- 0:01 | hey friends today we are going to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party 2024
- 0:07 | and I am so excited this is my favorite holiday event of the year and I wanted to make a video and share all of my
- 0:14 | experiences with you I’m going to take you around the park and show you everything that’s included in the party
- 0:19 | including the all you care to enjoy cookies and hot cocoa the amazing ride overlays like Space Mountain with the
- 0:26 | lights on and Christmas music and even the holiday parade in Christmas fireworks so we’re going to eat some
- 0:32 | food ride some rides and have a joyful Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party kind of night anyo let’s go do
- 0:41 | this it is such a beautiful day in the Magic Kingdom today temperatures are in
- 0:46 | the low 70s and it’s awesome to see all the Christmas decorations out already it’s only November 8th but Disney likes
- 0:53 | to start the holiday season early and I’m even more excited to see all of the lights turn on when it gets dark later
- 0:59 | on Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party is a separate ticketed event and it can cost
- 1:05 | anywhere from $169 to $219 depending on the night but you do
- 1:11 | get a lot for your money like I mentioned unlimited hot cocoa and cookies all around the park they have
- 1:17 | some super rare character meet and greets the rides have special overlays the parade the fireworks even the food
- 1:24 | they have specialty food only being sold during the party itself and I kind of want want to show you everything and uh
- 1:32 | kind of be a little guide in case you plan on coming to the party yourself and I’m just excited to kick off the holiday
- 1:37 | season here is a look at the map for this year’s party and I love collecting
- 1:43 | these Maps it gives you a breakdown of all of the food spots all of the entertainment look at this you got a
- 1:49 | gingerbread milkshake some cauliflower a chocolate eggnog tart a holiday turkey
- 1:55 | burger over at cosmic rays we’re going to try like you know everything thing
- 2:00 | and I especially want to try all of the uh festive cookies that they have mapped out around the park they have these
- 2:07 | little candy canes on the map to let you know that that’s a place where you can pick up holiday treats and we’re going
- 2:13 | to try to hit them all up on top of everything else I told you is included
- 2:18 | in the party another thing that’s awesome is the fact that all of the attractions have very low weight times
- 2:24 | cuz it’s a limited capacity event so you could ride a lot of rides in one night in fact if I was on vacation uh and I
- 2:31 | had to choose between buying a day ticket to Magic Kingdom or buying a Christmas party ticket I probably
- 2:37 | wouldn’t buy a day ticket and just come to the Christmas party because I’d be able to ride all the rides and then I get cookies and hot cocoa all included
- 2:44 | in the price I love when Disney makes it snope in the Magic Kingdom it’s so fun and it
- 2:52 | adds to the experience and look how festive it is over here we’ve got a slay
- 2:57 | DJ up here we’ll probably get our first cookie oh wow there’s a bunch of gingerbread man up there
- 3:04 | too wow this is great welcome in welcome
- 3:11 | out uhoh is tomarrow land paging you oh here comes our first little
- 3:18 | [Music] thing this either can be a cookie or an
- 3:23 | ornament I’ll take you the one Hi how are you it’s an ornament I love it look
- 3:29 | at that and then look at the gingerbread men over there that is too cool they also got tall snow angels up
- 3:37 | there hi Merry Christmas there’s so many good Nifty treats and surprises in this little
- 3:45 | walkway before we even got into the party I love that that is such a cool way to start
- 3:52 | the party walking through that side street there and you get uh a little ornament uh to start the day with and it
- 3:58 | looks really fan see now I think uh we’re going to go over the map a little bit and kind of come up with a plan
- 4:05 | because one of the things about coming to the parties is they’re very very like limited on time and sometimes a lot of
