- 0:00 | hey friends today we are going to epcot’s International Festival of the holidays 2024 and I am so excited this
- 0:09 | is my favorite Festival of the year and I can’t wait to take you guys around World Showcase show you all the new food
- 0:15 | offerings the holiday entertainment and hopefully complete the cookie stroll I
- 0:20 | love doing the cookie stroll it’s where you go around and you try Christmas cookies from each country around the
- 0:26 | world and at the end you get a nice little completer gift and figured I’d make a video and share my experiences
- 0:32 | with you so we’re going to eat some food ride some rides and have a festive Festival of the holidays kind of day
- 0:39 | anywho let’s go do this here is the passport for this
- 0:45 | year’s Festival of the holidays and like I said I’m probably most excited for the cookie stroll in the back of the book
- 0:51 | all you have to do is buy five of these cookies and you can even buy the same cookie five times if you wanted to but
- 0:58 | that’s just no fun and then you get stamps and once you complete it you get a special uh Festival treat at the end
- 1:04 | for free and it’s so fun to do and also they have so many good entertainment this year and lots of good food that
- 1:11 | we’re going to be snacking on and trying on top of the cookie stroll my second
- 1:16 | favorite thing about this Festival is the storytellers in each country they
- 1:21 | have like a version of their Santa Claus telling the history of the holidays per country and I think that’s such an
- 1:28 | awesome experience and a great entertainment cuz you learn about history in another country and also you
- 1:35 | learn a lot about Christmas in the holiday season so we’re going to try to stop in and visit each Storyteller like
- 1:42 | Father Christmas and The Barn Santa and then snack on some cookies I think we’re going to start our
- 1:48 | day here at communicore Hall because they have the first cookie on the cookie stroll in there and it’s a new cookie
- 1:56 | it’s a uh spaceship earth tile gingerbread triangle so we’re gonna get our first cookie our first stamp and
- 2:02 | then make our way into World Showcase another really cool holiday
- 2:08 | entertainment they have at Epcot is the candlelight processional and it’s uh hosted by uh celebrities in fact tonight
- 2:16 | I think Josh Gad is actually here and he’s going to narrate the Candlelite processional and he’s the voice of Olaf
- 2:22 | so how fitting is that for the uh Festival of the holidays they have Olaf here on uh the first day
- 2:30 | looks so festive in communicore Hall and I think they have a gingerbread spaceship earth this year but this is
- 2:36 | what we’re coming for look at that spaces shiper tile gingerbread triangle look at how beautiful that is
- 2:44 | wow I absolutely love it and I love that it’s glowing and it changes colors I
- 2:50 | can’t wait to actually try one of the uh triangle uh gingerbread uh shingles from
- 2:55 | here it’s going to probably be delicious very excited oh what’s up man happy
- 3:00 | holidays I love running into people wearing my shirts it was so cool thanks so much for saying hi and I came outside
- 3:07 | because I wanted to show you uh the gingerbread tile like under the light cuz it’s a little dark in there but look
- 3:12 | at this it was $10 for this and like I said it does count towards uh the uh
- 3:18 | cookie stroll so we’re one stamp down got my first stamp right there in the corner and now we’re going to try the
- 3:24 | cookie or try the tile I lost my icing
- 3:30 | I’ll make sure to let you guys know what my favorite cookie of the festival is I’m not the biggest fan of gingerbread
- 3:36 | cookies uh to begin with because I think they kind of they taste a little dry you got to have a a particular taste for
- 3:43 | gingerbread uh but this one’s pretty good and I like the theming behind it they even changed the name to Epcot
- 3:49 | prototype cookies of tomorrow and I think that’s fancy I also found out that they have a
- 3:56 | special show on the gingerbread spaceship earth in there that goes off every 30 minutes so maybe we’ll try to
- 4:01 | check it on the way out I want to keep moving along and make our way into World Showcase I’m not going to finish this
- 4:07 | cookie though because I don’t want to get too full we are going to eat maybe five maybe six cookies today so I got to
- 4:12 | put this cookie down put that cookie down look at all the cool Festival boots
- 4:19 | they have over here I know that uh a couple of these boots have cookies for the cookie stroll and this one’s serving
- 4:26 | a bunch of nuts cinnamon glazed almonds they have eggnog I think we’re just going to make our way down to Malik Kiki
- 4:32 | mayi which is uh the uh Hawaiian booth that actually has a cookie for the cookie
- 4:38 | Stoll another thing I really love about the festival the holidays is all the music whatever music they’re pumping
