- 0:11 | right guys we’re barely moving good
- 0:13 | morning oh my goodness had a fun night
- 0:16 | last night um but I’m just walking
- 0:19 | around the ship some of the upper levels
- 0:20 | here and outside hoping that the weather
- 0:24 | stays nice feels pretty good out right
- 0:25 | now it’s Breezy and lovely we’re like
- 0:29 | turtle
- 0:31 | I haven’t felt movement of the ship at
- 0:33 | all this entire
- 0:40 | [Music]
- 0:43 | time they have an outside prominon on
- 0:46 | Deck 5 so I got a little view of the
- 0:48 | ocean of course I’m not wearing my
- 0:50 | sunglasses that’s pretty cool some
- 0:53 | chairs on
- 0:54 | here and um yeah just a glorious Cruise
- 0:59 | day
- 1:00 | all right we played a little Buffalo
- 1:01 | gold and we got a nice $400 win which
- 1:04 | was great this morning um and then we’re
- 1:06 | going to head to breakfast I wandered
- 1:08 | around the ship I got a little warm so
- 1:10 | it’s going to be nice to sit down and
- 1:11 | have some food so we’re going to the
- 1:13 | dining
- 1:19 | room Market vegetable little Bowl here
- 1:22 | which looks
- 1:24 | good we got
- 1:26 | burrito some
- 1:28 | sides cheese
- 1:30 | grits and
- 1:33 | toast here we
- 1:35 | go breakfast in the dining room like
- 1:38 | this he watches
- 1:41 | you and he’s looking at me
- 1:47 | [Music]
- 2:00 | all right we’re heading to
- 2:01 | the do a little swiming
- 2:04 | swimming only bar
- 2:07 | or
- 2:13 | [Music]
- 2:22 | only all right we’re at the salarian and
- 2:26 | um the water looks glorious the weather
- 2:29 | feels pretty
- 2:31 | nice what I really love about it is it
- 2:33 | has stairs right in so night not a
- 2:36 | ladder it’ll be great be great all right
- 2:40 | guys we’re rolling rocking and rolling
- 2:42 | out there uh this is our C day and I
- 2:45 | went down to the pool I just wanted to
- 2:46 | tell you what I thought of it so it’s
- 2:49 | deep but it has stairs and you know how
- 2:52 | many people use the stairs versus the
- 2:54 | ladders like 99% of everybody so I think
- 2:58 | stairs are a good plan for a pool it’s
- 3:01 | awesome people use it to even sit on and
- 3:04 | just be in less water and sit down and
- 3:06 | stuff but um I really liked it it’s deep
- 3:09 | though like you step on and um it starts
- 3:12 | at like 4:11 and goes to like 5:7 so it
- 3:14 | does get deep um but if you’re willing
- 3:17 | to float or just hang on to the edge
- 3:19 | it’s great so the Independence of the
- 3:21 | Seas I’d say that that is a nice Pro to
- 3:24 | this ship is the pool is the actual pool
- 3:26 | I feel like I don’t feel uncomfortable
- 3:29 | climbing in and out by a ladder so I
- 3:31 | wish more Cruise Lines would do that um
- 3:34 | yeah especially in the adults area that
- 3:35 | would be really nice so anyway I hope
- 3:38 | you’re having a really good day we had a
- 3:39 | nice lunch and tonight um actually
- 3:43 | actually was breakfast sorry not even to
- 3:44 | lunch yet we’re going to go to lunch
- 3:46 | we’re going to the ice show that’s our
- 3:47 | plan um so far this um afternoon or
- 3:51 | evening so we’re having fun and there’s
- 3:53 | so much more to to do so I’m just really
- 3:56 | excited you’re here I hope you’re having
- 3:57 | a great day and I hope that you come
- 3:59 | along for the rest of my trip so we’ll
- 4:02 | catch you soon I’m out on Deck 12
- 4:04 | checked out the floor Rider and just