- 4:12 | people can’t get everything done so I kind of have a nice little system uh that I like to do to kind of maximize uh
- 4:19 | my my time here it’s starting to get dark out and it’s not even Park closed
- 4:25 | yet look at Frontier land is empty I want to start over here because they have some really cool food that I want
- 4:31 | to try at the beginning of the night before we you know get ready for the fireworks and the parade and it’s over
- 4:37 | at Golden Oak post I think it is they have special uh holiday beignet I decided on grabbing the food
- 4:44 | in Frontier land and then bringing it back to main street because I want to show you all the lights are on the
- 4:50 | Christmas tree is lit and I’m excited now it’s starting to get really festive here and I got some really good treats I
- 4:56 | can’t wait to show you just take a look at these delicious looking Beauties first we’ve got the festive beignet with
- 5:03 | blue sugar cookie dust and cookie butter icing and then we’ve got peppermint fried ice cream tree look at that ice
- 5:10 | cream rolled in cereal topped with green cookie butter oh wow both of these look amazing and completely new this year
- 5:17 | especially since we’ve got now seasonal beignet and I’m excited to dive in and uh let you guys know what I think first
- 5:25 | things first I think we’re going to go festive beet look at these ious little
- 5:30 | Beauties I like how they’re nice and light and fluffy look at that and we got
- 5:35 | cookie butter right here cookie butter sauce on top of cookie butter dusted
- 5:41 | beignet here we go I love the beignet at Golden Oak
- 5:46 | these ones are just super super sweet they’re very nice and fluffy and light and I like how they’re like Hollow on
- 5:53 | the inside it’s probably better without the cookie butter uh like sauce cuz
- 5:59 | that’s the sweetest thing these aren’t sweet that is super sweet but I still enjoy them and I’ll probably snack a
- 6:04 | little bit more on them I’m excited to dive into this fried ice cream I’m not the biggest fan of fried ice cream but
- 6:10 | it looks pretty interesting so here we go get a little of that peppermint on
- 6:17 | there that’s good the fried ice cream was delicious it’s peppermint ice cream
- 6:23 | on the center there and this is just like a peppermint icing but it does melt very quickly so if you do plan on
- 6:29 | getting it try to eat it as soon as possible now that it’s getting a little bit later I think I might switch out my
- 6:36 | hat it’s getting a little hot under there and I brought my ball capab just in case oo I’m
- 6:42 | bald enough of the Beet business take a look at all these Christmas lights I’m
- 6:49 | so excited I literally walked all the way back out here just so I can see the tree all lit out for the first time I
- 6:55 | mean we still have 10 minutes until the party starts and we’ve already tried some of the food well the food that
- 7:00 | costs extra money now everything else like the cookies that we get as we walk around are going to be uh just included
- 7:07 | in the uh ticket price I just want to be in the Fest of spirit I tried putting my
- 7:12 | Mickey uh Santa hat on top of my other hat but now I think it’s just hotter so I don’t know how long that’s going to
- 7:18 | last and now like I said uh the party is going to start in just a couple minutes
- 7:23 | I kind of already have an idea of the things that I definitely want to do I want to see the parade and I want to see
- 7:28 | the fireworks and I want to go on Space Mountain there are two different show times for the parade one is at 8:30 and
- 7:35 | then one is at 11:00 and then the fireworks are at 10:00 so we might watch the parade and then the fireworks and in
- 7:42 | the meantime just circle around the park eating cookies and drinking hot cocoa feel like that sounds like a beautiful
- 7:49 | night but seriously look at that Christmas tree isn’t she a bu Clark now
- 7:55 | I think we’re going to make our way over to Space Mountain and maybe pick up a cookie on the
- 8:00 | way tomorrow land is really going out for Club tinsel look at this I think
