- 0:01 | [Music] Welcome to Essaouira a stunning coastal
city on Morocco’s Atlantic Coast known for its - 0:08 | laidback Vibe and cool sea breezes unlike the
bustling energy of Marrakesh only a few hours - 0:16 | away Essaouira offers a quieter more relaxed
atmosphere making it a favorite Seaside Escape - 0:22 | for tourists and locals alike Essaouira has it
all whether you come for the beaches the history - 0:30 | the seafood or the culture there’s something for
everyone we’re Chris and Lydia come exploring - 0:38 | Essaouira with us [Music] today if you missed
our last episode we took on the bustling city - 0:47 | of Marrakesh packing in as many of the sights
as we could and a bit of shopping into our short - 0:54 | visit good morning this is our last morning
in Marrakesh we’re off to Essaouira today - 1:00 | and uh we may have done a bit of shopping
cuz this bag wasn’t here before we got to - 1:07 | Marrakesh now we have to take this with us
on our way but uh we’re off to the seaside to - 1:14 | see what that has in the store looking forward
to some seafood apparently the seafood’s very good in Essaouira and we’re about to make
our way down there now [Music] [Applause] - 1:45 | [Music]
- 1:51 | Today’s drive takes us almost
in a straight line to the coast from the Imperial City of Marrakesh
to the seaside Port Town of [Music] - 1:59 | Essaouira we have made it to the Atlantic
Ocean welcome to Essaouira [Music] - 2:58 | that must be where we’re staying up there
- 3:19 | [Music] a little fireplace lovely bed
- 3:31 | [Music] let’s look at this bathroom
toilet big [Music] Basin giant bath - 3:41 | look at how big that bath is
my goodness that’s going to it’s almost a swimming pool it’s going
to take half the ocean to fill [Music] - 3:54 | that ooh this is a bit of a chili out area with a
- 4:01 | [Music] barbecue what’s it like
- 4:09 | upstairs view that’s the ocean over [Music]
- 4:25 | there bit windy
- 4:34 | oh there’s the ocean our Riad accommodation is perfectly
situated within Essaouira’s old Medina a - 4:45 | UNESCO heritage site No sooner had we settled
in than we headed straight back out excited - 4:51 | to dive into the local scene and sample
some of the fresh seafood Essaouira is famous for more slippers we’ve already
got slippers honey don’t need any more - 6:04 | [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Essaouira is also a bit of a hippie joint
got some music and uh buskers and whatnot - 6:09 | so I think tonight we might try to find
a rooftop bar watch the sunset and um - 6:16 | find some music maybe a band or be nice
sounds like a good plan to me [Music] - 6:34 | Essaouira is famous for its
spectacular sunsets over the Atlantic Ocean the shifting colors of
the sky as the sun sets are amazing - 7:00 | I spend most of my time viewing what I want from the outside
I comb it over like it’s the scene of a - 7:17 | cry the only guil I find
- 7:29 | staring back at me in the
mirror at night stuck in place - 7:37 | [Music] just After a lovely breakfast
with freshly squeezed orange juice on - 7:46 | the rooftop of our rad it was time to hit
the streets of Essaouira Essaouira is a - 7:52 | port town so there’s lots of fishing there’s
beaches Medina only dates back to the 18th - 7:59 | Century so it’s a much more modern and
well-designed Medina here than it was uh - 8:07 | in uh Fez or in Marrakesh it’s pretty windy here
actually so the wind is really blowing through - 8:14 | these little alleyways so got our jumpers
on today uh and we’ll go exploring [Music] - 8:29 | It wasn’t yet 10:00 a.m. so the Medina hadn’t
come to life yet Essaouira’s Medina is uniquely - 8:36 | easy to navigate thanks to its design by
a French architect the streets are laid - 8:41 | out in a grid pattern unlike the maze-like
medinas of Fez and Marrakesh which evolved - 8:47 | more organically over centuries it’s
a pretty Medina with its whitewashed - 8:52 | buildings and Blue Shutters lending a
distinct Mediterranean flavor [Music] - 9:01 | look at the brick work on this door so this is the
ancient form of air conditioning it’s designed on - 9:08 | an angle so that it pushes the wind inside the
doors so you can see how this one juts out this - 9:14 | way got one slanted one way on one side and then
slanted the other on the other side to direct the - 9:23 | air flow through the door very clever in ancient
