First Time in MARRAKECH MOROCCO: Food, Souks, Culture, and Nightlife

First Time in MARRAKECH MOROCCO: Food, Souks, Culture, and Nightlife

  • 0:02 | [Music] Marrakech a city of history and 
    culture of life and energy a city of riads  
  • 0:09 | and souks of music and laughter there’s 
    so much to see and do here but if you’re  
  • 0:15 | touring around Morocco like us you might only 
    have a day or two to explore Marrakech so how  
  • 0:21 | much can you experience in that time 
    we’re Chris and Lydia join us to find
  • 0:29 | Marrakech is located in central western 
    Morocco strategically positioned between  
  • 0:34 | the desert mountains and Atlantic Ocean in 
    our previous video we journeyed to Marrakesh  
  • 0:40 | from the south navigating the hair raising tizi 
    n’tichka pass over the High Atlas Mountains with  
  • 0:47 | its breathtaking Lookouts and occasional [Music] 
    landslides upon arriving in Marrakech we settled  
  • 0:57 | into our traditional Riad accommodation right in 
    the heart of the old [Music] Medina from there we  
  • 1:07 | ventured out through the winding alleys to Jamaa 
    el-Fnaa the city’s main Square historically this  
  • 1:14 | Square served as a Marketplace and Gathering Place 
    for locals although these days it caters more to
  • 1:20 | tourists in the evening we found a nice peaceful 
    rooftop bar with views over both the square  
  • 1:30 | and the beautiful [Music]
  • 1:35 | sunset we have a busy day planned today so 
    we woke up at dawn after watching the sunrise  
  • 1:44 | from the rooftop Terrace of our Riad it was 
    time to explore the sights and sounds smells  
  • 1:51 | and tastes of Marrakech it’s morning time 9:00 in 
    the morning here in this main Square in Marrakech  
  • 2:00 | people are just opening up their stands and 
    stalls but it’s relatively quiet at least  
  • 2:06 | compared to last night still have to watch 
    out for these motorbikes rushing past all the
  • 2:12 | time we’re on a walking tour of Marrakech 
    this morning first stop of the day we’re  
  • 2:24 | going to go to the Palace before it gets 
    too busy there but just walking through  
  • 2:30 | hang on here she is what did you say 
    take photo with my Moroccan dress yeah
  • 2:36 | a beautiful lovely sunny day yet again yeah 
    we’ve been blessed yes we have this is the  
  • 2:47 | best time day it is crazy it was crazy 
    busy last night motor bikes everywhere
  • 3:04 | apart from Jemaa el-Fnaa Square the most 
    visited tourist attraction in Marrakesh is  
  • 3:10 | Baria Palace although the city of Marrakesh is 
    over 1,000 years old Bahia Palace is relatively  
  • 3:17 | new constructed just over 150 years ago the palace 
    was initially built as the residence of the grand  
  • 3:25 | vizier the chief advisor to the sultan and was 
    later expanded by his son Bou Ahmed who also  
  • 3:32 | became a powerful Grand vizier himself and 
    wielded great influence over the country’s  
  • 3:37 | affairs the name Bahia means Brilliance and no 
    expense was spared in expanding and lavishly  
  • 3:44 | decorating the palace it features Lush Gardens 
    intricately carved stucco plaster walls Cedarwood  
  • 3:51 | ceilings Mosaic tilework and marble floors the 
    palace served as a symbol of wealth and power
  • 4:03 | after passing through the petit Riad garden 
    and several beautifully decorated Halls we  
  • 4:08 | entered the grand Courtyard the 
    largest open area in the palace  
  • 4:14 | this impressive space with its marble 
    floor and columns carved wooden arches  
  • 4:19 | and stunning mosaics served as a private area 
    for bou ahmed’s four wives and 24 concubines
  • 4:30 | we exited the courtyard into the 
    Grand Riad Garden a larger version  
  • 4:34 | of the one we saw earlier these Gardens 
    once provided a cool peaceful Retreat for  
  • 4:40 | the palace residents though with today’s 
    crowd starting to build it felt far from
  • 4:45 | [Music] tranquil there are 160 
    rooms in Bahia Palace but only a  
  • 4:55 | small percentage are open to the public 
    we noticed that the rooms are all empty  