- 8:06 | Judy hops is somewhere in the middle of that crowd there yall are going to like this one you’re from zootopia and I want
- 8:13 | to hear your best Roar for this [Applause]
- 8:20 | one look at Santa
- 8:27 | goofy what’s up go oh oh my Lord and Max is out with a
- 8:32 | Christmas sweater Max what’s up Max Merry
- 8:40 | Christmas hey what’s up man I love how they have like the
- 8:47 | characters from zootopia just dancing around with all the other guests that’s such an awesome thing now uh I think
- 8:54 | we’re making our way to Space Mountain oh it’s a 30 minute wait 35 minute wait for Space Mountain but I can tell you
- 9:01 | what this is probably the most popular attraction and might even have a longer weight than Tron at the moment only
- 9:07 | because like I said it’s a awesome Holiday version it’s very bright in there and they play Amazing Music it’s
- 9:14 | my favorite thing about the party just so you guys know before we get on this ride like I mentioned this is not like
- 9:21 | your regular Space Mountain so there’s going to be a lot of flashing lights and you’re going to be able to see the track
- 9:27 | and the music’s going to be different it literally is probably one of my favorite Disney rides like this version of Space
- 9:33 | Mountain is like easily top three Disney rides around the
- 9:39 | world wow look at this
- 9:57 | [Applause]
- 10:05 | [Music]
- 10:14 | [Music]
- 10:24 | [Music] a ah a
- 10:56 | [Music]
- 11:09 | that was absolutely amazing I love that ride so much now I need a hot cocoa and
- 11:14 | a cookie stat I think my first cookie stop is going to be over here at the launching
- 11:20 | Pad but I wanted to point out look at this no line for the People Mover so if you wanted to ride the People Mover all
- 11:25 | night you could do it I would do it almost all of the festive tree stops are
- 11:32 | going to be different cookies and different beverages sometimes it’s hot cocoa sometimes it’s eggnog some
- 11:38 | sometimes I I think I saw hot apple cider but I mean they’re all good in my
- 11:44 | book all you got to do is look for the candy canes and that’ll lead you to the cookies and hot cocoa I’m so excited and
- 11:51 | once I get a couple hot Cocos in me I think I’m going to be more hyper delicious cookies and apple cider
- 11:59 | very thank you a first cookie oh there’s the apple
- 12:05 | cider thank you I wonder if it’s cold or hot looks like it’s cold thank
- 12:11 | you all right we got our first cookie and drink of the night and it’s a
- 12:17 | buttercream frosted red sprinkle cutout cookie and I like that they’re individually packaged because at the end
- 12:23 | of the night these are unlimited so you can grab as many as you want you can just keep going around the loop and take
- 12:28 | them home with you and I’m so excited going to dive on in first cookie of the night and we got some cold apple cider
- 12:35 | too which honestly I I need a little something cold and refreshing so cheers to cookie cheers to the
- 12:44 | holidays so soft and delicious it’s honestly falling apart I forgot to break
- 12:50 | it look at that it is a nice little cookie I’m going to probably get a couple more of these but I’ll also let
- 12:56 | you guys know what my favorite cookie of the night is we have to keep moving along I think we
- 13:02 | have just about 20 minutes until the first parade so I want to get another treat stop in and maybe find a hot cocoa
- 13:09 | get a nice little cozy spot for the parade and just keep on enjoying the festive time here at Mickey’s Very Merry
- 13:15 | Christmas party I’m just going to hop from Candy Cane to Candy Cane this is the one this
- 13:22 | is the one I think they got the hot cocoa at I love it I love this so much oh yeah he’s double fisted yeah they got
- 13:29 | the hot chocolate that’s the what I’m looking for Wow also they usually have a dance
- 13:36 | party in here too happy Holidays happy holidays Merry
- 13:41 | Christmas hot coco thank you oh and a Christmas tree cookie thank you Merry
- 13:48 | Christmas look at that guys hot cocoa in a Christmas tree cookie oh thanks guys all right the
