- 12:10 | grease trip that’s coming up in September of 2025 so you did not know about it now
- 12:18 | you know you can actually click the link down in the description um for our group trips and you can see all the rest of
- 12:24 | the trips that we got planned as well so if you ever wanted to travel with us now is your opportunity so check that out
- 12:31 | but we’ll love to have you though s yeah is we have a good group going like it’s
- 12:38 | over what’s the number baby one the um Greece I lost count now
- 12:44 | I it’s over 100 it’s over 100 it’s well over 100 definitely over 100 us now yeah
- 12:50 | so how many times can you say that people in one community of people travel
- 12:58 | that far separate but together and that’s what actually made me feel better about when
- 13:04 | we went to Greece was because one virgin voy just sent me over there so I knew
- 13:10 | that there were going to be people from corporate and different people like that that was going to be also in Greece as
- 13:18 | well Europe as well so I didn’t feel like once I landed I was completely alone and then I actually happened to
- 13:25 | have a travel agent friend up in Maryland and crazy enough she had a group proofs going on at the same time
- 13:31 | so once I figured that out you know I was conversing with her and funny enough remember when our plane landed we landed
- 13:37 | at the same time at the airport and we were like so it it feels good when you’re traveling in Uncharted Territory
- 13:44 | to have a a landing place of okay they’re here they’re there you know what
- 13:50 | I’m saying it felt it made it felt so much better right what’s up what’s up Mr
- 13:57 | John Evans says SE accountable Splendor and you going to Australia that’s where
- 14:02 | I want to go can you take it with you she ain’t feeling it though she ain’t I like man we need to go to Australia man
- 14:08 | so I can get my my kangaroo man you thinking negative already you gota be you gotta think
- 14:14 | positive what’s up what’s up Robin said what’s up family this is my first live glad you caught first I’m glad you are
- 14:21 | here indeed indeed let’s see uh all right what’s up
- 14:28 | de that be said first live from singar Michigan I’m not even going to try I
- 14:34 | hope I I hope I didn’t mess you up but Michigan what’s going on three days to
- 14:40 | go hey Erica what’s up Sharon says C celebration
- 14:46 | 52525 celebrate my 65th that’s what I’m talking about see I want to be like
- 14:52 | y’all when when when when I grow up so I I’m I’m always looking at uh individual
- 14:57 | that’s a lot older than me and then I kind of look back like you know what you show me what I can be when I get there
- 15:04 | so appreciate you being an inspiration and a motivation be traveling at that AG yes indeed and good health and good
- 15:10 | health yes good Mobility indeed what’s up cat what’s up Sharon uh
- 15:17 | what’s up saki say it’s my girl lyette and my boy
- 15:24 | St yes indeed all right what’s going on Joe what’s up what’s
- 15:30 | up what’s up boss Mama we doing good up in here we doing good we August 11th on
- 15:35 | Horizon so you’re getting on when we get off funny right we just gonna miss you I
- 15:40 | mean we miracles do happen we could see each other at the Port now yeah it has
- 15:47 | happened say good evening October the 13 24 Carnival celebration do you live in
- 15:53 | Virginia we do we do live in the VA we do we live um in Richmond Virginia yeah
- 16:00 | more specifically The Glenn Allen area yeah yeah all right Robin said yes I’m
- 16:06 | going on the celebration in December uh celebration is very popular
- 16:12 | now and I’m starting to think we had something to do with that oh we might I said uh then I say I’ve book uh I’ve
- 16:19 | booked my first cruise for September 2020 25 for my 50 55th birthday I know
- 16:26 | that’s right y’all come on through with these birthday birth cruises now I know it I need to do another one for my birthday right cuz where am I doing this
- 16:34 | year let be at home what’s up what’s what’s up fashion tree what’s going on
- 16:39 | all right Kim said I gon be on the cruising December the 22nd on the magic oh for Christmas what’s up luck he
- 16:47 | what’s up Leah see you in um about a week a little over a week all right hey Aaliyah going on your
- 16:56 | 21st birthday okay the 12 go ahead a shs
- 17:01 | don’t show off now I mean show off uhhuh but as an auntie I’m G say don’t show
- 17:06 | off but show off what’s up Crystal say hey hey have you have y’all gone on the
- 17:12 | margarit C Islander we we have not and that is the only ship that actually
- 17:18 | makes me feel like I would actually do Margarita VSC because that other ship hell no but um that ship I would do but
- 17:28 | there is a clause the Clause is is that I have to recruit some people to come
- 17:35 | with to come with so that if it goes to I have good company because you got you
- 17:41 | some things around you could be so insane but if you have good company it’s like it doesn’t even matter so um I will
- 17:50 | and and we’re g we’re gonna talk to once we get all of this behind us we’re going to converse with some people and try to
- 17:56 | recruit them yeah to come with yeah to come with you know I was kind of no I
- 18:03 | was successful at conversing convincing them to come with on a trip that we get
- 18:09 | ready to come I can’t I don’t know if I don’t know if they want us to tell it
- 18:15 | but we do have a trip that I have convinced people to come with me on
- 18:21 | yeah all right what’s up true story thank you so much for the $2 Super Chat
- 18:27 | we greatly appreciate say hey hey what up what’s up what’s up fam Amanda said
- 18:33 | they they doing go back up oh they doing the um March 22nd to March 30th Carnival
- 18:40 | Sunshine out of North for cool yeah um my family is
- 18:46 | actually put it this way I have family that’s hitting me up asking me about that cruise I don’t know if my family is
- 18:53 | actually going to bite because it’s that that final payment is going to be closer than they realize
- 18:59 | so it might be pushed down into the summer a little bit but they have been asking about that
- 19:05 | date inde what’s up J Michelle Humphrey thank you for the $10 Super Chat said
- 19:12 | Queen energy tonight family love y’all love you too all day even when I’m tired Queen energy
- 19:19 | is always present indeed listen when I tell you
- 19:25 | I’m tired I’m tired look listen in the middle of my work day I was like baby I’m going to take me an extended lunch
- 19:31 | break I would got my feet done was like I’m tired I I got I got a
- 19:37 | break let’s see uh what’s up Patricia said going on my first cruise at the end of September that’s what’s up that is
- 19:44 | what’s up what’s going on Mario Mario said what’s the towel situation at the pool do I have to bring my own no no um
- 19:52 | there are towel stations all around hot tubs pools whatever but what you would have to do is you just have to check
- 19:59 | that towel out and then once you get ready to leave drop it in the bin they’ll scan your card and you’re not
- 20:06 | responsible for that tow right what’s going on Corey what’s up
- 20:11 | fam what’s going on I see Ashley said I’m going I got 24 days until the
- 20:16 | accountable celebration August the 18th through the 25th so she gonna be on there for your birthday yeah her
- 20:22 | birthday is August the 18th y’all God y hers the 18th and mine is August the 8th
- 20:28 | yeah we’re 10 days apart 10 days apart y what’s up Amanda Amanda said March the
- 20:33 | 22nd through uh the 30th countable sunsh oh okay you read it one but it might have been twice okay gotcha I ain’t
- 20:40 | gonna hold you on that one thank you fam yeah fam said make sure you hit that like button so if you getting any value
- 20:45 | out this live don’t forget to smash that like button when you come in the D
- 20:51 | what’s up Amanda Amanda said December the 7th on the M gr 2020 the freedom uh friend is uh uh
- 20:59 | France said August the 7th to the 12th on the freedom hosting my first group
- 21:04 | Cruise I’m excited that’s what’s up are you a travel agent hos your first
- 21:10 | hosting your first group or you just doing it for your uh for your friends and your family listen I did my first
- 21:16 | major group Cruise as not an agent and that’s when my mentor jacked me up she
- 21:22 | show she was like what like how long have you been an agent and I said I’m not and she said you did all of that and
- 21:28 | you’re not an agent and I said no and she said um do you want to know how much money you just left on the table and she
- 21:35 | Saidi guarantee you they didn’t say thank you they a give you a card and they probably won’t even buy you a drink
- 21:40 | this entire time you on this Cruise get paid for your pain yep and I said you
- 21:46 | know what we gonna talk after this and I’ve been kicking it ass since Y and that’s a
- 21:53 | message to you guys if you especially a person you planning a a bunch of group trips for your friends and family hey
- 22:00 | you might want to look into becoming an agent yes especially if you’re doing it consistently because this is not easy
- 22:06 | like this work is not easy to do and I know most of us do it because I love it
- 22:11 | and I did it for my family because I love it but at the end of the day if I’m
- 22:16 | not doing it I’m pretty sure that they will go to somebody else that’s going to make that
- 22:21 | same money off of the booking that the commission is built into anyway so yeah I get paid for my pain right all right
- 22:30 | hey Mr special Fe what’s up fam what’s up what’s up all right Leah
- 22:37 | says she on a Verizon in eight days she with us oh y hey what’s up Sig said yep
- 22:43 | I’m loving the shorts appreciate that appreciate that try try to try to be on a new game yeah we to get committed
- 22:51 | because here’s the thing this is what I was telling my husband is that honestly
- 22:56 | I don’t watch and I am a YouTube Watcher first and foremost
- 23:02 | before I even started doing content I was a watcher and I still love it but
- 23:08 | the older I get my attention span is like this so I have gravitated to short form
- 23:15 | content Tik toks and things like that things that are like instant get to it
- 23:21 | and I was like if I’m watching it and I am the person that’s on the other side
- 23:27 | of the lens we need to be the person on the front end of the lens that the other
- 23:32 | people on the other end of the lens wants to see you see I’m saying so that’s why we were like we got to get on
- 23:37 | our a game like yeah but the good question would be that’s how you are and I realized I was that way too because I
- 23:44 | watch shorts and long form but i’ I’ve found myself looking at a lot of short
- 23:49 | form stuff when I’m that’s when I’m like learning something new trying to cre a new skill or improve a new skill just
- 23:56 | learn something new in general so you and the chat all in the chat what type of videos y’all watch the most do you
- 24:01 | watch long form contents the most now or do you watch short so all you got to do in the in the comment just just type
- 24:07 | either long or don’t do that or or long and
- 24:13 | short I’ll be interested to see how it see how we how we how we consume content now you’re gonna have our chat looking
- 24:21 | real crazy [Laughter]
- 24:26 | s EJ said both EJ said both yeah it it’s very few people that I
- 24:33 | watch long form anymore and I don’t like that because
- 24:39 | these are content creators that I enjoy but I’ve gravitated to the short form or
- 24:46 | and it’s because I’m so busy that I don’t always have enough time to sit down and do a 30 or 40 minute video is
- 24:54 | that most of the time hell I’m one of those people that I’m laying in the bed and I’m like let
- 25:00 | me get caught up real quick and shorts do it for me okay I see I see I see majority of you guys say I like both
- 25:07 | awesome so we made the right move then so so to be doing both so we’re gonna be like master car everywhere you need us
- 25:15 | to be said Dar I enjoy long say I watch both I listen to long for when I’m doing
- 25:21 | something me too I see you jam Melle long for me serious V depends on
- 25:29 | the subject oh y’all need Jesus where the holy water at Lord say
- 25:36 | th it so I’mma not your eyes and your mouth but that is a good comment because
- 25:41 | that’s what I do like if I’m doing something like folding clothes or something like that I’ll put on something long form and usually what I
- 25:49 | do is if somebody has done a um live like for instance I don’t watch my own lives I I hate my own voice I think I’ve
- 25:57 | told y’all that before um but I’ll put on like if Addie at Terry don’t did a live you know the rich
- 26:02 | and Jazz they don’t did a live and I am not able to watch then I’ll put it on then so that I can sit back and listen
- 26:10 | to it while I’m doing other things so I I I get that I get that thank y’all
- 26:15 | thank y’all for letting us know that yeah was yeah because I we see both both all right let’s get back over here and
- 26:21 | so some questions what’s up uh oh all right Courtney says on the Hub website
- 26:27 | is Mr Sanchos and theuring no Mr Sanchos does not deal with the cruise lines at