  • 5:00 | after Bou Ahmed’s death in 1900 the palace was 
    looted by his wives and concubines and stripped of  
  • 5:06 | all possessions by the sultan later it served as 
    the residence for French Colonial administrators  
  • 5:12 | during the protectorate era today Bahia Palace is 
    a preserved historical site showcasing Morocco’s  
  • 5:20 | architectural elegance and offering a glimpse into 
    the opulent lifestyles of its former Elite [Music]
  • 5:37 | after leaving Bahia Palace we made our 
    way through the Medina the old town of  
  • 5:41 | Marrakech winding our way through the many 
    souks Market places scattered within the  
  • 5:47 | Medina the souks are a maze of small 
    shops offering a wide variety of goods  
  • 5:52 | from spices and textiles to Ceramics leather 
    goods jewelry and even musical instruments  
  • 6:00 | we’re back out of the palace now and we’re 
    just walking through some of the Alleyways  
  • 6:05 | watching out for the motor bikes as we go it’s 
    not only motorbikes that you have to watch out for
  • 6:29 | [Music]
  • 6:36 | [Music]
  • 6:43 | you’re pointing at every I know 
    I’m going that’s I love it [Music]
  • 7:00 | they sell them with the testicles 
    on do they they do they sell
  • 7:04 | them so we’re going to visit 
    uh an old koranic school from  
  • 7:30 | dating back to the 14th century wow look at that
  • 7:35 | [Music]
  • 7:42 | archers the Ben Youseff Madrasa is a stunning 14th 
    century Islamic school and was once the largest  
  • 7:55 | madrasa in Morocco its beautiful Central Courtyard 
    is ornately decorated with mosaic tile work carved  
  • 8:03 | Cedarwood and intricate stucco [Music] detailing 
    at its Center lies a large reflective pool and at  
  • 8:13 | one end stands a beautifully decorated prayer 
    Hall complete with a carved marble Abolution
  • 8:18 | Basin the courtyard served as a gathering and 
    study area for students a peaceful space where  
  • 8:26 | they could read discuss and reflect on their 
    studies in an open air setting surrounding the  
  • 8:33 | courtyard on the second level are small dormitory 
    rooms with the madrasa capable of accommodating  
  • 8:38 | upwards of 800 [Music] students room watch your 
    head they must have been short shorter than
  • 8:52 | me the Ben Youseff Madrasa was named 
    after a powerful 12th century Sultan  
  • 9:01 | who expanded Marakesh fortified 
    the city walls and supported the  
  • 9:05 | development of religious and educational 
    institutions he commissioned the nearby  
  • 9:10 | Ben Youseff mosque one of the 
    oldest and largest mosques in
  • 9:14 | [Music] Marrakech within the bustling souks 
    skilled Craftsmen work in special areas  
  • 9:27 | dedicated to traditional leather work metal 
    work leather Artisans shape and dye leather  
  • 9:33 | by hand creating items like slippers known as 
    babouches using techniques passed down through
  • 9:39 | generations meanwhile metal workers 
    skillfully craft intricate items  
  • 9:51 | such as lamps trays and teapots hammering 
    out detailed patterns and designs [Music]  
  • 10:22 | out watch out everybody your
  • 10:41 | what did he say he said good morning good  
  • 10:43 | luck luck I hope you find your 
    way [Music] home oh wow olives
  • 11:01 | olives after olives after olives 
    after olives after olives after
  • 11:08 | [Music]
  • 11:11 | olives fry and juicy what are 
    you going to get Chris you get  
  • 11:19 | the chili one nice [ __ ] but not hot hot [Music]
  • 11:33 | oh that smells so good I could smell we were 
    approaching Mechoui alley before I could see  
  • 11:39 | it this famous culinary street is known for its 
    traditional Moroccan roasted lamb called Mechoui  
  • 11:47 | local vendors in mechoui Alley specialize in 
    a centuries old slow roasting technique where  
  • 11:52 | entire Lambs are slowly cooked in underground 
    clay ovens this ovens here so they heat them  
  • 11:59 | like for a couple of hours then they clean whole 
    the ovens then they deep or then they put like  
  • 12:05 | whole sheep inside as you see that guy here whole 
    sheep inside you put the whole shape in and close  