- 13:56 | second cookie of the night this is supposed to be a buttercream Christmas tree I’m not seeing the tree I mean from
- 14:04 | the back you can see the tree cuz they can see it it kind of looks like a spade but it looks like the icing kind of
- 14:09 | melted away and then I got my hot cocoa so we can hit it with the onew punch cookie hot
- 14:16 | coco I might have to run back in there and get another hot cocoa this is so
- 14:21 | delicious and it’s the perfect temperature but I don’t know if I have enough time cuz we want to make it to the 8:30 parade it steps off at 8:30 but
- 14:28 | IA doesn’t hit Main Street until closer to 8:45 so I think we’re going to take our cookie and Coco and uh go get a spot
- 14:36 | for the parade normally I like to watch the parade on Main Street because they pump
- 14:42 | in the snope and it just looks so magical but I think we’re too late to the first parade it’s a big show out
- 14:49 | like you I don’t even you couldn’t even get into the Hub it’s like a big wall of people I think at this point we might
- 14:56 | just be looking over someone’s shoulders which I don’t mind I’ve seen the parade a couple of times and I love it but I’d
- 15:02 | like to show you guys like give you at least a pretty good view of it look at how busy it is in
- 15:08 | [Applause] [Music] here wow guys look at
- 15:14 | this I’m ready for the holiday season to be here look at that snow too
- 15:21 | [Music]
- 15:29 | especially when we share with
- 15:35 | you
- 15:42 | [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
- 15:56 | fory you see this spot all the friends are here and everybody’s having a great
- 16:03 | time christm [Music]
- 16:15 | [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
- 16:27 | chrm all up anywhere I hav’t seen him hi everyone Wonder
- 16:38 | [Music]
- 16:47 | [Music]
- 17:00 | [Music]
- 17:06 | Happ sake maybe I can it [Music]
- 17:17 | [Music] on o it smells so delicious
- 17:24 | [Applause] [Music]
- 17:50 | [Applause]
- 17:55 | up a Christmas [Music]
- 18:11 | [Music] [Applause]
- 18:25 | [Music] Merry Christmas [Music]
- 18:36 | bu time for something [Music]
- 18:41 | [Applause] sweet we’ve got yummy treats for
- 18:50 | [Applause] [Music] everyone candy candy candy
- 19:19 | [Music]
- 19:26 | it’s special time [Music]
- 19:39 | look how pretty [Music]
- 19:51 | [Music]
- 19:58 | [Music] all the trees that are the
- 20:06 | holy so [Music]
- 20:14 | magic the [Music] [Applause]
- 20:22 | [Applause] [Music]
- 20:28 | [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh the [Music]
- 20:37 | gold Woody it’s so Woody
- 20:48 | [Music]
- 21:00 | [Music] well
- 21:20 | [Music]
- 21:30 | [Music] it’s [Music]
- 21:50 | [Music]
- 21:59 | [Music]
- 22:15 | merry Christmas and happy holidays to us [Applause]
- 22:24 | all it is so good to see you here with all your family and
- 22:35 | friend very Christmas everyone love
- 22:42 | friends so good to see you all [Music]
- 22:50 | here Mery Christmas
- 22:59 | Hello friends Merry Christmas to us [Music]
- 23:05 | all hello that parade has definitely got to
- 23:11 | be my all-time favorite holiday parade I love it all of the floats have sents when they go by so you can actually
- 23:17 | smell like whatever the float is and I was just like so in awe of the Toy Soldiers when they come down and they’re
- 23:24 | like clop clop clop clop clop it’s so cool I really do love it and it was cool
- 23:29 | cuz I actually ran into Jenna from Resort TV 1 and Pete from the Pete mcdevit show and we kind of watched the
- 23:35 | parade together now I want to go explore around a little bit and see if we can get some more cookies and definitely
- 23:41 | more hot cocoa and then we got to get ready for the fireworks the most important thing I love these
- 23:47 | fireworks I made my way down to storybook circus and they’ve got some silly polar bears over here doing a meet
- 23:53 | and greet I’ve never even seen them before I don’t even know if they’re like a Disney character let me know in the
- 23:59 | comments if you guys recognize the polar bears but they look really fun they’re actually dancing and having a good time
- 24:04 | and I think there’s another treat stop down here actually it looks so festive over here this is like all brand new