- 26:33 | all so what you would have to do if you want to go to Mr sanos go directly to their website and secure your spot most
- 26:40 | of the time you can secure your spot for $ five like a $5 deposit then you pay the rest when you get there at the door
- 26:47 | but honestly getting to Mr sanos is very easy kmil has their own vetted um taxis
- 26:54 | that are able to come inside a little bit so soon soon as you get out there they’re white with like red stripes and
- 27:01 | red writing go over there to those ones they’re like 12 bucks to get to and um
- 27:07 | to Mr Sanchos and then you pay him on the way back to what’s up yamy yamy said
- 27:13 | our question no in no Instagram yeah we got instagam we have Instagram yeah we got Instagram we just don’t do um the
- 27:20 | shorts over there like that um because we’re trying to build up our Tik Tock presence but yeah we I actually post on
- 27:27 | Instagram way more than we post on Tik Tok yeah until this week until this week
- 27:33 | yeah what’s up what’s up fam said do you guys know what happened with the accountable system maintenance checkin
- 27:40 | process on 720 I was not able to check in until 6:30 a that morning I do um it
- 27:46 | was scheduled but here’s the thing from a travel agent perspective they told us that it was maintenance on the front of
- 27:53 | the house which means that’s that’s our ghost CCL all the things that we do as
- 27:58 | travel agents and people that work directly for Carnival they failed to say and I almost warned the people in our
- 28:06 | cruise group that is on the saing that we were on because that was our check-in date and I almost warned them but I was
- 28:13 | like no it does not say that it’s going to affect check-ins it’s only going to affect um B you know our kind of
- 28:19 | Maintenance that we needed updated on our end everything went down and crazy
- 28:24 | enough I fell asleep not even thinking about checking in at 12 12:00 and I woke up like at 8:00 that morning and I was
- 28:31 | like oh crap I probably can’t get on the ship until like 2 o00 right got in there and I got
- 28:36 | 11:30 so I was like what happened and then come to find out that it was just
- 28:41 | down it went down for everything at 12 o’clock so it was scheduled so it wasn’t something that crashed that was
- 28:48 | scheduled they just failed to tell everybody else that it was going to affect everything typical Corporation
- 28:55 | yeah typical corporate yeah cuz we knew like two weeks in advance that it was
- 29:01 | happening what’s up crystal said question have you guys tried the
- 29:09 | margarita H we haven’t tried that one yet but glad you able to catch another vibe I love that another what another
- 29:15 | vibe another live say Vibe oh I tried to correct you now you loud and wrong I can
- 29:22 | be I I I’ll admit it say is it worth making a reservation at the steakhouse I say you haven’t done it do it yeah you
- 29:29 | haven’t done it definely and then you’ll make a decision whether or not it’s worth the investment the next time but
- 29:35 | um indeed I will say here lately when we went on a celebration I would have been glad to
- 29:42 | pay for the steakhouse and it’s not my favorite place to go just because the food was just very in the dining room
- 29:49 | yeah it’s going on Mony loves what’s up Jason what’s up fam Jason yes indeed
- 29:57 | what’s going on T said I can’t wait till one day to cruise with y’all we can’t
- 30:02 | wait well you know Jump On In we a good time to be had and speaking of cruising
- 30:08 | with us just in case you missed it last week um we asked if anybody wanted to go
- 30:14 | with us to Alaska in uh 2026 had forgot about that y so we had individuals to uh
- 30:21 | actually submitt emails last week so actually we going to extend it again this week that if you interested the one
- 30:28 | to Cru with us to Alaska in 2026 down in the description you can go over to our
- 30:34 | website and you’ll be able to um pick um we got May June and July so you be able
- 30:40 | to vote in 2026 on what day and let us know you interested yeah what month yeah
- 30:46 | that you uh that you interested in and so far it’s really consistent like it’s yeah dang near equal across all the
- 30:53 | months I said they are not making it easy for us to choose with months yeah um and to sale so so so far we’ve had uh
- 31:02 | over 250 people to submit emails so people are very excited so if you want
- 31:08 | in uh this is your time so please submit it also as an update um we have not
- 31:15 | secured it yet because we’re waiting on availability yes because dates
- 31:20 | for itineraries for those dates are not out yet so there is no Cruise Line in
- 31:26 | particular that we know we’re going to nail down there’s no itinerary that we know we’re going to nail down this is
- 31:32 | more of a let’s see what your interests are and let’s see what month that you’re
- 31:38 | interested in going and then we’ll go from there so to let you in uh for those
- 31:43 | who have submitted the email so so far J um June and July are
- 31:49 | winning just just just to let you know just a tiny bit though yeah they like they’re like they they be going just be
- 31:56 | going like this yeah when I say a tiny bit we talking about like maybe 20 of
- 32:01 | each other like it’s not a far reach from each other indeed what’s up candy
- 32:07 | girl what’s going on see you on Virgin Sunday see you there see you God on
- 32:13 | there I am so God on ready my first stop now I’m not gonna tell you what my first stop gon be what’s what’s up Shanda
- 32:21 | welcome welcome since our first live my birthday is tomorrow Happy Birthday and our first
- 32:27 | cruise is September to Alaska oh man per but glad you going but I wish you could
- 32:33 | come with us don’t delay it though say you guys have have been an amazing resource thank you so much we’re glad to
- 32:39 | have been an amazing resource for you indeed what’s going on Joe what what Joe
- 32:45 | say question have we ever been on MSC and if
- 32:51 | so did you like it we’re booked for August 25th yes we went on MSC last year
- 32:56 | for Thanksgiving mhm it’s a oneand done for us um I don’t want to discourage
- 33:02 | anybody else but our experience go not now thankfully we were with a group
- 33:09 | and the group were good was good yeah but the actual um yeah yeah it’s it’s a
- 33:16 | no for me yeah so you come back and let us know um how how it was for you yeah but don’t be discouraged now don’t don’t
- 33:23 | go to a negative Place yeah just because our experience don’t go there because you know that we attract what we think
- 33:31 | so we want to get on the cruise think positive so I ra for it to go bad while I’m thinking positive yeah but the ship
- 33:39 | is beautiful like sh sh beautiful yeah yeah beautiful ship yes indeed what’s up
- 33:45 | Antoine said what up a little late but I made it hey that’s all right never late
- 33:51 | hey this is a walk up town Katen Pop I can officially say finally say I’m yes you are B yes
- 33:59 | you are booked oh Lord it said uh Dominican NASA conal glory in June NASA
- 34:06 | count of a glory is where everything started for us yes that’s where it started everybody keeps telling us we need to run it
- 34:11 | back but uh I don’t know sometimes I’ll just be
- 34:17 | like bye I don’t think so I don’t think so question I am traveling with my
- 34:23 | 20-year-old grandson can I pay his gratuities ahead of time also we’re taking a pride out of Boss yes so the
- 34:30 | thing about gratuities when it comes to your sailing your um particular booking
- 34:37 | if one pay the gratuities everybody in the in the um cabin has to pay gratuities at the same time so once you
- 34:43 | add it onto to the booking it’s goingon to automatically do gratuities for the entire cabin anyway yep so if you’ve already paid it
- 34:50 | and he’s in your cabin it’s already taking care of trust me what’s going on ashington what’s up family what’s up all
- 34:57 | right December the 7th we have to do a Christmas yeah we we so got to do a uh
- 35:03 | Christmas it’s so expensive like maybe I need to book it for like 26 now I just
- 35:09 | have been too busy to even do my own travels this is how bad it is and I have to go on a work trip in October October
- 35:18 | so I’m thinking about once I’m out on a work trip just kind of doing um just staying in that country and just staying
- 35:25 | for a while and do some other things or maybe fly to another city in the country
- 35:30 | that I’m going to be in just so I can extend some time and call it a vacation
- 35:36 | because it actually is a work trip yep I can’t wait because that at where we
- 35:41 | going real nice beautiful yeah so we cannot wait to show y we going we cannot
- 35:47 | wait to reveal it yeah we cannot wa can’t wait what’s up what’s up uh the
- 35:52 | rich 789 said good evening respect what’s up fam right back at you fam
- 35:58 | all right there you go what’s up har oh God say are there any paid options on
- 36:04 | Virgin I must have missed that any paid options well what you can do you can
- 36:10 | give me your credit card and I will be the paid option so whatever you need
- 36:16 | just say hey L that I want to go get that and then I’ll I’ll charge you like a little service charge on top of it so
- 36:21 | if you like hey I want some cologne it might be $50 but I’mma charge you 75 so
- 36:27 | you and pocket at 25 and I’m a pocket at 25 but yeah there are um upch charge
- 36:32 | things like the Seafood Tower you can do it um pay for that that’s I think it’s like 50 bucks I think they do have a
- 36:39 | seafood boil and um razzled Dazzle holdo bless you thank you um yes that’s
- 36:48 | a real sneeze because I I heard y’all um what else do they have they
- 36:54 | have like the Tomahawk Steak you can upgrade that but it’s very minimal like there’s very few things that um what’s
- 37:01 | what’s that um that package you can upgrade to where you get like the tomaha in the win Splash for your bash Splash
- 37:09 | for your bash yeah yes and that one you can like if you have a party you yeah
- 37:15 | it’s that’s a good package if you definitely have more than I say two people right two it would just be a
- 37:20 | waste for us we would rather do like splash of romance yeah thank you EJ EJ said the tomahawk is 75 at the
- 37:28 | week yep yes indeed Tom Hawk plays no games no but it’s huge like I saw it
- 37:34 | brought out for a party of like six and once they sliced that thing up everybody had like this much steak on their plate
- 37:41 | and it still was meat left right it was I was like God d That’s a dinosaur but
- 37:48 | while we’re on the Virgin topic uh excuse me y’all if anybody is
- 37:56 | interested in going on version one of the things that we always offer before we go is you for you to get an
- 38:02 | opportunity to get the $600 onboard credit with the $300 deposit yes so we
- 38:08 | actually sent it out to our email list today to give them the opportunity first
- 38:13 | but also we wanted to extend that Olive Branch to you guys um there is no link yet but I just wanted to first see if
- 38:21 | you were interested in in it and um if you want some more information just put
- 38:26 | in the chat I’m interested and if you interested I will drop the link so you can go to the website to get all the
- 38:32 | information about how the deal work and all thee because when we go on them we always get them because the $300 down
- 38:38 | payment plus the $300 off the Nick saleing plus the $600 $600 on board
- 38:44 | credit is definitely a great deal it is and what we’re talking about is called
- 38:50 | the placeholders yes um and you can only get them on board so once you leave that
- 38:55 | ship you have like a c certain window of time I think it’s five to 10 days if I’m not mistaken off top of my head where
- 39:02 | you can actually obtain them as a travel agent I’m AG it used to be unlimited but now we can only get 10 while we’re on
- 39:09 | board so what I do is I extend that Olive Branch to anybody that wants those
- 39:14 | while I’m on boards I can get them on your behalf yeah so I see uh let me see
- 39:21 | uh what it say I’m interested interested all right uh interested how do you want them to get the yeah I’m
- 39:27 | getting ready to drop’s going drop the link I’m going drop the link so again what they offer you’re going to be able to see it with more great detail on the
- 39:34 | website so basically you’ll pay uh $300 plus the convenience fee because you um
- 39:40 | there is a convenience fee credit card company do charge us money to process those so that way we can have the full
- 39:46 | 300 to be able to buy your placeholder but $300 will get you $300 off your nck
- 39:52 | virgin boys booking plus $600 of one board credit so we can only get 10 so
- 39:59 | once the 10 is gone that’s it so let me uh let me come back over here and drop
- 40:04 | the link for you guys all right so that’s the link is
- 40:09 | coming there we go and that’s what a lot of people do like especially with our group cruises a
- 40:16 | lot of people that are like the people that are going on our group Cruise in a few days they’re going to hold up and
- 40:22 | get their placeholder and then they’re going to book grease trust me cuz that’s what happened with this what everybody