- 4:06 | sitting outside for a little
- 4:08 | bit the um the deck here there’s some
- 4:11 | chairs outside and I’m feeling a little
- 4:13 | bit of a breeze which is nice so yeah I
- 4:16 | might go check out the main pool and see
- 4:18 | what’s happening over there that’s my
- 4:20 | plan so far
- 4:26 | [Music]
- 4:32 | [Music]
- 4:44 | [Music]
- 4:50 | [Music]
- 4:58 | [Music]
- 5:07 | [Music]
- 5:12 | [Music]
- 5:27 | [Music]
- 5:44 | [Applause]
- 5:47 | well done Michael all right give for
- 5:49 | Wendy and Michael we’ll come back to
- 5:51 | [Applause]
- 5:55 | [Music]
- 5:58 | you we’ve got bubbles we’re at scooner
- 6:01 | bar and I am embarrassed to say I I kept
- 6:05 | calling it Sher I don’t understand where
- 6:08 | I got that from but Spooner bar and we
- 6:11 | have a a drink it’s a strong bow
- 6:16 | cider smells good so we’re just
- 6:19 | enjoying time it smells Apple
- 6:22 | appolicious
- 6:23 | I should try it oh tell us how good it
- 6:28 | tastes it’s so in actually that tastes
- 6:32 | really good it does I’ll bet it does
- 6:34 | yeah yeah we’ll be sitting in a quiet
- 6:38 | bar for
- 6:39 | now no trivia no nothing’s going on
- 6:42 | we’re just enjoying enjoying the
- 6:45 | cruise oh my goodness I’m playing game
- 6:49 | again oh look at you witnessed me get a
- 6:51 | bonus is that amazing or what if it’s a
- 6:54 | million dollar it’ll be right back
- 6:56 | $6 I’m a winner
- 7:03 | [Music]
- 7:21 | all right we are at the ice show we used
- 7:24 | to watch ice capades right yeah Disney
- 7:27 | on Ice When We Were Young ice capades
- 7:29 | yeah this is the first ice show we’ve
- 7:30 | ever seen since when we were
- 7:32 | kids should be fun you can tell there’s
- 7:36 | an ice cube in the room I can tell
- 7:40 | anyway it’s the ice get it just
- 7:44 | kidding I’m funny I think I’m
- 7:48 | [Applause]
- 7:51 | [Music]
- 7:52 | [Applause]
- 7:54 | [Music]
- 7:56 | funny this is butternut squash SHO
- 8:00 | all right we got Roto guys and it didn’t
- 8:02 | show you my wedge salad but it’s just
- 8:04 | any old wedge salad so blue here we go
- 8:08 | it’s good this is apple cobbler warm
- 8:11 | apple cobbler you could feel that size
- 8:13 | discrepancy I know going on here wow and
- 8:17 | ice cream and we got ours is twice as
- 8:18 | big as
- 8:19 | Donna’s yeah Gooden free this is going
- 8:22 | to be yummy
- 8:28 | [Music]
- 8:41 | [Music]
- 8:53 | all right we just sat out at um Cafe
- 8:56 | prominade and had our coffee and it was
- 8:59 | fun people watching and visiting and
- 9:01 | we’re going to meet our friends for
- 9:03 | breakfast we’re going to be eating all
- 9:04 | day today so eat sit eats it eats it and
- 9:09 | Shop maybe maybe do some shopping just
- 9:11 | in case we need to know what day it is
- 9:14 | change those on every
- 9:17 | day
- 9:24 | de I went down to the pool and I didn’t
- 9:26 | take any video down there because I was
- 9:28 | there yesterday and it was cloudy and
- 9:30 | rainy and drizzly that sort of thing but
- 9:33 | um hung out down there for a little
- 9:34 | while and finally just showered and I’m
- 9:36 | heading up to find Brian and um yeah
- 9:40 | we’re just enjoying the last SE day
- 9:42 | before we head back to
- 9:44 | Miami um it’s been a really fun Cruise
- 9:47 | though and I’m just I’m glad you’re here
- 9:50 | it’s exciting it’s fun to kind of um
- 9:53 | check out a new ship and different
- 9:54 | things that they have and different