- 24:11 | they got they got stilt Walkers over there they got snope down here wow
- 24:17 | they’re doing some stuff they’re doing it Santa’s meeting where the Seven Dwarves used to meet actually in that
- 24:25 | little gazebo down by uh Pete’s silly side show and he’s got a long long line
- 24:31 | so we’re probably not going to be able to see Santa today but we just saw him in the parade and there’s also no treat
- 24:36 | stops down here so if you come down to storybook circus uh it’s just for Santa and this cool little festive area so I
- 24:43 | guess we’re going to move along and get some more cookies cookie cookie look at these stilt Walkers meet Santa in
- 24:51 | storybook circus look they got snope down here wow this is so cool over here
- 24:57 | I really love what they’re doing with the place look at that the lanterns are snooping I think I found a leaky snope
- 25:04 | machine and I want to sit here and see how much snope I can get the pile on top of me it’s coming out in some pretty
- 25:11 | good clumps right now look at this it’s actually pretty slippery over
- 25:18 | here don’t slip on the soap and look at this trash can we can make like a snow
- 25:23 | snowball holy moly we might actually do
- 25:28 | that did not work like I thought it was the next festive treat stop is going to be here at the Harbor House I wonder
- 25:35 | what they got going on in there I’ll take a hot chocolate thank
- 25:41 | you I love your YouTube chn oh thank you a half Garden Merry
- 25:46 | Christmas look at that a hot cocoa and now I think we’re getting a Caramel
- 25:52 | Pretzel cookie a Caramel Pretzel cookie this sounds interesting
- 26:00 | different cookie this cookie looks good oh thank
- 26:05 | you oh yeah look at that Caramel Pretzel chocolate chip cookie so this is our third cookie now
- 26:14 | and I love that they added a little pretzel Caramel Pretzel chocolate chip cookie going to give it oh it’s soft and
- 26:20 | it we got the hot chocolate hot chocolate and cookie combo
- 26:26 | again now it’s going to be the best cookie of the night unless they’ve got some super amazing cookies at the other
- 26:34 | spots this is going to be my favorite cookie you can actually see the caramel and pieces of pretzel inside there this
- 26:40 | is a really really good cookie and probably like I said my favorite cookie
- 26:46 | I feel like we got a lot done so far tonight but right now it is 9:48 so we
- 26:52 | have 12 minutes to get over to the hub to watch the the Christmas fireworks and I don’t want to miss those so we’re
- 26:58 | going to sip quickly and eat quickly oh it is very very crowded in
- 27:07 | here we’ll see if we can find a spot
- 27:17 | [Music]
- 27:24 | [Music]
- 27:32 | [Music]
- 27:38 | [Music]
- 27:58 | [Music] hey you for being here we’re just the
- 28:07 | real to be with all of you this season [Music]
- 28:31 | [Applause] go take me [Music]
- 28:47 | [Music]
- 29:05 | [Music]
- 29:17 | that look at that [Music]
- 29:26 | [Music] oh
- 29:31 | [Music]
- 29:44 | [Music]
- 29:51 | [Music] [Applause] [Music]
- 30:08 | w
- 30:18 | [Applause] [Music]
- 30:36 | [Music]
- 30:48 | I just love the holidays the sow fights and hot choc Coy fires and miss
- 30:58 | my favorite part is get to share it all with the ones I love
- 31:04 | [Music]
- 31:23 | [Music]
- 31:34 | [Applause] [Music]
- 31:52 | h
- 31:59 | [Music]
- 32:05 | all the way up Happ
- 32:12 | [Music]
- 32:32 | [Music] for [Music]
- 32:55 | [Music]
- 33:01 | [Music]
- 33:08 | [Music]
- 33:20 | [Applause] [Music]
- 33:26 | oh my goodness I can hardly wait with all the holiday magic this time of year
- 33:32 | I’m so happy we get to share it with all of you and there’s no better time to
- 33:38 | celebrate than right now [Music]
- 33:48 | [Music] [Applause]
- 33:57 | a [Music]
- 34:10 | [Music]
- 34:17 | [Applause] [Music]
- 34:33 | and I do [Music]
- 34:41 | [Music]
- 34:53 | [Music] [Applause] [Music]
- 35:05 | [Applause] [Music]
- 35:19 | [Music]
- 35:25 | n [Music]
- 35:36 | [Music] [Applause]
- 35:43 | [Music] at [Music]
- 35:55 | [Music] w
- 36:06 | [Music]
- 36:12 | [Music]
- 36:20 | [Music]