times Essaouira began as a Berber settlement but - 9:33 | it became a prominent trading Hub after the
Portuguese built a fortress here in the early 16th century calling it Mogador the town as we
know it today however was established in the - 9:45 | 18th century by Sultan Muhammad III his vision
was to create a port as close as possible to - 9:52 | Marrakech allowing him to trade goods arriving
along the trans Saharan Caravan route from - 9:57 | Timbuktu and ship them to Europe the iconic
Essaouira ramparts were also built by Sultan - 10:04 | Muhammad III in the 18th century to protect the
city from Naval attacks they’re known locally - 10:11 | as Skala de la Kasbah and are lined with old
bronze cannons originally cast in Spain the - 10:18 | ramparts offer sweeping views of the Atlantic
Ocean and are a photographers dream [Music] - 10:47 | there peekaboo
- 10:59 | [Music] We’ve had had beautiful weather been so
spoiled for the weather we have um been - 11:05 | just Picture Perfect literally Picture Perfect almost every day every time you take
a picture the weather’s just blue sky - 11:12 | gorgeous wow wide Beach it’s quite a wide Beach
- 11:19 | it is a wide Beach [Music] that’s
it’s quite a long beach too [Music] - 11:33 | oh there’s a hammock that’s the way you
want to spend your day they’re just getting - 11:39 | set up now look like what’s the time it’s
about [Music] 11:00 oh look at these day - 11:47 | [Music] beds time for a nous nous by the [Music]
- 12:12 | beach it’s warm [Music]
- 12:32 | I thought it was going to be ice cold cuz he said
the Atlantic’s really cold yeah is supposed to be - 12:38 | cold it’s nice it’s quite nice I don’t mind it
at all no I’d almost get in for a swim which - 12:43 | is saying something well on yeah maybe later in
the day the wind just keeps it cooler if the wind - 12:52 | wasn’t here just in sitting in the sun when
you’re out of the wind it’s really quite warm the water’s nice yeah it’s just the wind if you
got out wet you’d be freezing yeah it’s [Music] - 13:06 | nice there’s the old uh fishing trawlers out
there all high and dry at the moment we saw - 13:16 | some camels walking along the beach when we were
driving in the other day I think they come out in - 13:22 | the afternoon for the sunset it’s not camel time
yet but there’s plenty people Parasaing there that - 13:31 | you can do Parasailing see people Paras ailing out
there not parasailing what do you call that where - 13:38 | they’ve got a kite kite surfing kite surfing you
can rent a little um banana chair sit and enjoy - 13:46 | the sun soccer or something going on oh yeah
it’s the kids have got their different color - 13:53 | shirts are having a game of soccer on the sand
I suppose it’s a good time with the tide so low - 14:19 | [Music] can you smell the fish
- 14:26 | While Essaouira was a major port in the 18th
and 19th centuries its importance declined as - 14:31 | the Caravan trade faded today it serves mainly
as a fishing and tourism Hub drawing visitors - 14:38 | to its bustling Fish Market traditional
blue fishing boats and picturesque Coastal - 14:43 | [Music] setting so we’ve come to a bit of a hidden
secret that’s known to the locals and it’s a local - 14:55 | um seafood market so you go along this is where
all the fishermen catch their fish and bring in their fish and they go out to Sea and they come
back in and they offload here and then they have - 15:05 | um some other people come and collect their fish
off them and then they cut it and fillet it how you like and there’s a couple of little stores
here where you can come and eat fresh oysters - 15:15 | freshly shucked sea urchins uh Alaskan crab and
a few other little Delicacies so we’ll have a - 15:23 | look and see what there is but uh it’s a bit of a
secret so you’ll see more Moroccans than you will - 15:30 | see tourist here let’s have a look [Music] it’s
just a sea of blue boats apparently they paint - 16:04 | their boats blue so that the fish don’t see them
so when the fish look up all they see is the blue - 16:10 | of the sky seems to work for them so maybe we
should all paint our fishing boats blue [Music] - 16:49 | here is sea urchin like Hedgehog
of the sea clams oysters - 17:21 | was it oh really fresh they’re big
- 17:29 | Oysters too you going to try one of those
little Urchiny things you got to try one of - 17:35 | them good chewy sea snail sea snail
