- 0:00 | what’s up F we are officially
- 0:03 | in Dominican Republic man and a little
- 0:06 | late for our Excursion so we’re trying
- 0:07 | to make it to the end of the it’s these
- 0:10 | elevators yeah
- 0:12 | boy that’s right Rock so we got to get
- 0:15 | there super speed man
- 0:20 | [Music]
- 0:44 | w
- 0:46 | [Music]
- 1:23 | some turn
- 1:26 | around turn around
- 1:31 | and
- 1:41 | my
- 1:46 | [Music]
- 1:49 | SP hell you
- 1:54 | do come on here we got the machine for
- 1:58 | getting the juice from the sugar
- 2:00 | how we make our juice from the sugar
- 2:03 | cane easy very very easy just the sugar
- 2:06 | cane like
- 2:08 | this
- 2:11 | okay wow you want it oh wow and after
- 2:16 | the juice com in over
- 2:21 | here wow oh
- 2:24 | wow this is 100% natural
- 2:28 | 100% natural all right so this is uh
- 2:31 | sugar cane with r go get a taste first
- 2:34 | there
- 2:42 | buddy it tastes like
- 2:47 | water sweet very
- 2:53 | sweet the caca from this we cut them and
- 2:57 | we take him from inside after we put it
- 2:59 | in in the Sun and going to be like this
- 3:03 | we move just
- 3:05 | move couple of time and we put it in the
- 3:08 | Sun every day move after going to look
- 3:11 | like this okay and we make like
- 3:15 | this that’s is Cacao all right right
- 3:18 | here ladies and gentlemen we got our
- 3:20 | cave the most important one but why is
- 3:23 | the most important one because that is
- 3:26 | what the indigenous was eating every day
- 3:30 | kasave from the Juka we cut him and we
- 3:35 | wrap the Juka and after we do it and
- 3:38 | look like
- 3:47 | this that’s good that’s good
- 3:50 | [Music]
- 4:20 | so we’re going after the infamous mamana
- 4:25 | [Music]
- 4:33 | yeah thank
- 4:35 | [Music]
- 4:39 | you it is good all right fam so we
- 4:43 | getting ready to head to get some lunch
- 4:45 | now and everybody is here for it too
- 4:56 | man this is the star
- 5:01 | okay
- 5:03 | oh okay so the vegetable you’re going to
- 5:06 | have today are very fresh frh vegetable
- 5:09 | and she going to enjoy it because
- 5:11 | they’re Harvest by the honor of this
- 5:13 | place so before pandemic this place used
- 5:16 | to be open for public after pandemic
- 5:19 | they just open it for Carnival uh tour
- 5:22 | okay
- 5:23 | [Music]
- 5:39 | all right here is lunch y’all
- 5:43 | mhm
- 5:45 | Queen more Apple te
- 5:48 | [Music]
- 6:11 | all right y’all now we are downtown so
- 6:14 | uh mama is get ready to show us around
- 6:17 | here design like this the plaza the
- 6:20 | cathedral and the City Hall other City
- 6:24 | Hall you can see the shield with f and Y
- 6:26 | that mean Fernando Andel
- 6:31 | [Music]
- 6:45 | [Music]
- 6:52 | baby all right
- 6:55 | baby
- 6:57 | b hey hey hey
- 7:11 | hey
- 7:17 | hey hey
- 7:20 | [Music]
- 7:35 | well we going to be loud very loud all
- 7:37 | right loud we’re American we’re
- 7:40 | loud we built in loud yeah I don’t think
- 7:43 | you’re Lou
- 7:57 | [Applause]
- 8:04 | that’s good man that is
- 8:08 | good cheers
- 8:10 | Che a what you say
- 8:14 | a wait a
- 8:23 | minut y’all let him butcher it like
- 8:27 | that I need more practice
- 8:31 | yeah we got to go down the pink
- 8:35 | [Music]
- 8:38 | Street oh this is
- 8:41 | dope I like
- 8:43 | [Music]
- 8:50 | this street found
- 8:57 | [Music]
- 9:03 | all right fam so we are headed to our
- 9:05 | last
- 9:06 | stop then after that back to the port
- 9:13 | [Music]
- 9:57 | I the blue one DOD
- 9:59 | yeah I want to try that one too well you
- 10:02 | do the blue one we can try both okay so
- 10:04 | this is Cafe I don’t know what it is but
- 10:07 | it says kind of like a eggnog so we’re
- 10:09 | going to do half and switch off so
- 10:11 | that’s regular this
- 10:13 | Cafe
- 10:18 | cheers like EG
- 10:21 | too it’s good but it’s so thick it’s
- 10:24 | thick all right hold
- 10:27 | on they pass
- 10:36 | yeah I like this one better this is
- 10:38 | regular eggnog but it’s so thick he this