- 40:27 | was like uh uh boom boom boom and then they booked this one with the sense makes sense it makes a lot of sense
- 40:34 | makes a whole lot of sense all right what’s going on Timothy say hey family I just got done with my first cruise last
- 40:41 | Thursday on the sunrise out of Miami all right and I can’t wait for my second Cruise in August of 2025 on a c
- 40:49 | celebration in Miami thanks for the tips that’s what’s up well I know you had a good time right I know you had a good
- 40:56 | time that’s what we love and that’s one of the things of why we really started this channel because for those of you
- 41:02 | have new and you haven’t seen our first time Cruis horor Story We bombed the
- 41:07 | first cruise y we didn’t Cruise no more for 10 years thank God for my aunt convinced us because she convinced us to
- 41:14 | come back and try it again and we are here now because of because of her yep
- 41:19 | and now we’re on here now teaching other first timers so you won’t bomb it so you can come back and have a story just like
- 41:26 | Timothy I took my first I can’t wait for the second but y’all be like second third fourth fifth
- 41:34 | be going boy but we love it though I I think it’s funny when I have clients
- 41:39 | that have never cruised before and they’ll book their first cruise with me they’ll come back well they haven’t even
- 41:44 | went on the cruise yet but they’ll come back to me maybe a month later like hey L I would like the book da d d and I’m
- 41:50 | like you a went on the first one yet and then they’ll come back again I’m like whoa whoa whoa you don’t even know if you gonna
- 41:56 | like it first but I love that kind of confidence that it’s like listen get in and I love that some people do it so far
- 42:02 | in advance that their payments are like 60 bucks a month right so I love it
- 42:09 | what’s up what’s up Jazzy Fitness what’s up again fam what’s going on uh say question husband and I are sailing on
- 42:16 | the celebration in coming November there will be our this will be our second time on this ship okay uh do we need to get
- 42:23 | the free dining options for the restaurants like um chabang or oh do you still get them yes yeah so
- 42:30 | what happened is if when you say you went uh oh you say you going in um
- 42:35 | November but I don’t know when the last time you went the first time we went those free options shebang and cachina
- 42:42 | de capano was unlimited like if you wanted to eat there every night instead of going to the dining room you could
- 42:49 | but now this year you can only choose one I mean you can do each one of them
- 42:55 | once if you decide hey I want to double back and go back to shebang then it was
- 43:00 | $8 so still not a bad deal right but now it’s not unlimited it’s just you you hit
- 43:06 | that one once you hit the other one once and after that you gotta pay yep what’s
- 43:12 | up Kayla Kayla says finally CAU a live I’ve been following y’all since 2019
- 43:18 | well D wow said I think Stanley had hair on his
- 43:23 | head going on going on the back to back on the Jubilee at no November wow yeah
- 43:28 | that’s a long way back I had to look up because he had hair last week yeah I had to look up back off again yeah somebody
- 43:36 | had said on Instagram it was funny they said never trust a man that is voluntarily
- 43:43 | bald I mean that’s what they said I mean they always have said don’t trust a man with a beard and a mustache too they did
- 43:49 | so hey or mohaul so what you say you just got to show him that you can be trusted yeah
- 43:57 | well you ain’t got to show them [ __ ] got to just be me and let the chips fall where they man I thought it was funny
- 44:02 | they was like wait a minute so people volunteer to be balls like stany has been volunteering to be ball for what
- 44:08 | about 10 years now yeah it’s been a while all right let’s see we got
- 44:15 | oops did we do this oops finally caught a live indeed you
- 44:21 | didina we saw that one already we did all right in the celebration hey sipping
- 44:28 | what’s up fam all right we did not see this one said hey y’all from Detroit I
- 44:35 | don’t want to mess your name up uh can the Cru amount um change if I don’t
- 44:42 | prepaid it used to be a prepaid futi discount it’s exactly the same now so
- 44:49 | whether you prepay it or you let them automatically take it out before you leave the ship it’s going to be the
- 44:54 | exact same price all right yes indeed candy girl yes
- 45:01 | indeed yes indeed I can’t wait I need this vacation it’s not a vacation but it’s it’s it’s a
- 45:07 | vacation it’s still a vacation but it’s not but it is what’s up Lori said best cruise destination for a once in a
- 45:16 | lifetime Cruise all right so it’s goingon to be a
- 45:21 | stretch based off of my own experience the European destinations yeah Greece
- 45:27 | they’re life changing like that is that’s one for the books yes and I am
- 45:34 | the person that nothing about Europe enticed me I was not interested never
- 45:41 | have been and if it wasn’t for the opportunity to go over there I would not
- 45:46 | have ever gone to be honest and now it’s
- 45:52 | like my faith it is my faith yep
- 45:57 | and uh this is a good opportunity also family uh let’s help Lori out what what
- 46:03 | do y’all think the best Cru destinations is for that once in a-lifetime Cruise
- 46:08 | other than Greece go ahead go ahead and give family another some more ideas any comments now I will say what’s on my
- 46:15 | bucket list is and I think this might top it but I’m not sure Hawaii I’m very
- 46:22 | look much looking forward to that um Alaska now that I’m able to see it yeah
- 46:29 | from yeah from the our perspective because I haven’t seen a lot of videos
- 46:35 | that made it look like I actually wanted to go I wanted to check it off the bucket list but now I’m
- 46:41 | like hey yo I need to go um and also it’s another one it’s another one it’s
- 46:48 | another one um I’m interested in doing like the Asia
- 46:54 | um itinerary but I’m not at the same time if that makes any sense like I’m very
- 47:00 | interested but I don’t know if traveling that far to do it on a cruise is gonna be worth it rather than just to just go
- 47:08 | straight to Asia gotcha I don’t know all
- 47:16 | right let’s see
- 47:23 | oh all right Jason said have you noticed that the price Heights for the airfare
- 47:28 | getting to your departure ports I am following the airfare for 413 2025 Crews
- 47:35 | and the price went from four 580 for two to 1,400 oh my word wow oh my word
- 47:45 | wow yeah that’s that’s three times the price wow wow and here’s the thing about
- 47:52 | us I don’t know if y’all ever heard us say but our flights are always expensive leaving here the only flights that we
- 47:57 | can get out of here where we don’t feel like we need to take a freaking Su mortgage out on our house is when we fly
- 48:03 | out of here crack a dawn early on Jet Blue to fly to Fort Lauderdale yeah
- 48:09 | usually we can fly there one way to both of us for about 250
- 48:16 | 350 anything else to leave up out of here we looking at a easy round trip
- 48:23 | over $1,200 and no exaggeration it’s it’s
- 48:29 | ridiculous how how pricey they are for leaving out of um r i and
- 48:34 | Virginia and what’s up uh jamaa said hey fam because of y’all’s videos me and my
- 48:41 | boyfriend are going on our fourth crew oh you on your fourth first Virgin
- 48:47 | voes uh cruise through in November come on now actually we went on our first um
- 48:54 | virgin voyers Cruise in November of 20 sure was 22 that was our first time going was in
- 49:01 | November but y’all enjoy Y and come back and let us know man that was the cruise that stany came back in the room after
- 49:09 | going to Scarlet night man took his clothes off not all the way and sat in
- 49:16 | the chair and said what in the was that
- 49:21 | yeah like what did we just experience and I said welcome to college days cuz
- 49:27 | yeah I said it was the combination of a rave it was a combination of a house
- 49:33 | party it was a combination of um all the above Project
- 49:39 | X yeah it the like when he says the energy was so high we just I thought the
- 49:44 | [ __ ] was gonna blow up like like it was gonna be our last night on earth I mean that energy was insane like we hitting
- 49:52 | Heaven from the party or hell you know one of them from the from the body it
- 49:57 | cuz yeah I mean I mean when when you feel the energy going through your body because the Bas is hitting so hard on
- 50:04 | the ship you’re just like what the freak and you can’t stop dancing I was like are we in a trance are we in a TR all
- 50:12 | right what’s up sh say what’s the name of the drink um to put on your on your
- 50:20 | butt wait a minute can you retype that yeah but if you’re asking about the drink that st’s been putting people on
- 50:27 | that’s Tokyo toy and don’t get it twisted Tokyo te is
- 50:32 | nothing but a spin on a Long Island Ice so it is all five Liquors and it also
- 50:38 | has melon Lor and a splash of either Sprite or lemonade right preferably
- 50:46 | lemonade so that’s why it gets you tow up like that because you you got it you got it it’s
- 50:53 | it’s a spin-off Al long hour and shouts out to everybody that came back and the Facebook page and and posted your Tokyo
- 51:00 | te it’s it’s going crazy yep hey Ramon what’s up Ramon say hey family Ramon
- 51:07 | Ramon sorry about that fam say hey fam question is there a reason the military
- 51:12 | price seem to be higher than the early saver uh do we get anything included that I’m not
- 51:19 | seeing this is where the professional Lynette leaves out the door and the
- 51:24 | actual consumer enters the door I don’t freaking know and here’s the thing I
- 51:29 | look at it every day because whenever somebody tells me I compare both pricing most of the time they’re the
- 51:36 | exact same but the early savers of course the deposit can be 5075 $100 the
- 51:44 | deposits on the freaking military are usually $250 per
- 51:50 | person I don’t understand it there’s nothing more that you get other than
- 51:55 | the the invitation to the Celebration that they have on board honoring you
- 52:01 | know our military but other than that no I don’t understand it so I’m right there
- 52:07 | with you it has Pro and I’ve been doing this for a while I think I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen me be
- 52:15 | able to beat a early saver deal with a military discount and some people be like well
- 52:22 | you didn’t give me my military discount like I can give it to you but you’re going to pay more and your depit is going to be higher so
- 52:29 | yeah yeah what’s up sipp in uh
- 52:35 | with SH I don’t want to mess your name up what’s going
- 52:40 | on I’m going on my first cruise next month to the Bahamas cool that’s what’s
- 52:46 | up uh jzz Fitness said uh you are the reason my husband and I had the perfect
- 52:51 | first cruise on the celebration it was Perfection I like that I’m glad we was
- 52:57 | able to help that makes my heart smile yes indeed and like we said that’s why we here that is why we’re here that’s
- 53:03 | why we here hey lamb 32 days to the Utopia thanks for getting us together
- 53:10 | days 32 days 32 days okay indee that’s not our date I was trying to calculate see if that was our date what’s up Dion
- 53:16 | said my first cruise is August to the Bahamas cool that’s what’s up Tania I
- 53:23 | said Can gratuity price change if I don’t oh yeah we did um you’re Leo too
- 53:30 | Adam all right Leo season freaking season kicking it with Kim is Leo Leo
- 53:35 | season yes indeed all right Sam I’m currently packing for the Virgin cruise
- 53:41 | I know that’s right pray for me pray for me listen let me tell you I don’t have a
- 53:46 | Scarlet night outfit I ordered one from Amazon just off of whim and it was a
- 53:52 | threepiece outfit kind of had like a bando shorts
- 53:59 | and a cover why I ain’t got no shorts yeah you
- 54:04 | got so I was like I’m just gonna find something in my closet to we at this point I don’t have a choice unless I
- 54:10 | want to go shopping tomorrow yep and I’m not doing that I I cannot I gotta go get these nails done in the morning and that
- 54:16 | is my last bit of Maintenance what’s up Erica said question any recommendations for a hotel
- 54:23 | ports of Miami I might have answered that already I dropped the link it’s a link in the um description in the com
- 54:30 | yeah in the comments um to our page that we have the different port recommendations for Miami M of fact all
- 54:36 | the popular ones yeah it’s all of them yeah um taking our first Cruise in
- 54:41 | January 30th anniversary and 50th birthday I know that’s right all right
- 54:46 | say cover maor milest two for one hello but but two gifts y two gifts should
- 54:54 | show the family some love yes please do all right if you still enjoying this live and getting into value don’t forget
- 55:00 | to smash that like button when you come in the D aiyah said will we recommend the drink package and our answer to that
- 55:09 | is always kind of with a question are you a drinker and I know
- 55:14 | people be like it’s more to it than just alcohol nobody’s paying $600 for milkshakes especially coffees and Waters