  • 12:11 | it then they put the clay so means there is no 
    air can go inside so they keep only the heat in  
  • 12:17 | okay so when it is ready so that guy here can 
    give you as much as you want kilo half kilo
  • 12:22 | whatever oh yeah and piece of bread with the and
  • 12:30 | [Music]
  • 12:38 | Salt oh we’re right next to the main
  • 12:47 | [Music]
  • 12:51 | Square okay so what’s on the menu got 
    lamb we’ve got beef feet sheep head  
  • 13:04 | lamb brain I think I’ll stay with the lamb 
    so this is half a sheep’s head is it yeah
  • 13:14 | half all right what part do you eat here 
    is a tongue yeah it should be should Be
  • 13:30 | B is it
  • 13:34 | [Music] good
  • 13:42 | two no I think I might order some normal lamb 
    although the aroma was tempting Lamb’s head  
  • 13:51 | wasn’t quite to our taste so Lydia and I set 
    off into the winding Alleyways of the Medina  
  • 13:57 | to find a lunch spot more to our style 
    and maybe do a bit of shopping along the
  • 14:02 | way we stumbled Upon A Spice Market 
    smells beautiful it’s a Cumin is  
  • 14:15 | the main smell that I can smell at 
    the moment and 35 different spices
  • 14:29 | ins size my friends you can smell the you have
  • 14:33 | roses pretty that looks like a nice 
    place for [Music] lunch okay it’s a  
  • 14:48 | lovely spot here overlooking the 
    spice markets was a good find
  • 15:04 | look at the color of those drinks mine’s 
    orange and carrot ginger and turmeric I  
  • 15:11 | think Lydia is avocado [Music] based meals 
    have arrived we’ve got Lydia’s monk fish and  
  • 15:22 | salad that looks lovely colorful and fresh 
    I had lamb chops bits and pieces inside  
  • 15:29 | a zucchini olives and capsicum and some 
    cheese and then we had a calamari salad  
  • 15:37 | to share what a spread this is the best meal 
    I’ve had in the whole two and a bit [Music]
  • 15:50 | weeks okay
  • 16:03 | [Music]  
  • 16:04 | make my wish come true where’s my genie I 
    want one with a genie in it that cost [Music]
  • 16:18 | extra this is Reda he he has a beautiful like 
    you see we are in h secret this is one of the  
  • 16:32 | best H in Marrakech and is very famous and 
    you willome for all the people from Australia  
  • 16:38 | Australia and anytime you come to Marrakech you 
    will come with your shop like this beautiful  
  • 16:43 | people with me you’re welcome time you need to 
    smile yeah very well done thanks Rea much meet
  • 16:52 | you nice okay ah oh that sounds 
    like a bass doesn’t it it is a
  • 17:03 | base yeah good thank hello ready for a Noos Noos  
  • 17:15 | yes ready for a Noos Noos it’s our new 
    coffee in Morocco it’s called a [Music]
  • 17:22 | Noos Noos what’s better than one Noos Noos 
    what two Noos Noos or does that make it
  • 17:31 | [Music] a Noos Noos Noos Noos NoosNi it 
    seems that no matter how lost you get  
  • 17:49 | in Marrakesh Medina eventually all roads 
    lead to Jemaa el-Fnaa beside the square  
  • 17:56 | stands the iconic Koutoubia Mosque with 
    his 77m High minaret a true landmark of
  • 18:03 | Marakesh this is the Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakesh 
    it’s a local landmark and dates back to the 12th  
  • 18:12 | century it’s one of the largest mosques in the 
    country and definitely the largest structure in  
  • 18:17 | Marrakesh itself fun fact is that it’s illegal 
    to build any structure taller than the minaret  
  • 18:24 | from this mosque so if you ever get lost you 
    can always look up and find your way back
  • 18:29 | here as the afternoon wore on 
    we took a short drive beyond the  
  • 18:36 | old City’s red clay walls which 
    give Marrakech its nickname the  
  • 18:40 | red City our destination the Jardin 
    Majorelle gardens in the new town of
  • 18:46 | Marrakesh this is the lineup of people 
    get tickets to go inside the gardens  
  • 18:58 | so the Majorelle gardens seem to be a very 
    popular spot to come on a warm Moroccan day in
  • 19:05 | [Music] Marrakech looks like a big 
    Gardens plants from all the corners  
  • 19:18 | of the Earth Here thousands of people come 