- 10:41 | one I like this one better like think of
- 10:43 | eggnog in the consistency of
- 10:46 | pudding it’s very pudding like but I
- 10:48 | like that one though I bought this fam
- 10:51 | this is good this vodka um cooler green
- 10:54 | apple she good it tastes like a a green
- 10:56 | apple Jolly Rancher exactly
- 11:01 | and it’s got a it’s sparkly
- 11:05 | spark we ready to get back on the bus
- 11:08 | and head back to the port all right fam
- 11:10 | we are back in Port and my fellas is
- 11:12 | still
- 11:16 | playing all right we said we had to come
- 11:18 | down here and at least shoot the Amber
- 11:21 | Cove
- 11:24 | sign and they got a
- 11:27 | uh Beach over there
- 11:34 | all right what you want to do go back to
- 11:35 | the ship all right let’s do
- 11:38 | [Music]
- 11:46 | it hey he hey hey he
- 11:51 | hey hey
- 11:54 | hey back hey
- 11:59 | all right fam we are back on the ship
- 12:02 | and tonight is the second elegant night
- 12:04 | we didn’t participate in the first one
- 12:06 | cuz we said we going to participate in
- 12:07 | the second what’s going on Fab we said
- 12:09 | we going to participate in the second
- 12:10 | one and this our first time going to the
- 12:12 | dining room this entire trip yeah we’ve
- 12:15 | been for Cay brunch of course that y’
- 12:16 | already saw that don’t count yeah but we
- 12:19 | haven’t been for
- 12:20 | dinner we had the time we had the
- 12:23 | stamina yeah so we said we going to go
- 12:25 | ahead and do it tonight love that game
- 12:27 | that’s cute and the menu is amazing
- 12:30 | tonight it is like it’s making the
- 12:32 | choices hard yeah they got a lot of good
- 12:35 | stuff so we’ll we’ll show you the menu
- 12:36 | when we get in
- 12:39 | there it’s a really nice dining room
- 12:45 | fam all right thank you all right thank
- 12:49 | you yeah so uh here’s the menu fam so
- 12:52 | let me switch it over so you guys can
- 12:54 | actually see the menu as you can see
- 12:57 | they got a lot of good stuff on here
- 13:00 | they actually making it tough for us
- 13:01 | they got Lobster they got like the steak
- 13:04 | that we love uh shrimp surfing Turf that
- 13:07 | we love they got so much on here but we
- 13:10 | figured they they got this menu tonight
- 13:12 | because like we said tonight is elegant
- 13:14 | night so they going they going to break
- 13:16 | out the best of the best for us so
- 13:17 | here’s a drink menu
- 13:24 | fam yes sir
- 13:28 | [Music]
- 13:32 | thank you so the queen got a spicy
- 13:35 | Margarita nope ain’t no spicy Margarita
- 13:38 | no what is it my bad I wrong huh spicy
- 13:43 | Chipotle pineapple oh okay
- 13:47 | Mar ain’t nothing change y’all ain’t
- 13:49 | nothing change different trip save stall
- 13:52 | hey and then I got the Lynchburg um
- 13:55 | lemonade and that’s made with uh Jack
- 13:57 | Daniel and and um yours made with um
- 14:01 | stoy sto vodka stoly vodka
- 14:05 | okay and uh for Apple TI I got some clam
- 14:10 | chatter and the queen got the same
- 14:13 | thing born appti this ain’t nothing
- 14:16 | cream corn it’s just cream corn that
- 14:18 | what you like to be oh okay all right
- 14:21 | fam so our Entre are here so here’s my
- 14:23 | bro Lobster I got the
- 14:27 | lasagna and they going to Queen’s uh
- 14:30 | Prime Red Man it look delicious
- 14:33 | too we got that’s a baked potato yeah I
- 14:36 | a I don’t have no triming on it
- 14:38 | though get it baby hey
- 14:45 | [Music]
- 14:51 | hey all right so the queen jumped off
- 14:54 | the deep end T night and got some M and
- 14:55 | cake so she first ordered some fruit and
- 14:58 | she was was like you know what scratch
- 15:00 | that give me give me some M cake
- 15:02 | inde going check me yeah cuz you
- 15:06 | remember in the last Vlog we learned how
- 15:08 | to make this in the kitchen on on the
- 15:11 | chef table yep B and Appetit so if you
- 15:15 | have the recipe I’m going to give you