- 55:21 | and sodas if you going to drink that amount of money MH then it’s definitely
- 55:27 | worth it to you we’ve purchased it once it was my birthday cruise and we did it
- 55:33 | for the sheer fact that it was my birthday cruise and then two we wanted to see if we would get our money’s worth
- 55:40 | based off of our current trend of how we did it and for my birthday we went ham
- 55:45 | just because we had it and we still after we calculated would have spent way
- 55:51 | less yep than we did by buying the package now a lot of people buy it it
- 55:57 | works out for them but we are vacation drinkers so we may
- 56:02 | go hard the first couple of days just the because we in the momentum and after that we don’t taper it off like we we
- 56:10 | taper um and the other part other part of the uh I had in my mind you said
- 56:16 | something it went went R out my mind all right about the drink package uh let me
- 56:22 | go back over and look at her back um is it worth it
- 56:28 | um oh that was getting ready to say something it’ll come back yeah it’ll come back it will come back did my
- 56:34 | cousin say she want to get left In Another Country what what what’s up TOA
- 56:39 | I’m TOA thank you for the $10 Super Chat greatly freak said hey fam my phone
- 56:44 | didn’t want me to be great today had to re restart just to post oh wow enjoy
- 56:52 | your uh work vacation trip I I don’t know if Horizon got any Tokyo tees left
- 56:58 | cuz I might have drank drank them all you may have done your boy a favor so
- 57:04 | that he don’t fall out any more elevators right hey they got hey they got some stash for us on there man oh
- 57:11 | they got stash for yeah oh they got stashed for us listen I told you the last time that I really drank them that
- 57:17 | was when I was taking pictures with people that I don’t remember I don’t remember taking pictures with most of the people I took pictures with NOP oh I
- 57:24 | remember what it was um F say you heard that the drinks wasn’t strong yes that is true at certain bars on Carnival um
- 57:32 | certain bars are not that strong in our opinion so that’s why we typically run to the Alchemy bar alemy pool
- 57:40 | bars and even it all depends but it’s the one in the back tid yeah all the rest of them I I yeah
- 57:48 | they yeah it’s another one well it’s on celebration it’s one on the outside
- 57:55 | right there where they have like the hero celebration area it’s a little bar on the
- 58:02 | outside that’s the one what’s up Cheryl say hello fam from
- 58:08 | New Orleans I I know that’s right what’s up what’s up we need to get there we do
- 58:14 | what’s up Carrie say hey y’all have you ever bought trash bags many WS from Dollar Tree for your room if so does the
- 58:22 | attendance complain about having them and do they throw them away no I have never I don’t I mean I’m
- 58:30 | trying to figure out why yeah I I’ve never done that I mean because they clean up so often that you don’t have an
- 58:36 | accumulation of I mean but it’s just us so if you traveling with family and you got kids I can possibly see that yeah
- 58:43 | you think you’ll accumulate trash faster than they can take it out your room yeah but all than that you don’t yeah because
- 58:49 | at the end of the day you can you can request them to come clean so I mean but I can’t see them
- 58:56 | having an issue with it I mean especially you’re bagging it up and of instead of trashing the place and
- 59:03 | leaving crust everywhere like I I literally went past people’s rooms and their door was open and I’m like you
- 59:09 | should be embarrassed yeah yeah this this is a good question uh about putting
- 59:16 | the trash outside the door oh that food yeah now I don’t mind putting I don’t mind putting like the trades out there
- 59:22 | because they for them to take because they make you do it yeah but like do anybody put like their trash
- 59:28 | bags out there like I don’t I I I’ve never felt comfortable with doing that but I’ve seen some people I’ve SE people
- 59:34 | do it I’ve seen people trash bags out there i’ rather see the trash bags than the food but that’s what you supposed to
- 59:40 | do but I absolutely hate it yeah I don’t yeah I yeah I’ll put like the food tray
- 59:46 | because it ain’t it ain’t enough room in the cabin to have the food trayes up on the up on the uh table and everything so
- 59:52 | you got to get but as far as the trash I yeah I’ll trash just be running over to the to the room stward yeah so we’ll tie
- 59:58 | it up yeah yeah I don’t know how y’all feel about that uh do y’all do that do you don’t like it it would be good to
- 1:00:06 | hear September 3D Alaska oh okay September 3D to Alaska
- 1:00:12 | okay all right what’s up Australia have big ass Potters or something Australia has all of like everything every phobia
- 1:00:20 | that you possibly think of Australia is the place to make all nightmares happen yep they got the deadliest the deadliest
- 1:00:27 | animals and insects I’m not gonna say in the in the world because I could be misspeaking but
- 1:00:35 | yes what’s up Lashanda said July the 30 July the 31st Leo here that’s what I’m
- 1:00:41 | talking about Leo in the house heavy and I are celebrating on the breeze leaving Monday turning big 50 I know happy
- 1:00:50 | freaking birthday yes indeed happy fifth waiting for last also yeah I’m excited
- 1:00:56 | to see what what is available once they release the dates so I can comb through
- 1:01:01 | and see and you know yes what’s up
- 1:01:07 | Stephen said question just got off our first cruise on June with our teenagers
- 1:01:12 | we are hooked but uh thinking about cruising without them any recommendations kovo
- 1:01:20 | Virgin Royal or MSC virgin virgin you have the kids yeah
- 1:01:26 | yeah and if this may be your one in in a very long time opportunity to not sell
- 1:01:31 | with them do virgin and get it out the way while you can yeah yeah knock that
- 1:01:37 | knock that one off off The Bucket List bucket list yeah knock that one off yes this and then you save the Royal and the
- 1:01:43 | MSC when we coming back with the teenagers or when you just choose to leave them at home again but get it out
- 1:01:50 | the way first yeah thank you Michael yeah thank you Michael say uh cruising
- 1:01:55 | in no remember on a celebration yeah celebration is hot this year it is I
- 1:02:00 | think we had a lot to do with that honestly celebration is hot all right
- 1:02:05 | said um Vicky said how many Cruises have we been on at this point I don’t know yeah we lost matter of fact we said we
- 1:02:12 | need to do that do that count it’s not as much as people think though uh but it’s it’s definitely more than what we
- 1:02:19 | were prior to um doing this doing this yeah like the last few years to be
- 1:02:24 | honest we’ve had a lot of opportunity to go and we took them because you strike
- 1:02:32 | when the iron is hot it was not planned so the last couple of years are
- 1:02:38 | very smoking mirrors because that’s not our Trend but I want to say at this point
- 1:02:46 | we’ve probably done about 15 to 20 I I ain’t even going to
- 1:02:54 | guess I think it’s more than that though I don’t think so I think it’s more than that uh but the next time we come back
- 1:03:00 | to the live we G we should we we should have that try to have that number yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll calculate it’ll
- 1:03:06 | actually be good for us to calculate it see can and it may not even be 15 to 20 it could be less than that because some
- 1:03:11 | ships we’ve doubled up on a few times because we left from our home Port right like sunshine we’ve done sun no Sunrise
- 1:03:18 | we’ve done Sunrise like three times yeah um Sunrise once celebration twice
- 1:03:26 | like eight n 10 yeah what’s going on Johnny say call live Wonderful glad you
- 1:03:33 | was able to catch a you were here can you bring flushable wipes I do but it’s
- 1:03:39 | against the rules yeah so I just leave it at that and a flushable SE Coast yeah
- 1:03:45 | yeah um it’s really bad for the plumbing so I’m going to say no because
- 1:03:54 | it is forbidden to actually bring those stuff on board but uh the way I groom
- 1:04:00 | myself at home I can’t just stop stop that that process yeah but if
- 1:04:06 | you do do it be careful very care those toilets are very easy to stop up and you
- 1:04:12 | you don’t want to be that person and they gonna find out that you had them wipes yeah and everybody doing it like one or
- 1:04:19 | two people doing it they it probably doesn’t do anything a whole ship of people doing flush Ables disaster
- 1:04:26 | uh what’s up fam I’ll be on the Carnival Cruise in October for my honeymoon cannot wait congratulations
- 1:04:32 | congratulations for real for real all right all right all right say kicking it
- 1:04:38 | with Kim said July the 27th okay Leo here I wish there was a button that we could push to let us know
- 1:04:45 | when we’ve read something something already it all just jumbles together what’s up Tasha question um how is the
- 1:04:52 | Internet on the magic dude they have the starlink love and appreciate both of you
- 1:04:58 | so much Tasha I cannot confidently answer whether they have starlink or not
- 1:05:04 | it has been rolling out the different ships but I’m not sure if it’s magic but I can say it magic probably should have
- 1:05:10 | been the the first ship if they do have it so anybody in that comment has been on the magic lately can verify that do
- 1:05:16 | they have that on there now because they definitely need it because to be honest the magic is the worst internet we’ve
- 1:05:22 | ever experienced yeah ever yeah talking about being frustrated yep that was one
- 1:05:30 | that when I say we were down probably 70% of the time and the only time we
- 1:05:36 | could get on the internet because I work remotely um and I shouldn’t have I
- 1:05:42 | should have shut down that week I had to get up like at 3 o’clock in the morning
- 1:05:48 | when everybody when all the drunk people were asleep and not on the internet in order to do any work and then as soon as
- 1:05:55 | like 7 o’ hit crash what’s going rud boy what’s up
- 1:06:01 | what’s up family what’s up all right Gary said uh going on the accountable
- 1:06:06 | gloryia on August the 9th all right what’s up Miss V what 44 L what’s going
- 1:06:13 | on what’s going on Derek a true story thank you so much
- 1:06:19 | that one already got that one um go back up we got that one already oh I thought
- 1:06:25 | he was asking more questions about the MC um any tips for an Alaskan cruise I
- 1:06:31 | am not the one to ask at this moment so Addie and Terry will be an amazing resource rich and Jazz will be an
- 1:06:37 | amazing resource because they just did it matter of fact when it’s time to do I’m gonna start picking brains we all in
- 1:06:44 | this together yes indeed so we can be ready for 2026 so we can be ready for
- 1:06:49 | 2026 all right what’s up Pamela said thank you all listening to your channel
- 1:06:55 | when preparing for our first cruise last year glad I caught could catch you all
- 1:07:01 | live glad apprciate it appreciate you being here yes indeed sound surprised I haven’t ran into you all in Glenn Allen
- 1:07:07 | that’s because we work all the time right I mean we work from my home so yeah so we ain’t got to leave here that much now Fridays you might catch us on a
- 1:07:15 | Friday that’s like a heavy day when we’re like out in about half of the day
- 1:07:21 | in short P but other than that like I tell people we live here like when I say we live
- 1:07:28 | here that’s just literally what we do we get groceries brought in we get it delivered we go and do our maintenance
- 1:07:35 | hair nails beard hair all of that kind of stuff but we don’t hang out in this
- 1:07:41 | date like we we leave here to hang out we want to go out in them streets
- 1:07:48 | yeah we we don’t do um a whole lot here what’s up rude boy said I’m going on the Carnival Cruise in 115 days 6 hours and
- 1:07:57 | 42 minutes but who’s counting tell me you ready while telling me that you
- 1:08:02 | ready Robin from the 757 did you go to the Chris Brown concert I am so yeah for
- 1:08:09 | what you showed me yeah that JN like was lit here’s the thing here’s the thing
- 1:08:15 | sometimes when you are close to situations you take for granted people start
- 1:08:20 | them and I never was interested in going into a Chris Brown concert because I reach to him is like this and so we
- 1:08:29 | didn’t go and then I’m like we should have went to that freaking concert because he did his [ __ ]
- 1:08:36 | thing from what you show me I’m so upset yeah from what you showed me yeah he did his thing he did his thing I am so proud
- 1:08:44 | of him yes indeed what’s up Christina said uh I saw one of the videos that you
- 1:08:50 | were about to see the location of your room from the outside of the ship and
- 1:08:55 | they put a chain ship to wow say uh how uh did you do that uh
- 1:09:02 | I can get I can only pull it up on the flow okay hold on wait a minute I saw
- 1:09:08 | one of your videos oh I know what you’re talking about okay what she talking about the the room map the ship map oh
- 1:09:14 | so we showed the loc in room so she U how did how did we do that I do it from my travel Asia portal but if you Google