- 36:33 | [Applause] we take these moments and we turn them into memories memories we can cherish
- 36:41 | forever and ever and that’s the kind of magic that only happens when we’re all
- 36:49 | together open TI up with a
- 36:54 | perfect but the greatest present was given to
- 37:01 | Meo it’s something I never TR it’s the
- 37:06 | family that we make when we together I everything
- 37:14 | [Music] on together I have all the
- 37:22 | wish all around the Christmas tree there’ll be dreams is coming true we
- 37:31 | here together and my [Music]
- 37:44 | [Music]
- 37:50 | [Applause] [Music] fav it’s
- 37:58 | [Music]
- 38:18 | together I can save forever and when
- 38:24 | we together is my fa [Music]
- 38:36 | [Applause] a wonderful Christmas
- 38:45 | [Music]
- 39:01 | [Music]
- 39:06 | wow the fireworks were so amazing I probably say that a lot today everything
- 39:12 | is just so amazing cuz I’m all hyped I’m just excited to be here I love the holiday season and it’s just cool even
- 39:19 | if I’m running around sweating wearing a Santa hat I still feel just like like full of spirit but now I think we’re
- 39:25 | going to continue our cookie Quest and uh make our way into Adventure Land and see what kind of Festival snacks they
- 39:31 | got there’s that beautiful candy cane this is in uh torga Tavern this is I
- 39:38 | think our final cookie stop I think there’s only four of them Merry Christmas Merry
- 39:45 | Chrysler oh thank you red velvet cookie fancy I thought that there was going to
- 39:52 | be a cookie stop at posos bills but they don’t have one this year and uh I was I was thinking this was the last one but
- 39:58 | we did miss one and that’s at Gaston’s Tavern so I’m going to double back there cuz I got to know what the cookie is
- 40:04 | this one over at toga is red velvet but they don’t have any beverages just
- 40:09 | cookies and it’s a very soft cookie look at that ooh almost broke into threes there so got to try the cookie you got
- 40:15 | to try them all the red velvet cookie is probably the softest cookie of the night it
- 40:22 | literally crumbled apart when I broke it and I like it I probably put this at number too but we don’t know what Gaston
- 40:29 | has to offer and I can’t believe I missed it I can’t believe I missed a cookie stop I definitely feel like there’s less
- 40:36 | cookies this year than the previous years and even that Last Stand they didn’t even have any beverages they just
- 40:41 | had the red velvet cookie maybe I’m wrong I’ll have to look back I think in total there’s five treat spots five
- 40:48 | cookies and four beverages but technically there’s only two beverages cuz it’s just apple cider and hot
- 40:54 | chocolate unless they got eggnog inside Gans which honestly maybe they do we’ll have to find
- 41:01 | out gastan is looking so festive oh and there’s that candy cane I can’t believe
- 41:08 | I missed this place I must have walked right by my wife thank you oh Merry Christmas
- 41:16 | thank youas oh this is looking good gingerbread oh I’ll take that an eggnog
- 41:22 | down there oh they do got eggnog look at this
- 41:27 | guys I got water she some eggnog oh I’ll take an eggnog thank you of course Merry
- 41:33 | Christmas Merry Christmas gastons did have eggn and they have a little
- 41:38 | gingerbread cookie with icing on it so let uh all five cookies I’m going to
- 41:43 | give it a nice little break I love gingerbread I’m not I’m not the biggest fan of eggnog but behind the scenes I
- 41:50 | had like four hot chocolates and honestly I’m happy it’s not hot chocolate my stomach couldn’t handle it
- 41:55 | I don’t even know if my stomach will handle this but I’m still going to try it so here we go [Music]
- 42:03 | cheers that’s thick the gingerbread cookie is good but it’s a little dry for
- 42:10 | my tasting I don’t think this is going to rank high for me I think this is probably going to be my least favorite
- 42:15 | cookie out of all of them and I’m not the biggest fan of eggnog but it’s still probably very good eggnog I think
- 42:21 | overall I might retire on the cookies and uh sweet treats for the night maybe I’ll take a couple he’s home with me