maybe I’ll have a crab leg quite nice - 17:53 | actually yeah I’ll have a crab leg [Music] this is
- 18:00 | great that’s good oh there’s a
lot of crab meat in there oh yeah - 18:10 | um straight off the trawler cracked opening out the back
it’s good fresh you can’t even talk - 18:30 | [Music] these guys are shucking the oysters cracking the
- 18:35 | crabs what are those things that’s
is that octopus okay sea urchins sea - 18:43 | snails all right I’ve got a sea urchin let’s let’s zoom in a bit okay okay
that’s what it looks like what does it - 18:58 | taste like I’ve never had a sea urchin
before you eat the orange bits in the [Music] inside what’s it taste like Fruity Fruity - 19:11 | Fruity and a little salty yeah yeah nice that’s nice I’ll
take your word for it surprisingly you - 19:26 | never going try it try a little bit no I’m good another one good so that was a female
so you have the female with wine don’t - 19:36 | you this is a male one it’s not
as orange okay and you have that - 19:47 | without wine wonder why you have one
taste different than the other [Music] - 20:00 | it hasn’t got as stronger a flavor
- 20:06 | nice you have another one going back for more
try a little bit just to taste it then you can - 20:17 | say you have it’s not too bad I don’t need to
say that I have no no no no just a little bit - 20:23 | [ __ ] I
- 20:30 | I think I like the females better of course
they’re better at everything it tastes - 20:37 | better you don’t get a whole lot out of it though
- 20:42 | no the clam oh that’s a lot of
meat in there that’s a lot of - 20:49 | meat how is it not as not my
favorite I prefer oysters to - 20:58 | clams for sure it didn’t have much of a
taste initially but the after taste no - 21:07 | not as big a fan oysters oysters are
the way to go you won’t need lunch - 21:14 | [Music]
- 21:20 | honey see that octopus and anchovy
ceviche what’s that that’s raw isn’t - 21:30 | it it’s all raw anyway they’re just
opening it up taking it straight off the trawlers opening it up and feeding it
to [Music] us okay octpus and anchovies - 21:43 | together good yeah that’s the bomb that’s the
good one yeah and the anchovies they’re not - 21:59 | like anchovies that we have in pizzas back
home the tin stuff these ones are really - 22:05 | tasty not as salty but um I wish you could
I wish you would try this one this is yummy - 22:28 | [Music]
- 22:39 | [Music]
- 22:53 | it’s listing to one side look
- 22:59 | oh it’s coming in [Music] here yeah they’re winching it
up look at that winch they must have - 23:18 | had a good catch they’re all
congratulating each other big payday it’s all listing to the
left the boats they must have a big - 23:29 | catch they must be little sardines or something or
anchovies maybe cuz there’s been anchovies on the - 23:38 | menu oh that’s a lot of fish all the fish are falling
on the ground as they come up - 24:10 | [Applause] so behind me here you can see people sitting
down having something to eat so they’ve chosen - 24:16 | their fish from the mongers on the side here
and then you let them know how you’d like it to be cooked and then they cook it you can
have it grilled in alfoil and then they’ll - 24:26 | bring it over to you and you sit down and
you eat it fresh doesn’t get any fresher than that no straight off the boat into your
belly that’s a big one for 80Dirham yes buy - 24:39 | that so the nice fellow is cleaning up our
octopus for us and then we will take it to - 24:53 | the the guy with the barbecue and he’ll char
grill it for us and then we can have some then - 25:00 | we can have some fresh lunch I might stand
out of the firing line yes yeah hopefully - 25:06 | I don’t want to smell like our lunch I don’t
want any fingers in my octopus either [Music] - 25:11 | so [Music]
- 26:03 | freshly caught freshly cooked chargrilled to
- 26:08 | [Music] perfection how is it good juicy [Music]
chewy it’s not easy to talk when you’ve - 26:26 | got such a big bit of calamari
in your mouth it is very chewy - 27:06 | [Music]
- 27:47 | [Music] by mid-afternoon the Medina had come alive
yet it was still far less hectic than those - 27:52 | in Morocco’s larger cities there were no
pushy vendors or Hustlers just a relaxed - 27:58 | friendly atmosphere that felt more like
a small local Town than a tourist hub - 28:28 | [Music]
- 28:58 | [Music] [Music]
- 29:04 | [Music] [Music]
- 29:11 | I definitely need more practice if I’m ever