- 1:09:22 | any just Google um whatever ship you’re going on so just say virgin voyages d d
- 1:09:27 | d Scarlet lady deck playing yeah you can do it like cbra deck plan yeah it’ll pop
- 1:09:34 | up like that yep it’s just a little bit more work on y’all’s end but from my
- 1:09:41 | end it’s how we it’s how we map out especially if you’re doing groups it’s how you map out your
- 1:09:47 | people y let’s
- 1:09:53 | see all right what’s going on Slim what’s up going slim thank you so much
- 1:09:59 | thank you so much for the $10 super sticker we appreciate appreciate you you always come through and be a blessing we
- 1:10:04 | we definitely appreciate you for sure for show for sure and before we move forward all of our channel members thank
- 1:10:10 | you all for being here yeah shouts out to you for your monthly contributions great app not take it lightly I hope you
- 1:10:18 | all have been enjoying the behind the scenes Vlogs of course you’re going to get more now we get ready to get back
- 1:10:23 | ready to get back out there I’m actually editing one right now that I’m trying to get out before we leave so that will
- 1:10:30 | give y’all y’all second for the month because we have a commitment of doing two a month um I would love for it to be
- 1:10:37 | more but two is the commitment what’s going on d uh said
- 1:10:44 | thank you so much for the $2 super um chat we greatly greatly appreciate that
- 1:10:49 | yes cousin why do you want to get left in another country I mean we can purposely go to the
- 1:10:56 | country yeah we can stay up try to leave up over there spoken fact says is it good to go
- 1:11:04 | on a cruise for Thanksgiving or Christmas we can speak to Thanksgiving yes yes um but everybody that I have
- 1:11:10 | even booked for Christmas absolutely love it yeah we just have not personally
- 1:11:16 | been but I will say for Thanksgiving like we told them last week we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves but if you
- 1:11:23 | are southern bread or country bed like we are you will miss your food like you
- 1:11:29 | will miss yeah Grandma’s cooking Auntie’s corn pudding fried turkeys like you’re going to miss stuff like that but
- 1:11:36 | for us once we C back then I did I cook or did I go to somebody house I think we
- 1:11:42 | went over your own house something like that CUA something like yeah I don’t think you cooked cuz in black families do okay raise your
- 1:11:49 | hand if in y’all family y’all had like two three holiday celebrations for the
- 1:11:55 | same holiday so this weekend is at this one’s house this week is for the people
- 1:12:01 | that couldn’t make it to the other ones house and then through the middle of the week hey food is good for for two days
- 1:12:09 | come back over here and make plates y’all do y’all do [Laughter]
- 1:12:14 | that say what’s up again fam say how is the carnival Sunrise oh we we really
- 1:12:20 | enjoyed it y we enjoyed it uh for the three times that we’ done been on it I
- 1:12:25 | didn’t have no problems no problems at all look at g g g and here uhhuh oh hell
- 1:12:33 | she put her hands up that yeah three different locations K said me oh three
- 1:12:39 | different locations like a after Sunday service uhhuh what’s up shames what’s up Feb say
- 1:12:46 | hey boo Leo nation in the place to be all freaking day all day hey and we
- 1:12:52 | appreciate you too sis you’ve been rocking with us for long time we go back like four fat how
- 1:12:58 | do you say go back like fourat on Cadillac yeah something like that yeah yeah back from like um you you random
- 1:13:07 | yeah way back so we appreciate you rocking with us yeah love you fam all right what’s up Ashley said
- 1:13:15 | y’all coming to the 757 October the 12th weekend for Something In The Water we
- 1:13:20 | need to I will be out of the country oh yes we we’ been trying to catch
- 1:13:25 | something in the water forever and every time there is something going on or by
- 1:13:31 | the time I make up my mind to go there’s no hotels that’s usually what the problem
- 1:13:36 | is yeah and or except for what’s that hotel the the blue Marland or what’s
- 1:13:41 | that one at the end of the strip and I said y’all have lost y’all got on mind you think I’m GNA stay there not the
- 1:13:47 | ones that look like the one that um montin Luther King got assassinated outside of I I do not do hotels where you can
- 1:13:55 | see me going in my room from the outside I a no they look like assassination
- 1:14:00 | hotels I don’t nope yeah I with you on that one uhuh I need I need a door
- 1:14:07 | another glass door a key card assess to go up the elevator y I don’t play them
- 1:14:13 | games big wal said a lot of Leos in here 723 myself yeah it is I mean yes see
- 1:14:19 | when Leo season all the Leos is coming on out man yes indeed so if you a Leo and you ain’t came out yet you got to
- 1:14:26 | come out so we can know you all you a Leo in the house now so we got to see all the Leo safe yeah come on now I I
- 1:14:32 | know us Leos we we we we tap with caution but it’s safe here uhuh I see I
- 1:14:38 | see ER say August the 2 Leo gang come on now yes indeed it is a lot of Leos in
- 1:14:44 | here so while I’m waiting on y’all I’mma answer uh uh Alexander’s question said where can I find a blackowned website
- 1:14:52 | that sell Cruise shirts for couples that’s actually a good question yes like
- 1:14:58 | we don’t know any that sells specifically Cru shirts they just sell like that’s a market that somebody needs
- 1:15:05 | to get into now we um we do have a partnership with um Power and black they
- 1:15:11 | don’t have a lot of cruise shirts but sometimes I can make them Cruise shirts um and I have actually hey may
- 1:15:18 | maybe we could do it no I got too much on my plate but anyway um I have reached
- 1:15:23 | out to them and told them say like this is a market you know you should do and they never responded so hell you might
- 1:15:31 | be on this something maybe I could stop selling as many cruises as I do Cru t-shirts slang them shirts and slang
- 1:15:38 | some my coup’s t-shirts man yeah yes indeed a lot of honest great question if
- 1:15:44 | it’s not there I just I just Cruise Amazon all right I see man look at all
- 1:15:49 | them Leos in the house I see Tanisha okay you a dayb before me I didn’t know that
- 1:15:55 | squina Leo wow let me see okay all right okay T my brother was
- 1:16:04 | almost a Leo say got got to barell Leo okay we got man August 18 Debbie yeah so
- 1:16:11 | y’all twin twins Where Have You Been yeah man say those hotels Be Wild on the
- 1:16:17 | end yeah nothing drunk and crackheads right
- 1:16:23 | right all right what’s what’s up Scurry says so I’ve been watching y’all for a
- 1:16:28 | minute so I did I did a think in book three cruises this year August September
- 1:16:35 | and November wow oh oh that’s what I’m talking about I love it I love it man oh
- 1:16:42 | love it all
- 1:16:50 | right what’s up Carolina girl thank you for the $2 for CH say hey family and
- 1:16:57 | Stanley’s voice I love y’all’s Vlogs apprciate I appreciate that fam appreciate appreciate that oh c me
- 1:17:05 | travel oh y’all live in Dan um Danville okay in in the Lynchburg area okay have
- 1:17:11 | not been there in a very long time I don’t know the last time yeah it’s been
- 1:17:16 | a it’s been a very long time what’s up solid sister says salute I live an hour
- 1:17:21 | away from norol never knew it was a port here wait what
- 1:17:28 | what wait what wow F like when they literally say
- 1:17:34 | something is in your back door it’s literally in your back door we were just in norol what two weeks ago something
- 1:17:42 | like that two three weeks ago uh what’s up again Jay Michelle said oh yeah yeah
- 1:17:47 | Michelle said looking forward to seeing Carnival’s new class of ships let’s talk about that yeah man with getting what
- 1:17:54 | you said a ,000 people that’s a lot of people man okay so Carnival is coming out with some a different class of ship
- 1:18:03 | that are going to hold 8,000 people which is actually more than the icon of the Seas right now because the icon is a
- 1:18:10 | little over 7 7600 I think yeah something like that wow I don’t know if
- 1:18:16 | I like this for Carnival because Carnival has a consistent issue with Staffing
- 1:18:25 | even on the celebration look how long it took us to get our food like when we
- 1:18:30 | were sitting in the dining room and things like that thankfully we had a group where people were conversing you
- 1:18:36 | know among each other so it didn’t feel like it was long but it was a good little time before food started to come
- 1:18:43 | out what y’all gonna do with 8,000 freaking people on board when you
- 1:18:48 | already have an issue with trying to um service the people on board crowd
- 1:18:56 | controlling to get people on board in a timely manner like it’s not bad but it could be way better but as that
- 1:19:02 | debarkation that’s gonna Buck them up if they don’t hurry up and get that straight they’re the only cruise line
- 1:19:08 | that seem to still have debar issues yeah and granted it’s the people
- 1:19:15 | though but at what point is is is the number of people you trying to get on
- 1:19:20 | one ship going to cut off right is like it going to be 10 years from now you going be able to get 120,000 of us on
- 1:19:26 | one ship look short going be on a ship yeah it’s going to be a whole you have a whole city floating to a city uhuh we
- 1:19:32 | gonna need um we gonna need tuts to be able to um to be able to get from one end of the ship to the other so G said
- 1:19:39 | Con needs to do smaller ships with a new look and new amenity yep boom yeah I
- 1:19:45 | would yeah I I I didn’t even think about it until you just said that yeah it’s I think it’s one of those red and got them
- 1:19:52 | all in their feelings to R them broke the world the internet and everything with that icon yeah so now Carnival
- 1:19:58 | wants to do it I’m like you ain’t got to do it that’s the problem with competition competition make us make
- 1:20:04 | stupid decisions y make us spend money that we don’t have so I’m like come on conal you got
- 1:20:11 | it going on with celebration Mar gr and Jubilee yeah let that be your your your
- 1:20:17 | I’m not trying to say put a sealing on a company but let that be your your this
- 1:20:22 | what you’re good at Perfect that do it well then Circle back around and like G
- 1:20:29 | said and I’ve been saying and I need to talk to somebody let’s
- 1:20:34 | refb and referb for real the older ships or scrap them yeah bring out new ships
- 1:20:42 | that are dream class um size um um what’s the other one fantasy class
- 1:20:50 | do those size ships and make them nice so that when we take our pictures in the mirror we don’t look like we in the
- 1:20:56 | middle of a freaking circus with this godam orange and this seao
- 1:21:03 | blue cause it makes me click off every time I hate it and then the boobs in the
- 1:21:10 | ceiling why did you get her on them ships why did you get her on these ships there it
- 1:21:16 | go I need a healing hey look hey the the the queen
- 1:21:22 | that just got on her soap Bo what what do y’all think about it man do y’all like you know do y’all think this is a
- 1:21:29 | good idea for them to get bigger ships no what y’all think you know I yeah I I’m with you I don’t I don’t think they
- 1:21:36 | should go bigger than what they already have Royal does it well and even Royal when they rolled out
- 1:21:43 | icon we were on icon and was not at full capacity because even Royal says we
- 1:21:48 | don’t want to break our employees like that say my necklace is on backwards I mean it could be to them because we’re
- 1:21:54 | flipped oh yeah we oh um it’s all right
- 1:22:01 | yeah appreciate that Derek yeah yes it’s the mirror thing
- 1:22:07 | yeah I think it’s yeah uhhuh but yeah even Royal they were like no let’s go ahead and and test this skit
- 1:22:14 | out see how many you need a drink I don’t because next week is GNA
- 1:22:22 | be that kind of week all right now
- 1:22:27 | Tanisha bigger ain’t always but well but the question is do had con sent
- 1:22:37 | out a survey to it’s customer Bas to find out if we even want
- 1:22:43 | it probably not cause just because just because like you said just because we went on the icon doesn’t mean we want
- 1:22:50 | you know like you we want to stay there like filter that money like you said filter that money over to make the ships
- 1:22:55 | better first of all y’all can’t even do a decent paint job cuz the freedom was out there looking real no no no no
- 1:23:02 | Freedom was looking good but she still don’t have a freaking tail and then we got the sunshine that’s out there with
- 1:23:08 | Russ all over that looking like tomater look we talk a whole lot of skit about
- 1:23:13 | Connor but I love him and and and how the rust buckets and then stuff falling
- 1:23:19 | apart but I can remember back in the day and even till today if you stranded you
- 1:23:24 | need somewhere to go you ain’t looking at how the vehicle look you just want to make sure that the vehicle can start and
- 1:23:31 | it got enough gas to get you from p a to Port B without breaking down hey so col
- 1:23:38 | said my shifts might be rust buckets but I get you there and get you