- 42:27 | though I didn’t get to see many characters today the lines were they weren’t too bad but I’ve been in such a
- 42:35 | hurry like I I’ve been basically just walking the whole entire time cuz I I definitely wanted to see the parade I’m
- 42:41 | glad we did that we got to see the fireworks got to ride Space Mountain try all of the cookies and all of the free
- 42:47 | Beverages and even some of the food that you have to pay for we got to try so
- 42:52 | overall I think uh we’ve gotten a lot accomplished here at Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party I think we’re going to
- 42:58 | start making our way down Main Street USA I might want to hop in and see Mickey Mouse before we leave and uh
- 43:04 | maybe call T night I think it’s like 11:00 now so the the party is only going for another hour and the last parade is
- 43:11 | probably starting very soon it’s kind of crazy like I I feel like I just got
- 43:17 | here I stopped in tomorrow land and grabbed myself a bunch of cookies for
- 43:22 | the road oh look Santa Stitch just came out over there and I think the parade is
- 43:28 | starting so we better hurry up if we’re going to try to get down to see Mickey my plan was to go in while the parade
- 43:34 | was happening cuz I figured the weight time would be down I think we’re going to take a a detour oh look we beat the parade down
- 43:42 | and looks like Santa’s actually going to be coming soon there’s the princesses now I hope that the wait times for the
- 43:49 | characters in here aren’t too high look at all the snope they got
- 43:55 | here wow Love is All Us in the
- 44:03 | holidays it looks like it says Jack and Sally and Mickey are a 30 minute wait
- 44:09 | but uh I don’t know about Mickey it seems like this side is Mickey only oh yeah that’s the Jack and Sally line hey
- 44:16 | how are you how come nobody’s in line to me
- 44:21 | Mickey wow I can’t believe this guys look at this
- 44:27 | hey hi how many one perfect let me ask shall we
- 44:32 | one wow there’s like a walk on to me Mickey perect I’ll Mo over oh yeah hey
- 44:41 | pal how are you you’re having a great day you look very merry I like it looks
- 44:47 | very good yeah I like it you look very merry too oh yeah I wanted to go see Jack and Sally but you were the main
- 44:53 | attraction you were the you I was like oh forget them I’m coming to Mickey that’s the way see that’s like a really
- 45:01 | good tip if you’re looking to actually meet the characters go during the parades the fireworks uh the stage shows
- 45:08 | cuz it said 30 minutes and it was literally a walk- on like I just walked right into M uh Mickey and that was so
- 45:15 | cool but I think uh I think we’re done here I think I’m going to have to start making my way home and got to go check
- 45:21 | in on Gracie girl oh my Lord it looks like the parade
- 45:29 | ended oh it’s going to take us a while to get home and there she is my little Gracie
- 45:38 | girl what are you doing huh you just hanging out on the couch there yeah you
- 45:44 | want a treat you want a treat I had a lot of cookies today so Gracie there’s a
- 45:49 | cookie for you oh I like the way you just toss that back in your mouth and
- 45:55 | with that we are done here today I had a lot of fun at the party I do feel like
- 46:01 | they definitely cut down on the cookie distribution stations I I I just didn’t seem like there was a lot of different
- 46:08 | variety of cookies uh the two frosting cookies they were like the same one one
- 46:13 | was supposed to be shaped like a Christmas tree but the ones I picked up on my way out were just round and they actually removed the W Christmas tree
- 46:20 | straight from the packaging but overall it’s such a great time I love Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party and I’m happy
- 46:27 | the holiday season is here we have so many cool festive things to do for the next couple of weeks and I can’t wait to
- 46:34 | make videos and share all my experiences with you so I hope you enjoyed the video I enjoyed making it and uh we’ll see you
- 46:42 | next time bye I’m bald
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