going to play traditional Gnawa music Gnawa - 29:17 | has a strong presence in Essaouira’s
nighlife with several cafes and bars regularly featuring Gnawa musicians maybe
we’ll catch a live performance tonight - 29:31 | we are walking through the streets of
Essaouira with the most beautiful human being in in Morocco and very very nice
meeting Ilyas oh thank you so much from - 29:42 | the bottom of my heart and the tips of my toes
very honored to meet you as well and to show - 29:48 | you around Essaouira we’ve been the luckiest the
best guide in Morocco really happy to hear that - 29:58 | [Music]
- 30:10 | [Music]
- 30:23 | [Music]
- 30:36 | [Music]
- 30:48 | [Music]
- 31:01 | Hey Chris
- 31:32 | [Applause]
- 31:57 | [Music]
- 32:05 | [Music]
- 32:13 | [Music]
- 32:22 | all right boys [Applause]
- 32:30 | thanks for joining us in the beautiful
city of Essaouira this spot is a must for your travel bucket list if you
enjoyed watching please hit like and - 32:39 | leave a comment to let us know where
in the world you’re from and if you’re new here don’t forget to subscribe so
you won’t miss an episode bye for now
In Episode 14 of our Morocco vlog, we explore the seaside city of Essaouira, a must see bucket list destination on Morocco’s Atlantic coast. We honestly believe Essaouira is one of the best places to visit in Morocco, with its vibrant medina, iconic blue fishing boats, fresh seafood, sandy beaches, picturesque fortifications, and thriving traditional Gnawa music scene. Essaouira really has it all, and it’s quickly become one of our favorite places to travel vlog!
Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more travel vlogs!
After our voyage from Marrakech to Essaouira (formerly Mogador), we soak in the relaxed, laid-back seaside vibes of its medina and beaches, and watch the fishermen bring in their catch and sell it right on the harbor.
We buy freshly caught seafood straight off the trawler, have it cooked in front of us, and savor seafood street food like locals (secrets revealed).
Essaouira sunsets are legendary, and were lucky enough to experience a couple of it’s best. By night, we enjoy Essaouira’s lively nightlife, blending traditional and modern scenes.
Skala de la Kasbah, the city’s ramparts, are a photographer’s dream with stunning views and history. It’s no wonder they were used in the Game of Thrones TV series.
If you love immersive travel experiences, historic cities, local street food and traditional music then this video on Essaouira, Morocco is perfect for you.
Happy travels and see you in the next video!
#morocco #essaouira #moroccovlog #travelvlog #gnawamusic #morrocotravelguide #moroccotravel #maroc #medina #moroccotravelvlog #moroccostreetfood #walkingtour #moroccoessaouira #essaouiratravel #essaouiramusic
00:00 – Introduction
01:16 – Marrakech to Essaouira
02:46 – Riad Accommodation
04:43 – Medina (Day 1)
06:31 – Nightlife (Day 1)
09:29 – Ramparts
11:00 – Beach
14:10 – Harbor
16:36 – Street Food
24:32 – Fresh Seafood Meal
27:43 – Medina (Day 2)
29:24 – Nightlife (Day 2): Gnawa
32:28 – Please Subscribe
My Music:
Our earlier Morocco Travel Vlog Series:
Episode 1 – Casablanca:
Episode 2 – Rabat:
Episode 3 – Chefchaouen:
Episode 4 – Volubilis/Meknes:
Episode 5 – Fez:
Episode 6 – Fez to Midelt Road Trip
Episode 7 – Ziz Valley:
Episode 8 – Sahara Desert:
Episode 9 – Todra Gorge:
Episode 10 – Dades Gorges:
Episode 11 – Ait Ben Haddou:
Episode 12 – Tizi n’Tichka Pass:
Episode 13 – Marrakech:
Moroccan Tour Company – Uncovered Trails:
Itinerary developed in conjunction with TravelManagers agent, Natalie Miller.
🌍 Hi, we’re Lydia & Chris, the Roving Balys!
🌍As an empty nest couple from Newcastle, Australia, we’ve traveled the world together for 30 years. We started this vlog to share our travel tales and showcase our beautiful region. We met traveling around Europe in 1995 and have since visited 50+ countries. We love discovering new places, meeting people, and trying local cuisines (including gluten-free options).Our journey has evolved from backpacking to family travel, and now back to couple adventures. With the kids doing their own thing, we’re ready to dust off our backpacks (now suitcases) and start new adventures. So grab a cup of coffee and come roving with us!
If you want to see more from The Roving Balys, we also run a travel blog over at:
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