- 1:23:44 | back on time can I get a witness in the house
- 1:23:55 | there can be two things that exist at the same time truth and criticism exist
- 1:24:02 | at the same time car ain’t never left none of us
- 1:24:09 | stranding that’s freaking subjective they might they they might got plastic in the
- 1:24:15 | windows and they might got a spare tie on the C but they get us to Bahamas
- 1:24:21 | Jamaica wherever we got to go and get us right back to Port they say you ain’t got that on
- 1:24:29 | us we don’t be breaking down so they were like do you want to be broke down
- 1:24:35 | or do you want a nice ship I want both me too I paid for
- 1:24:42 | both I need both oh Lord hey somebody
- 1:24:47 | told me I need to use my marijuana card cuz you went you went way off the
- 1:24:54 | defense like come on back come on maybe that’s what the problem is because here’s the thing I let it expire so I
- 1:25:01 | can’t even go to The Dispensary if I wanted to like I gotta set up a whole appointment with the uh with the what’s
- 1:25:07 | it called the nurse practitioner Lord have mercy so I can’t get none if I wanted it that’s right
- 1:25:13 | that’s right jelle Carnival is the cousin yeah you know we like the we talk
- 1:25:18 | all kind of crap about the cousin hey but you still come to the cookout though oh I’m going to come to the the cookout
- 1:25:24 | but if the ribs are dry I’m G to say something about it if the macaroni and cheese got turbo cheese I’mma talk about
- 1:25:30 | that too two things can exist you can do something it could be truth and then you can do criticism and I’m going criticize
- 1:25:38 | and Grandma and and Auntie go say did you go hungry no and and did you buy
- 1:25:44 | anything yes that’s why I can run my mouth now people that don’t bring nothing yeah
- 1:25:50 | ktie pop she needs something to you hey look just like at Church everybody stress their hand towards Lynette and
- 1:25:57 | let us pray God tatch [Laughter]
- 1:26:04 | her let me stop for my locks start falling out Lord have mer let get back
- 1:26:09 | to these questions sorry y’all L we crazy all right what’s up fam said uh so
- 1:26:17 | at the two week check in do we have to add a credit card for on board purchases
- 1:26:23 | how do we pay cash on the ship for cities um two weeks prior to your cruise
- 1:26:29 | you have the option of saying this is how I want to fund my sign a sale
- 1:26:35 | card we recommend credit card if you don’t want to do a credit card you can do cash you have to stop by guest
- 1:26:41 | services or one of the kiosks once you get to the port and get on board in order to do that and if you decide not
- 1:26:49 | to do your prepaid gratuities they’re going to pull that out of your account
- 1:26:54 | well sign a sale cash account credit card it’s going to come out the day prior to leaving the ship regardless so
- 1:27:02 | for instance we have a lot of people that say oh I just want to tip the people that I come in contact with
- 1:27:07 | that’s cool if that’s what you want to do I don’t agree with it but if that’s something that people want to do that’s
- 1:27:12 | fine but guess what’s still going to happen those gratuities gonna come out because guess what they don’t know what
- 1:27:18 | you’re doing so what you would have to do is because hey now I feel like I’m
- 1:27:23 | paying way more gratuities because I’ve been doing it in cash to different people you’re going to go have to stand in guest services line to get that
- 1:27:30 | altered and I am a fan of just take care of the
- 1:27:36 | prepaid gratuities let the system that is in place do what it needs to do and
- 1:27:41 | then that way you can actually be more hands off on vacation and don’t have to worry about indeed what’s up lant lante
- 1:27:50 | from ATL what’s up fam did you ask a Debbie’s question um did you pass over
- 1:27:55 | it yes you did oops what’s up Debbie said Lynette is it okay to drink alcohol
- 1:28:01 | while wearing seab bands yes going on Caro verencia on August the 4th through the 8th you gonna be on on my birthday
- 1:28:07 | and then my birthday on August the 18th so you yeah my birthday yeah but she gon she gonna be on there on my birthday
- 1:28:14 | yeah and your birthday no her birthday is my birthday but she’s G on your birthday yeah I said that all wrong C
- 1:28:21 | bands have no medication in them C bands are ACU pressure yes ACU pressure so
- 1:28:30 | yeah all right do people get married on a cruise yes um Carnival has a whole
- 1:28:35 | wedding Department y that that’s all they do is cruising I mean weddings on
- 1:28:41 | cruises and honestly most people opt for it because it’s just way cheaper they provide cake all of that a
- 1:28:49 | reception um you can add the photo um the photography on to it okay a lot of
- 1:28:54 | people do that and then if you some people don’t actually like I think some people do their wedding part before they
- 1:29:01 | leave por so their family can actually just get on the ship for the ceremony and get back off so it’s it’s a lot of
- 1:29:09 | options with that so people do it all the time I did um a wedding last year I don’t do a whole lot
- 1:29:15 | of weddings but it was last no I actually did two I did one last year and one year for that I don’t do a lot of
- 1:29:22 | weddings um yeah they they’re a
- 1:29:29 | lot oh what else you got all right let’s see what’s up kmen says 16 of us are
- 1:29:36 | going on a accountable sunrise in October next year we got 30 friends and family going on the conival magic that’s
- 1:29:43 | what’s up wait a minute that’s a lot of people I love it when you can get friends and family on vacation I do too
- 1:29:50 | cuz that is not an easy thing no but here’s be the funny thing to me is I
- 1:29:56 | talked about this when we did um Carnival celebration where I really didn’t invite anybody but I slipped and
- 1:30:02 | told one Aunt who told everybody and if I had asked these people individually to
- 1:30:08 | go on this trip they would have never come when we got on that trip I promise you I think I I stopped counting at 16
- 1:30:16 | family members that was on that [ __ ] with us that were not personally invited
- 1:30:21 | yep and I’m like if I had tried to plan this it wouldn’t have worked it was so good to see them but it was so good to
- 1:30:26 | see a lot of them I had not seen in years or since a a funeral or something
- 1:30:32 | like that it was just it was just so good what’s up Carolina girl thank you so much for becoming a member of the
- 1:30:39 | channel greatly appreciate it so welcome to the family and you just brought it to our mind to let anybody know uh that we
- 1:30:47 | do have Channel membership so we have two if you want to support the channel you could do that one then we also have
- 1:30:53 | one of you want to support and also watch our Vlogs behind the scen blogs so we do have that so let’s keep the train
- 1:31:00 | rolling yes inde what’s going on again Rachel and thank you for the 199 Super
- 1:31:06 | Chat say your health comes first so take care of yourself always yep and that’s
- 1:31:11 | why we shut down at least three times a a year just to woaw yes have to you have
- 1:31:18 | to all right what’s up oh what’s going on z a what’s up fam Jita what’s up F
- 1:31:25 | watch your ti thank you for the $2 $2 TI I a say Super Chat and TI so thank you
- 1:31:30 | for paying your ti right and we gonna believe that the Lord gonna give you back 100 fold and return on your
- 1:31:37 | blessing that you deposited in the Kingdom but we need to see the pay St to make sure that was
- 1:31:44 | 10% because you know that there are some churches that require their people to show their past up just to make sure
- 1:31:50 | that they are tithing that’s a whole another subject leave that church yeah you don’t you oh yeah you yeah what’s up
- 1:31:58 | fais said thank you all for all the info you two are really great thank you fam you are so welcome greatly appreciate
- 1:32:05 | that icon and March all right EJ yes sir EJ and then July and Greece yes sir EJ
- 1:32:12 | got all and then marra see look EJ got all the money yeah that’s why I gr say all the money like
- 1:32:19 | you hit every heavy hitter y icon Roy MTH Carnival was on uh went to uh mald
- 1:32:28 | last last year last year yeah Isa got all the money uhhuh let’s
- 1:32:37 | jump what’s up Kim say how beautiful people did the carnival did the carnival
- 1:32:43 | Valencia June the 27th and the mahogany Tikki wood was on point oh yes thanks
- 1:32:49 | for the tip oh yeah mahogany te wood is my favorite set from Bath and Body Works yes indeed that is fire that stff smells
- 1:32:56 | so good look it smells like a sophisticated rich man yeah but he not old but he not a whipper snapper as the
- 1:33:04 | um young um old people say yeah he write in that I’m about my is that’s what that
- 1:33:10 | smells like yes good stuff good stuff what’s up Crystal on the celebration 9:15 and Margarita at C in Islander on
- 1:33:19 | 928 that’s what’s up they real close together yeah man almost um back but
- 1:33:24 | almost a side by side what’s up again Raymond said what are your thoughts about the new island celebration key we
- 1:33:30 | looking forward to it I’m looking forward to it taking my children August of 2025 on The Conquest I’m glad that
- 1:33:37 | you’re waiting until August like a lot of people jumping on it in July I’m afraid because I’ve been in the
- 1:33:45 | meetings and I’m afraid I’m like What’s the progress What’s the progress now I
- 1:33:51 | know when you know they breakr things was start to move real fast and it could have Broken Ground already I didn’t go
- 1:33:56 | on like the last couple of ones but usually when Island kind of do that first debut things are not 100% ready so
- 1:34:06 | I I want if I can like if I get an opportunity in carnival or my host agency say ayette I I want you to go you
- 1:34:14 | know da d d d I’m gonna go in July if that’s the case but I’m personally going
- 1:34:19 | to wait until about August myself all right what’s up Shay said conal
- 1:34:26 | Horizon September the 22nd so what’s up Jessica said question what is the latest
- 1:34:33 | checkin time thank you and love you guys it depends on your ship what’s their
- 1:34:39 | departure time but the latest that I’ve seen consistently is about
- 1:34:46 | 130ish oh thank you cousin thank you CZ the Tik Tok shorts are great listen one
- 1:34:52 | thing I’ll be laughing about Tik Tok is everybody know more than you baby I did a d on Tik Tok um it’s a part of some
- 1:35:01 | content we already did here about putting your phone in airplane mode baby everybody in the world swear to God that
- 1:35:07 | you don’t have to put it in Airplane Mode yes everybody has roaming on their phones these days wo cheap people don’t
- 1:35:12 | have roming and I’m like y’all have no idea what y’all talking about like you legit don’t know what you’re talking
- 1:35:18 | about and then when you try to Enlighten them they’re like no I was on a cruise and I’ve been on it and I’ve never had
- 1:35:25 | problems good for you but that’s not the norm and that’s not the standard and obviously you have some kind of plan or
- 1:35:32 | a prepaid phone that doesn’t allow those charges but standardized across the
- 1:35:39 | board put the phone airplane mode well who doesn’t shut off their data if ain’t nobody putting they in airplane mode who
- 1:35:45 | is cutting data off right like that’s a whole another Advanced
- 1:35:50 | step like airplane mode is literally right there Ain nobody going past that to say oh let me do that part that’s not
- 1:35:58 | happening EJ you just like us EJ say all money go to travel yep our house and
- 1:36:03 | travel basically that’s what we did so we because we had saw that all of our money was going to car payments loan
- 1:36:09 | payments credit card payments subscriptions that we didn’t watch and
- 1:36:14 | what kind of subscription yeah so the moment we got
- 1:36:20 | rid of all that stuff that was taking up our cash flow has directed that money to travel so that’s how we able to travel
- 1:36:26 | as much as we are yeah we prioritize the things that are important to us prioritize
- 1:36:32 | travel yes indeed look got out of debt like the only recurring debt that we
- 1:36:38 | have because a house is a debt I don’t care what they say is our house yeah cars pay
- 1:36:45 | for like I can’t stand a car payment although I’m very much thisclose to
- 1:36:50 | getting one I’m very thisclose to getting one what’s up Mario say hi hey uh hi you
- 1:36:57 | guys I remember some advice you gave about looking for Value rather than saving or something like that uh can you
- 1:37:04 | explain that part um I’m trying to say gotcha yeah um I G say because yeah I
- 1:37:11 | don’t know what we said um basically when we buy when we buy stuff especially
- 1:37:16 | when it come down since we talking about cruises anytime we see a a really cheap
- 1:37:21 | price the first thing we think about what’s wrong with it because anything
- 1:37:27 | that’s packing value ain’t going to be that cheap so if it’s a cheap price we
- 1:37:33 | always look to see what is it what does it offer so for this price what am I getting for this
- 1:37:39 | price and then if the value and the price don’t line up we skip it so we’d
- 1:37:47 | rather to pay a thousand to to to pay $1,000 for a cruise with a little value