- 15:16 | what that Chef told us even if you have
- 15:19 | the recipe what is missing from the
- 15:21 | recipe is make the mix and put it in
- 15:24 | refriger 244 hours bake it the next day
- 15:29 | yep then you can get it yep that’s what
- 15:32 | he said that’s exactly what he said
- 15:34 | don’t ever say I ain’t told you nothing
- 15:37 | always tell you just like
- 15:40 | that all right we just left the dining
- 15:42 | room so we decided to come back over
- 15:44 | here to the Alchemy bar once again it’s
- 15:47 | okay we we’re in the Overflow room yeah
- 15:50 | so we wanted to try that drink called
- 15:51 | the quick fix that looks just like the
- 15:54 | Tokyo I’m let him do it first because I
- 15:56 | want to see yeah so we we posibly might
- 16:00 | have found a
- 16:02 | handcrafted Tokyo te but it’s actually
- 16:05 | called the Quick Fix so but if they did
- 16:08 | that oh yeah it didn’t give nobody any
- 16:11 | credits because this was not on the men
- 16:14 | yeah this is different I’m not saying it
- 16:15 | hasn’t always been on this menu on this
- 16:18 | ship all the other ships that we’ve been
- 16:20 | on that has not been on it I ain’t never
- 16:22 | seen it so if that’s the case somebody
- 16:26 | made that very yeah popular for it to
- 16:30 | make the Alchemy menu right all right
- 16:34 | let’s let’s order one and see what it
- 16:36 | talking about man yep that’s do so fam
- 16:39 | uh scratch that scratch that we uh
- 16:41 | talked to the bartender it’s nothing
- 16:43 | like the Tokyo te has black
- 16:45 | licorice we ain’t doing
- 16:49 | that say she saved she saved us yeah so
- 16:52 | I’m going back to my Alchemy side car
- 17:00 | what’s this one again peachy cosmol
- 17:03 | peachy cosmetol thank you baby wait what
- 17:05 | what is it Peach cosmology whatever yeah
- 17:09 | Cosmopolitan not cosmy they heard you
- 17:12 | cuz he about ready to take you I got and
- 17:15 | I got um of course my Hennessy side C
- 17:18 | and looking delicious
- 17:29 | cheers family all right fam we we done
- 17:32 | made it back to the cabin uh we done had
- 17:35 | a fun pack day man we did so the last
- 17:38 | time you saw us we were at the dining
- 17:41 | room no no at the Alchemy bar at the
- 17:43 | Alchemy bar so yeah I drank my one drink
- 17:45 | he drank his one drink we went to the
- 17:47 | casino cuz we had some some more money
- 17:50 | in it’s not credits because we spent
- 17:52 | money yeah and so we we played some
- 17:56 | saved some and then we lost it all
- 17:59 | tonight when I say I lost $20 in like
- 18:04 | two seconds less than 30 seconds yeah
- 18:05 | because I played a machine that was
- 18:07 | taking me was taking five5 AP Po and I
- 18:11 | didn’t even know it that’s how much I
- 18:13 | don’t know how to play SL yeah we a we
- 18:15 | ain’t we ain’t gamblers like that but
- 18:18 | but I’ll feed the machines because I in
- 18:21 | my mind I need to figure out what’s the
- 18:23 | secret number to trigger a casino deal
- 18:26 | do well I told you rob already told us a
- 18:28 | number so I’m going to have to get my
- 18:29 | barber points yeah I’m going to have to
- 18:31 | get Rob to come on the channel talk
- 18:33 | about it he said yeah 60 points I don’t
- 18:36 | want to take the points I want him to
- 18:37 | say it because just in case just in case
- 18:40 | we don’t know yeah cuz I told him I was
- 18:42 | like I rather for you to explain it then
- 18:45 | us explain it cuz yeah he he him and his
- 18:47 | friends they really good at it and they
- 18:50 | be getting deals while they on the
- 18:52 | cruise my cousin’s good at it tooo but
- 18:53 | she does tables yeah she does the tables
- 18:55 | yeah so I don’t know if table
- 18:59 | credit numbers are different anyway this
- 19:02 | is not a yeah know yeah we went off a t
- 19:06 | all right man we will see y’all in the
- 19:09 | next video straight from the
- 19:11 | VA two up two down h
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