- 9:56 | venues and restaurants and all that so
- 9:58 | it’s been a really really good time so
- 10:01 | we’re just going to maybe hang out
- 10:03 | tonight we’re doing dinner I’m doing
- 10:05 | another pizza at sarentos which is going
- 10:07 | to be
- 10:09 | delicious and yeah we’ll see what else
- 10:11 | we got so thanks for coming along we’ll
- 10:15 | catch you later we just got a $1,000 hit
- 10:18 | on Miss Kitty in the casino so fun
- 10:22 | usually that game I’m like we’re never
- 10:24 | ever going to win and we got a super I
- 10:26 | didn’t take a picture I should take a
- 10:27 | picture
- 10:29 | that was so much fun though but it makes
- 10:31 | playing a little easier cuz you know
- 10:33 | we’re losing money that’s the name of
- 10:36 | the game here and they’re announcing
- 10:38 | I’ll get this spot tournament stuff but
- 10:40 | anyway we did not make it to pizza for
- 10:43 | lunch so maybe maybe late night pizza
- 10:44 | will be a good idea love to see now it’s
- 10:47 | already like
- 10:49 | 2:00 wow what a
- 10:51 | day honestly like I know we went outside
- 10:54 | we swam and stuff came back now we’re
- 10:58 | going to dinner
- 10:59 | but we actually did really really well
- 11:01 | in the casino our last night on the
- 11:04 | cruise are trying to make the best of it
- 11:06 | of
- 11:08 | course all right here we
- 11:21 | [Music]
- 11:25 | go never has a phone so we have to get
- 11:28 | it
- 11:33 | this is pineapple oh that is sunshine
- 11:36 | cake or something dessert is GL and
- 11:40 | free it looks good look at
- 11:45 | that all right oh my goodness we’re so
- 11:49 | stuck from
- 11:50 | dinner but it was so
- 11:56 | good all right I did some shopping guys
- 11:58 | I got a couple cple hoodies there’s one
- 12:01 | hoodie here let me show you hoodie one
- 12:03 | number one I got a shot glass which is
- 12:07 | amazing also got
- 12:09 | sunglasses and I got one more hoodie we
- 12:12 | had so much fun on this Cruise we’re
- 12:14 | going to definitely do back again on a
- 12:16 | royal cing Cruise
- 12:22 | [Music]
- 12:41 | we made it to Playmakers finally first
- 12:44 | time this entire cruise and I’m sure
- 12:47 | that everybody’s going to be getting
- 12:48 | some wings and chicken and fries and
- 12:51 | burgers um I got my
- 12:55 | dessert and we had a great time at
- 12:57 | Greece it was awesome they did such a
- 13:00 | great job but yeah it’s late and yeah
- 13:04 | we’re still up and the the whole ship is
- 13:06 | still partying they don’t want to let
- 13:09 | the go all right we got some mild
- 13:11 | buffalo wings here with some ranch
- 13:14 | celery
- 13:15 | carrots here we go Playmakers
- 13:19 | maybe all right hey guys just wanted to
- 13:23 | say I’m just so glad you guys came along
- 13:26 | if you made it this far we at the end
- 13:29 | end of our cruise we had such a great
- 13:31 | time it was awesome the weather was
- 13:33 | great and we really did have just it was
- 13:37 | just amazing it was fun to explore this
- 13:39 | new ship a new Cruise Line see what
- 13:42 | there was to see but um unfortunately
- 13:45 | have to say goodbye but I appreciate you
- 13:47 | guys being here and we will see you soon
- 13:51 | so catch you on a f
Hi Everyone! Another great day at sea on the Independence of the Seas! Check it out!
Music Travel by Oleg Kashchenko
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