- 1:37:53 | we rather pay 3,000 and get way more value so that’s why we typically sell on
- 1:38:00 | the newer ships because we feel like you get more value for the money yes than
- 1:38:06 | when you get on the older ships and ain’t nothing wrong with getting on them but we feel like if if I’m gonna spend
- 1:38:12 | my money I want to spend my money on the best because I think I feel like I’m worth the best and we all should feel
- 1:38:18 | like that we should feel like I’m the best I go out work for my money I spent
- 1:38:24 | my time so I should get for me the best at what I think is the best for me yeah
- 1:38:30 | so I hope that was a long way around explaining it so that’s why I would look at look for what you want and don’t
- 1:38:37 | sacrifice what you want to get a cheaper price that’s what people typically do you know I want a balcony but I’ll get
- 1:38:44 | the inter but I’ll get the interior because I want to save and and then you miserable because you got The Insider so
- 1:38:52 | yeah let me get off my so box and my boy James voice and I’m
- 1:38:59 | back uh this about the shorts Oh that girl say I don’t know where we at on
- 1:39:06 | this thing all right what’s up Taylor said first cruise March the 10th um through the 14th on The Conquest
- 1:39:12 | celebrating my daughter’s 21st birthday that’s what’s up our the ex are the
- 1:39:18 | excursions are they excur and Princess K yeah yes they are but I’m going be
- 1:39:23 | honest if you go to Half Moon K princess K’s enjoy those islands I mean you may
- 1:39:32 | be if there’s something like pressing that you want to do there because honestly those destination those
- 1:39:38 | destination islands are built for you to enjoy just being on the beach the food
- 1:39:44 | is included um they just have a lot of things on there that is designed to just
- 1:39:49 | keep you busy right there um so you don’t have to do an Excursion like when we went to Half Moon K they
- 1:39:55 | had um people did the horseback riding where like the horses taking walk you down in the water this a great photo op
- 1:40:02 | people did stuff like that but for the mo and they did fishing of course fishing excursions but for the most part
- 1:40:08 | everybody just became a beach bum and enjoy that private
- 1:40:14 | island y all right let’s see that’s about the
- 1:40:20 | shorts I saw that one say Horizon is what Horizon in January
- 1:40:28 | ABC yeah I can’t wait to get that under our belt I’m we legit are trying to figure out how the heck we gonna well
- 1:40:34 | Stanley has done it already how am I gonna pack for freaking 13
- 1:40:40 | days yep yeah all right what’s our thoughts on oh
- 1:40:47 | we we we D that one already okay trying yeah they are trying to compete with Royal Caribbean and
- 1:40:54 | I mean and even like icon is an amazing ship and we want to do it one more time for the simple fact that seven days is
- 1:41:01 | not enough to get through all of that ship so I do want to do it again but to be honest icon is not what I would
- 1:41:09 | immediately reach for if I’m planning a vacation simply because it’s just so
- 1:41:15 | much and it’s so much money to spend on so much that I’m not going to partake in
- 1:41:22 | if that makes sense so you have all of these things because it is the ultimate family vacation so
- 1:41:29 | I’m not going to keep spending that kind of money to not go anywhere over in Surf
- 1:41:36 | Side like we literally didn’t even see it because yeah we walked through the door and looked and went back out I was like oh too many kids team to kid too
- 1:41:42 | many kids um of course because that’s their neighborhood so that’s a lot of money that we spent to not have anything
- 1:41:49 | to do with that part you have the ice skating and things like that I’m going to look at it once I don’t want to do it
- 1:41:57 | again so it’s a lot of things on there that you have to pay for but there not a
- 1:42:03 | lot of things that you may be partaking in but I do I still need to do it again
- 1:42:09 | just to get through it all yep can’t wait too just to say all right I’ve seen
- 1:42:15 | the ion what’s up Cheryl thank you for the 199 Super Chat greatly appreciate it
- 1:42:22 | what’s going on leak motivation thank you for the $499 Super Chat said would you recommend getting some get someone
- 1:42:30 | get their phone international plan while on the cruise or just go with the ship’s Wi-Fi plan that is a complicated
- 1:42:36 | question because all cell phone international plans are not created equal right there are international
- 1:42:44 | plans that are for once your feet touch land so for instance the entire time
- 1:42:49 | you’re on the ship and you’re in Dominican Republic does not mean that you can use your phone while you’re on
- 1:42:56 | the ship most of them kick in once you’re doed and you’re on land in the
- 1:43:01 | Dominican Republic so a lot of people will start to get confused and be like I have the international plan and get back
- 1:43:07 | and they have a, phone bill so you have to check with your provider to make sure
- 1:43:12 | that at C calling texting roaming is
- 1:43:17 | included in the plan if that’s the case it’s a go if it is not the case
- 1:43:23 | get that Wi-Fi plan yes because if not you going to wish you way cheaper and a
- 1:43:29 | lot of the phone companies are not forgiving of this like these are charges that most people cannot get taken off
- 1:43:36 | yeah I was um thinking about that comment over on Tik Tok when the person came back and they mama had
- 1:43:42 | $1800 of Roman charges yep after they came off the cruise she said she said my
- 1:43:49 | mama called the phone company said y’all better fix it yeah that is a lot of money that’s a lot of
- 1:43:55 | money lots of money now a lot of people these days have like um what’s the
- 1:44:01 | Cricut Wireless um Straight Talk and different phone providers that are per month most of those even if you forget
- 1:44:09 | to put it on airplane mode because they’re kind of your prepaids they don’t do anything right but they also don’t
- 1:44:15 | work so there’s no harm no foul but these real contracted ones you got to be
- 1:44:21 | careful and know exactly what your your phone plan includes and excludes yeah
- 1:44:26 | yeah uh kdubs you still like when you put your phone in airplane mode you still be able to use the count of a Hub
- 1:44:32 | app yeah the wifi the wi the the Wi-Fi is only if you want to talk to the world
- 1:44:39 | while you out exceed but when you’re on the boat the app is work through the still through the W the ship’s Wi-Fi but
- 1:44:46 | you just get access just for yeah the app and then once you get into the app
- 1:44:51 | um The conal Hub app on board is legit the biggest thing you’re going to see on that app once you get on it’s going to
- 1:44:58 | tell you put your phone in airplane mode y um sign into um connect to the Wi-Fi
- 1:45:05 | on the ship it to give you the name of it something with the Bluetooth like it’s going to give you stepbystep
- 1:45:11 | instructions of what to do and we know why because people going to argue that they didn’t know but it’s literally
- 1:45:17 | right there yep so um and for those of you is trying to decide like what’s
- 1:45:22 | Wi-Fi package to get so the the lowest package one that’s only if you just want
- 1:45:28 | to check your email no and it’s email and I got social media yeah social media
- 1:45:33 | I’m sorry thank you for correcting me yes just for social media the the package in the medial is for social
- 1:45:39 | media and email uh but if you want to stream you have to get the pre the
- 1:45:45 | premium package yes thank you for correct me and then that middle package the value package you can use um you can
- 1:45:51 | look at like your home security systems and stuff like that yeah yeah what’s up uh jamah said I need
- 1:45:59 | a hidden virgin tip first cruise with Virgin them November the 8th through the
- 1:46:05 | 13 a hidden virgin tip um not really hidden but this is
- 1:46:13 | something that kind of falls through the cracks now because it used to be a a real popular thing back then and nobody
- 1:46:18 | really talks about it anymore but there are secret menus yeah so every time you go to a venue ask them for the secret
- 1:46:26 | menu or the secret item on the menu and they’ll tell you what it is and usually
- 1:46:32 | it’s like a banger um what else secret
- 1:46:38 | um there is a um private party that people can get invited to yep is that
- 1:46:46 | random yep um the crew has to invite you like they personally give you these
- 1:46:51 | cards to come down to the private party you cannot take your phone your phone is
- 1:46:56 | locked up yeah they lock your phone up yep um we have not been to a private party we’ve been to a private party in
- 1:47:04 | the area that they take you to and we also had to get our phones locked up
- 1:47:09 | yeah um it wasn’t put on by the crew it’s actually put on by virgin exec yeah
- 1:47:15 | and it was cool it was a cool experience that’s a good question have any of you guys have been on version did you get
- 1:47:21 | picked to go to the secret party if you did put that down in the comments I
- 1:47:26 | would love to see if anybody else got pick so J did in um
- 1:47:31 | grease oh she did she had me laughing she was like they were like you want to come with us
- 1:47:37 | and she was like I guess and she said I’m just following them blindly and then they take a rope and put it around me
- 1:47:44 | and she was like what is going on I said wait a minute they did something way different than Greece because they but
- 1:47:50 | Greece is wild yeah it’s wild cuz baby grease is wild they don’t do they I
- 1:47:56 | haven’t heard anybody experience that in like Miami though um EJ so EJ said um EJ said I did
- 1:48:04 | I did for Halloween oh you went to secret party cool all right so Tissa said I went to the secret magic show I
- 1:48:10 | didn’t even know that that exist I didn’t know that exist either yeah they have a magic show I know they have a magic show I didn’t know they secret
- 1:48:17 | magic show H interesting I have to K said I can’t wait to experien the secret party I know
- 1:48:24 | and here’s the thing you you don’t know how you get in
- 1:48:29 | like they they read the room very well yeah um and I’m pretty cool with most of them on board and that’s probably why we
- 1:48:36 | don’t get invited because it’s probably more of a let’s wow somebody that’s not
- 1:48:42 | expecting it but yeah but I’m expecting it though that’s the problem yeah while
- 1:48:48 | somebody that’s not expected it so they won’t pick us because most of the time we know them by name and we picking with
- 1:48:54 | them and then they they invite somebody else all right what’s up Ivon Ivonne
- 1:49:00 | said uh was wondering are you planning anything for celebration key no I mean
- 1:49:05 | I’m planning on going plan on going yes um and honestly when we go it’s probably
- 1:49:10 | going to be more of a family trip for us because of how things are shaking loose
- 1:49:18 | to be honest all right what’s up Gary Gary said what’s the latest boarding time you
- 1:49:24 | just answered that we it was somebody else that asked it though gotcha um but
- 1:49:30 | then I also see up there say what’s the best time to board I’m G stick with my 11:30 12
- 1:49:37 | o’clock a lot of people still say that um getting on at 10 o’clock they was able to get right on the ship my very
- 1:49:43 | first time doing it we got held up in the holding tank and I didn’t like
- 1:49:48 | it the introvert in me was like I could have been at the Hotel waiting waiting
- 1:49:56 | Jason Jason without question guys berer Johnny rocker should even be in this
- 1:50:03 | equation yeah guys burer run circles around Johnny and it’s included yeah and
- 1:50:09 | we we were so disappointed with Johnny rocks I was like for this yeah they
- 1:50:16 | should they should Roy should have kept it free yeah like they they should not charge for Johnny Rockets now they do
- 1:50:22 | have free breakfast but the window if I’m on vacation I’m going be honest unless I got something to do I’m not up
- 1:50:28 | that early so by the time we got up to get ourselves together they were um finishing up the serving of the
- 1:50:33 | breakfast yep so we never got the Johnny Rocket breakfast yeah so Guys burger all
- 1:50:38 | day all day yep um all yeah teachers prefer July we
- 1:50:48 | saw we saw what’s up Matthew say what up fam what id do you need to get back on
- 1:50:55 | the ship um driver’s license ID card you
- 1:51:01 | need something now not every port requires it but there are literally the
- 1:51:06 | cruise director is going to tell you to take it off board with you because for instance when we were just in um Nassau
- 1:51:14 | and it’s always been like that for Nassau for us right to get back through the security checkpoint you have to show
- 1:51:19 | them your ID and your ship card so that you can get past them to even get back on the ship if you don’t have that like
- 1:51:28 | we had an aunt that lost her ID thankfully she listened to me and I told I tell
- 1:51:34 | everybody take a picture of your ID because more than likely you’re not going to lose your phone for some reason