    here every day so it’s a very popular spot  
  • 19:34 | [Music] They also have a Berber 
    Museum here so we’re going to go  
  • 19:38 | and visit that first and then have 
    a walk around the gardens [Music]
  • 19:58 | [Music]
  • 19:59 | there’s Jaques Majorelle and this is the Berber 
    Museum we just come out of the museum uh we  
  • 20:06 | couldn’t film in there but it was it was an 
    interesting Museum it wasn’t that big so we  
  • 20:10 | got through it quite quickly lots of uh pots and 
    utensils used by the Berber people um as well as  
  • 20:18 | some jewelry um costumes that they used to wear 
    musical instruments so it was was worth coming  
  • 20:26 | and having a look at and now it’s time to to have 
    a quick look around the gardens relax a little bit  
  • 20:31 | before we head back into the chaos of the Medina 
    we’re checking out Cactus or cacti as they call  
  • 20:40 | them I’ve never seen so many Cactus cacti in my 
    life in one spot Jaques Majorelle must have really  
  • 20:49 | loved cactus cactus cacti I never realized 
    there was so many different types no it is
  • 21:07 | [Music]
  • 21:08 | I don’t know whether it’s me getting older but I’m 
    enjoying Gardens a lot more than when I was 18 and  
  • 21:15 | birds birds all of a sudden you start noticing 
    birds and plants it’s just a thing that happens  
  • 21:23 | all of a sudden it creeps up on you and you’re 
    like when did I start enjoying Gardens and birds
  • 21:36 | [Music]
  • 21:37 | 5:00pm crew are all lining 
    up the line’s not so big for
  • 21:43 | [Music]
  • 21:48 | 5:00pm this evening we went for a romantic dinner 
    at a nearby rooftop restaurant recommended by our  
  • 21:58 | riad manager it was a great choice we enjoyed 
    live music and views of the Koutoubia Mosque  
  • 22:05 | the waiter made sure we were comfortable as 
    we sipped on unique pre- dinner cocktails  
  • 22:12 | thank you so much toasty now and look at your 
    cocktail what is it the Marrakech Mule is it  
  • 22:24 | Marrakech mule okay cheers yeah I’ve got 
    something else that’s Medina Sunrise I’ve  
  • 22:33 | never drunk a cocktail out of a teapot no any 
    anyway do I sip this Spout no I don’t think
  • 22:39 | so just one minute don’t open 
    open oh rice one two three oh  
  • 22:50 | voila beautiful thank you I’ve got a 5 
    hour cooked beef T that’s not a tajine  
  • 23:03 | no no it’s not it’s something [Music] 
    else and what’s yours yours is salmon
  • 23:09 | [Music] after dinner we return to Jemaa el-Fnaa  
  • 23:23 | the square really comes alive at night 
    with food stores performers and music  
  • 23:28 | the energy builds as the crowds gather 
    it’s an experience that can’t be missed
  • 23:58 | [Music]
  • 24:07 | [Music]
  • 24:17 | [Music]  
  • 24:27 | w h
  • 24:58 | [Music]
  • 25:00 | [Music]
  • 25:02 | [Music]  
  • 25:04 | it’s crazy down here everybody is trying to get 
    you to come into their stand come into their  
  • 25:11 | little food store to eat a Australia oh we’ve 
    already eaten so we’re just looking you look
  • 25:19 | skinny thanks mate thank you 
    very much that looks good too  
  • 25:30 | I’ve had enough sheep head for one day thank you
  • 25:32 | very we’ve had dinner already so 
    we’re just looking yesterday I saw  
  • 25:38 | you today did you saw me yesterday 
    I wasn’t here yesterday so in my
  • 25:42 | Dreams chaos chaos it’s an experience so 
    you want to eat what are these nuts are  
  • 25:53 | they is Essaouira no thank you Snails no no 
    no I look I’ll watch I’ll watch but I won’t
  • 26:02 | eat these are all
  • 26:07 | [Music] snails those look like nice restaurants  
  • 26:25 | over there up there can have 
    a look it can have look and
  • 26:28 | see it’s a bit crazy down there so we thought 
    we’d Escape it come up here and people watch for a
  • 26:42 | bit thank you for joining us on our busy day 
    in Marrakech if you enjoyed watching please  
  • 26:55 | hit like and leave us a comment to let us 
    know where in the world you’re from and  
  • 26:59 | if you’re new here please hit subscribe as we 
    still have more of Morocco to come bye for now

In episode 13 of our Morocco Vlog we explore must see sights, food & things to do in the Red City of Marrakesh, including the Medina & Souks, Jemma el-Fnaa, Bahia Palace, Ben Youssef Madrasa, Koutoubia Mosque & Jardin Majorelle Gardens.

We begin with a morning walking tour of the historic sites, including a stop at Mechoui Alley, where our Morocco Travel Guide shows us how the locals cook lamb (heads & all) in underground ovens.

We then wander through the bustling Old Marrakesh Medina, full of crafts & spices, traditional riads, delicious maroc street food, and colourful souks filled with local treasures.

Later in the day, we escape the hustle and bustle of the Medina with a visit to the unique gardens and cacti at Jardin Majorelle Gardens.

As the sun sets, we immerse ourselves in the lively chaos of Jemaa el-Fnaa square, where the heart of Marrakech comes alive with music, street food, and culture. Lydia may even join the locals for a dance.

If you love immersive travel experiences, historic cities, markets and music then this video on our Morocco road trip is perfect for you.

Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more travel vlogs!

Happy travels and see you in the next video!

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00:00 – Introduction

01:43 – Walking Tour of Marrakech
03:06 – Bahia Palace
07:26 – Ben Youseff Madrasa
11:32 – Mechoui Alley
13:49 – Spice Market & Lunch
17:54 – Koutoubia Mosque
18:49 – Jardin Majorelle
23:17 – Nightlife of Jemma el-Fnaa
26:45 – Please Subscribe

My Music:

Our earlier Morocco Travel Vlog Series:
Episode 1 – Casablanca:
Episode 2 – Rabat:
Episode 3 – Chefchaouen:
Episode 4 – Volubilis/Meknes:
Episode 5 – Fez:
Episode 6 – Fez to Midelt Road Trip
Episode 7 – Ziz Valley:
Episode 8 – Sahara Desert:
Episode 9 – Todra Gorge:
Episode 10 – Dades Gorges:
Episode 11 – Ait Ben Haddou:
Episode 12 – Tizi n’Tichka Pass:

Moroccan Tour Company – Uncovered Trails:

Itinerary developed in conjunction with TravelManagers agent, Natalie Miller.
Map of Morocco: By Eric Gaba (Sting – fr:Sting) – Own workSources of data:SRTM30 Plus;NGDC World Data Bank II (public domain);NGDC GSHHS (public domain);Map Library (public domain)., CC BY-SA 3.0,

🌍 Hi, we’re Lydia & Chris, the Roving Balys!

🌍As an empty nest couple from Newcastle, Australia, we’ve traveled the world together for 30 years. We started this vlog to share our travel tales and showcase our beautiful region. We met traveling around Europe in 1995 and have since visited 50+ countries. We love discovering new places, meeting people, and trying local cuisines (including gluten-free options).Our journey has evolved from backpacking to family travel, and now back to couple adventures. With the kids doing their own thing, we’re ready to dust off our backpacks (now suitcases) and start new adventures. So grab a cup of coffee and come roving with us!

If you want to see more from The Roving Balys, we also run a travel blog over at:

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Marcella Gucci embodies a warm, inviting, and adventurous spirit. Her tone is friendly yet knowledgeable, blending passion for culinary exploration with a genuine love for travel. She communicates with enthusiasm, inspiring her audience to embrace new flavors and cultures.

As the founder of Travel Foodie, Marcella is a culinary enthusiast and globe-trotter. With a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for diverse food cultures, she curates experiences that connect people through the universal language of food. Marcella’s mission is to transform culinary dreams into reality, guiding her audience on a delectable journey around the world.

Travel Foodie where culinary curiosity meets wanderlust! This site is your passport to a world of flavors, offering a delightful mix of travel tips, authentic recipes, and immersive culinary experiences. Whether you’re planning your next adventure or simply looking to spice up your kitchen, we will serves up inspiration and tasty tidbits that will leave you hungry for more. Bon appétit!

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