- 1:51:40 | we’ll lose a wallet before we lose a phone and thankfully she listened and she took a picture of her ID so when she
- 1:51:47 | lost her ID she was able to show it to them on her phone and they let her right on the show
- 1:51:55 | yep all right I see y’all I see y’all feel the same the same way about uh
- 1:52:02 | about the about the Johnny Rockets say y’all even said the Johnny Rock ISS on land isn’t that good I we been to a
- 1:52:09 | Johnny Rockets on l no he never been Johnny Rockets on land
- 1:52:15 | H all right let’s see what’s up kfly thank you for the
- 1:52:22 | $499 Super Chat say countable celebration 91 to Grand Turk Dominican
- 1:52:28 | Republic and Nassau need recommendations on Excursion for a couple Grand Turk gr
- 1:52:36 | Turk honestly you don’t even need you don’t need an Excursion if you want to hang out at the Port Margarita Ville is
- 1:52:43 | there but what I would do not Margaritaville I mean Mar Margarita Ville one of
- 1:52:49 | them um rent one of the Cabanas or little Villas is it is it
- 1:52:56 | called a villa whatever it’s called but you can rent one of those because once
- 1:53:01 | you do that they serve you so if you need food or you need drinks you don’t
- 1:53:07 | have to get up and go into Margaritaville to get that kind of stuff they will bring you have a a server that
- 1:53:12 | will bring it to you um other than that we we did um we did the um we did
- 1:53:21 | the party bus in in gr Turk I personally it was good but we did it in St kits and
- 1:53:27 | it was amazing right so our comparison is like we wouldn’t do it again in Grant
- 1:53:33 | Turk Dr Ro Dr oh there’s so much to do in Dr yeah because we did the we’ve done
- 1:53:39 | ATVs in the Dr yeah ATVs that’s so fun we been up the mountains yeah because
- 1:53:46 | they take when you do the ATVs and Dr they take you in the neighborhoods and
- 1:53:51 | it is so freaking fun but I also would tell you that it’s a it’s a it’s it’s
- 1:53:58 | humbling and most people come back like we’re so blessed like and they’re just
- 1:54:04 | so happy and they’re waving at you and having a good time and they just love
- 1:54:09 | seeing you have a good time but once you see how other people live it is very humbling very humbling and it makes you
- 1:54:16 | put things into his perspective really quickly yeah I do quickly what else have we done in are like we’ve done a lot of
- 1:54:23 | skit in I the ATVs and and the um and the mountains we did something where we took
- 1:54:31 | a long bus ride somewhere oh we did a beach club that’s
- 1:54:37 | right we did a beach club and that was nice yeah so you can find a lot of stuff
- 1:54:43 | to do in and then like nassa y y it’s endless it’s endless it’s endless with with um with Nassau and stuff you can do
- 1:54:50 | but if you want to spend some coin do the water park pass to Atlantis once you
- 1:54:57 | see the price don’t fight me but do that so what you could do on them other
- 1:55:04 | ports scale back and then when you get to Nassau spend all the money in
- 1:55:11 | Atlanta just like that hey Tiara what’s up family how was my baby
- 1:55:18 | doing all right what’s up te glass said question is it true that that virgin voes is getting rid of the
- 1:55:25 | mmvv they’re doing something yeah they’re doing something we don’t know yet until we have our
- 1:55:30 | meeting and I’m not even sure I’m gonna be able to be in on that meeting but they’re doing something and I’m not mad
- 1:55:37 | at them doing something because now it is getting out of hand that now what is
- 1:55:43 | happening is people are and I’ll give you an example the
- 1:55:50 | example could be that hey such as such has this travel agent doing a group for
- 1:55:55 | them which means that everybody that’s coming on this group has to book through travel agent a but what people are
- 1:56:02 | starting to do is they’re hearing all over social media everywhere about this $600 of onboard credit so once the
- 1:56:10 | people in the group gets with travel Asia a and they have no more of those
- 1:56:15 | placeholders or those mvvs then they go and shop for other travel agents until
- 1:56:21 | they find one that has one right and now what’s happening now is it’s becoming a
- 1:56:27 | big deal because now you have people that are messing up structure right when it comes to people’s groups and then you
- 1:56:33 | have under um travel agents that are hungry undercutting other agents by
- 1:56:39 | taking a a placeholder that’s assigned to them convincing their people to take
- 1:56:44 | them off and assign it to them right so that they can get credit for the booking
- 1:56:50 | so it it is something they are looking into because it is getting out of control yeah
- 1:56:57 | y all right let’s see what’s what’s up SSS said um hi our first cival crew
- 1:57:04 | starts on August the 3D through the 8th on the sunrise all right thanks for the videos you guys are awesome appreciate
- 1:57:11 | that all right what’s up Deborah Deborah said uh just came off of RC Cru World
- 1:57:16 | Caribbean but party with the carnival Cruisers and km which both you were
- 1:57:22 | there I wish we was there too I mean to be honest with you I enjoy Royal Caribbean when we’re on it but you have
- 1:57:29 | to party with the carnival people if you want a party because there is not going to be one on Ro Caribbean indeed you’re
- 1:57:36 | gonna have a good time but it’s you have that carnival party you’re not gonna have a carnival party it’s a Vibe it’s
- 1:57:43 | it’s something about it’s it’s the cousins y so ain’t no party like a carnival party cuz the carnival party
- 1:57:50 | don’t stop what what’s up Sean say we doing an MSC for
- 1:57:55 | Thanksgiving this year that’s what’s up you’re GNA enjoy it enjoy yourself yeah it’s gonna be it’s gonna be great it’s
- 1:58:01 | gonna be a different experienceing it into existence yes hey
- 1:58:06 | Academy um say hello first live going on in cter Horizon September the 22nd what
- 1:58:12 | do you recommend doing in for kazel and any good catamaran excursions that’s
- 1:58:20 | something we haven’t done in um K we always do a beach club in KMEL yeah what
- 1:58:26 | else we’ve done something else in KMEL too but I can’t remember I just r with the beach club yeah we do so Mr Sanchos
- 1:58:34 | this one we’re doing with our group we’re doing Paradise Beach Club but you have no
- 1:58:40 | naome um there’s a whole lot of beach clubs that you can do and that’s pretty much what a lot of people do in km
- 1:58:47 | right all right let’s see what’s up shaquina said does the che
- 1:58:54 | does the cheers package price stay the same or does it increase closer to the date of the cruise it doesn’t change
- 1:59:03 | closer to the time of the cruise but you never know when it’s time to update the pricing if that makes sense right there
- 1:59:09 | is a price hike that happens every year sometimes it’s 12 months sometime it could be 10 it could be at random when
- 1:59:17 | the price increases but it’s not like Royal Caribbean that has like Dynamic price where the price is this today
- 1:59:23 | could be that tomorrow go back down they don’t do that at at um Carnival yeah and
- 1:59:28 | then also you do pay a cheaper price when you pre- bu it than when you buy it
- 1:59:34 | on board it’s it’s like 10 or 20% more when you buy it on board yes
- 1:59:39 | yeah but they gotten a little smart now is that when you’re on board and people
- 1:59:46 | get on there like I don’t need a drink package I don’t need a drink package then they get on and they go ham on the first day they will sell it to you up
- 1:59:53 | until the second day of the selling but it’s still expensive but most people
- 1:59:58 | that already don’t it crazy it works out for them because they know that their entire week is gonna look like what they
- 2:00:04 | did on day one yep say uh oops say question what’s up Elijah say question
- 2:00:11 | if I have a passport but I put birth certificate for checkin can I use my
- 2:00:17 | passport yeah you can it might take a little bit of minutes for them to switch
- 2:00:22 | things around but yes all right what’s up Michelle say I
- 2:00:27 | get Casino offers can I still book through you absolutely
- 2:00:32 | can yep I have the exact same asset that they have what’s up again Carrie said
- 2:00:39 | question hey y’all have you ever bought oh we already did that one yeah we did that one all right all right I’m ready
- 2:00:46 | to get up off of here I got SK to do yeah because we got to finish some packing I see some questions over there
- 2:00:52 | said can you bring nips on the ship yeah long as they’re prepackaged they have to
- 2:00:57 | be yes like your name brand like Cheetos and stuff like that nothing that they
- 2:01:03 | think is like a handmade edible or nothing like that right because they’ll throw it out what’s going on Damen andw I see
- 2:01:11 | what’s up what’s up fam what’s up what’s up thank you all g yep G say remember to
- 2:01:16 | hit that thumbs up and leave a comment after the live is over and then also for
- 2:01:22 | those are in the live replay make sure that you comment in well if you’re new here and then also when your trip is and
- 2:01:28 | I think we about ready to some bust up on out here oh I did see somebody say is the um photo package worth buying yes
- 2:01:35 | yes yes and I think you said why because the photo package buying that will keep
- 2:01:41 | you on from over spending in the pictures when we first did it we spent
- 2:01:46 | like3 $400 in pictures because every picture gonna look good yep so they do have a picture package that’s uh9
- 2:01:55 | $99.99 you get five pictures and we recommend getting them as digital
- 2:02:01 | downloads because in these days nobody ever puts a picture on the wall every picture we done bought printed on
- 2:02:07 | Carnival never they is not on the wall also and this the last thing make sure
- 2:02:12 | when you buy and this is for everybody on here yes Lord when you buy digital downloads on Carnival download them as
- 2:02:20 | soon as you buy them and then go look in your pictures to make sure they’re there we’ve had situations where we’ve
- 2:02:27 | downloaded it and it don’t show up in the pictures and the thing about it once you get off the ship it is very tough to
- 2:02:35 | get it back to get those pictures back I had a client that did that did not download their pictures and she was like
- 2:02:41 | lyette I need your help it took two months of going back and forth with
- 2:02:48 | guest services Guest Services going back and forth with the ship trying to nail down the folio number versus where when
- 2:02:57 | the pictures were taken yeah to actually find those pictures they did but it took two months yeah to get those pictures so
- 2:03:04 | yes but to pick it back off of what you said I think what what trips a lot of
- 2:03:10 | people up with the pictures different nights and where you take the pictures at equates to a different price so if
- 2:03:18 | you’re taking a picture on elegant night most of the time those pictures start at $35 a piece at elegant night if you’re
- 2:03:27 | taking a picture like if you get off the shipping it has like the kmil sign and you’re standing there and they got the
- 2:03:33 | parrot and you know the guy standing there posing with you that could be a $20 picture you could do a generic pose
- 2:03:41 | in front of something that could be $15 right so that stuff adds up so quickly
- 2:03:47 | and they know that you’re going to get those elegant night pictures they know yeah boom boom boom yep and they going to
- 2:03:54 | take one of you by yourself you as a couple you as a family that’s $335 right there yep they all all of them gonna
- 2:04:01 | look good they all gonna look good that’s a d said out did you guys um post a video of the icon of the Seas yes we
- 2:04:09 | oh we have a whole series yeah we got a whole series yep so just go on the channel and type icon of the Season it should it should come up yeah but yeah
- 2:04:16 | fam that’s it we thank y’all for uh coming out tonight and showing support uh we get ready like you said we get
- 2:04:23 | ready to leave out to get on version hold on somebody is committing the most Cal sin I’ve ever seen what I we
- 2:04:30 | normally fly in the same day of a cruise uh oh and after the recent power cyber
- 2:04:35 | outage should we fly in a day before yes
- 2:04:40 | yes I don’t recommend anybody flying in the day of a cruise have we done it yes
- 2:04:49 | is it stressful yes but we also do it very if when we did it it was because I
- 2:04:56 | was on a comp cruise with my travel agency so me missing the cruise didn’t cost me nothing what happens is if you
- 2:05:04 | miss that ship you’re everything is off like all
- 2:05:10 | bets are off like yeah like no just come in a day early spend you the night in
- 2:05:16 | that City calm down kick your feet up party the night before
- 2:05:22 | woaw do do a little something strange and then get on the sh and it’s a game changer you you will be better off on
- 2:05:30 | embarcation day yeah having that one night of rest after the travel day then when you get to hit the ground running
- 2:05:36 | you won’t be sleep at 3 o’clock y y well all right fam we appreciate
- 2:05:43 | y’all we up out of here see y’all in a few weeks inde DED straight from the VA to uh
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