- 4:44 | through it’s like my favorite type of Christmas music they’re playing all my favorite songs here it is and I’m excited because
- 4:52 | they have like a bigger picture with all the cookies on the cookie straw and I’m not too sure which one this is oh it’s
- 4:58 | the coffee mocha cookie look at that and the first cookie was $10 but I think all
- 5:04 | the other cookies are kind of affordable yeah it’s $3.25 so if you want to skip out on the
- 5:10 | gingerbread shingle you could just buy five cookies that cost $3.25 and still have the completer uh
- 5:17 | treat I ran into my friend Kristen right down Main Street and we both got cookies
- 5:22 | look at this and then you got some ped pork there I got everything I got the sweet potato with the pork this smells
- 5:28 | so good and I salmon here you want some oh I do not want that salmon I’ll stick to the cookies thank you this cookie
- 5:34 | looks so good I’m not a cookie person this might be like one of the only ones I get but it looks so good and they got a nice little Coffee Bean on top I
- 5:40 | wonder if they’re edible it’s like an espresso martini with we need three beans though yeah three beans cheers
- 5:46 | cookie cheers cheers and with the second cookie we got our second stamp I
- 5:51 | actually got three stamps because I got a Bonus stamp because I bought two cookies like I mentioned you can just
- 5:57 | buy the same cookie five times and just go redeem uh the special Festival festive treat uh
- 6:03 | but they stamped it twice cuz of Kristen’s cookie and uh we’re going to dive in time to time to taste the cookie
- 6:10 | I feel bad I didn’t do the traditional break on the gingerbread tile only because it was a tile but now we got to
- 6:16 | break this cookie open I have high expectations and also I’ve got icing on my fingers now but look at that nice
- 6:24 | little coffee cookie oh this is good especially if you
- 6:31 | love coffee because I love coffee and this cookie has a strong coffee taste to
- 6:36 | it but a little sweetness to it and I have a feeling it’s going to rank high but we still have the Linder cookie in
- 6:42 | Germany we have to get to and a couple others like I mentioned before I don’t want to eat all of the cookies because
- 6:49 | our goal is to complete the cookie Stoll and I don’t want to get too full before then but I can’t help but take another
- 6:55 | bite of this cookie because it’s so good and I love coffee like I said so it’s like the perfect cookie for
- 7:01 | me if you don’t finish all of your cookies from the cookie Stoll they actually sell a little like ctive uh
- 7:08 | like Togo container that has a lid and you can pack up your cookies and stroll with them I like that I’m probably going
- 7:15 | to focus more on the cookies today not so much all the other festive food only
- 7:21 | because it’s like a kind of tradition to always do the cookie stroll uh for the opening of Festival the holidays I
- 7:26 | remember doing it with my mom and sister a couple couple years back and I think they came down for the last year one too
- 7:32 | sadly they’re not making it this year it makes me sad since we just got a cookie from the stand over there and this is
- 7:40 | the uh stand where you go to pick up your completion uh treat I think we’re
- 7:45 | going to make our way towards Canada and the United Kingdom and maybe stop in uh the United Kingdom and see uh Father
- 7:53 | Christmas since we already had two cookies I think maybe we’ll try like
- 7:58 | something savory now because you don’t have to buy every single cookie like I said you just have to get five of them
- 8:04 | and uh you have room to kind of pick and choose which ones you want to get the next cookie stop is in Canada I think
- 8:10 | it’s a Snicker doodle so I I don’t want to pass it up but like I said I don’t want to eat three cookies in a row
- 8:15 | either the cookie at the Yukon holiday kitchen booth in Canada is the
- 8:21 | peppermint pin wheel cookie I’ve had that before uh so I think I’m going to skip over it it’s a really good cookie I
- 8:28 | kind of want to make sure I try all the new ones but they also have some of the uh good food here they’ve got beef ban
- 8:34 | on and a seared salmon but I’m going to keep moving along there’s a lot more boots that I want to try some of the
- 8:40 | food at and like I said more cookies since we’re not going to be
- 8:45 | getting anything to eat at the uh Canada Pavilion I think we’re just going to make our way into the United Kingdom so
- 8:51 | we can see the storytelling with Father Christmas and they have all the times listed on the My Disney Experience app
- 8:57 | the next one’s at 130 so we just got about uh 20 minutes to get over there Father Christmas usually does his uh
- 9:05 | storytelling in the back of the Pavilion but I like all the Christmas decorations they have up it’s kind of nice look at
- 9:11 | this look at that one right there they should sell these in the store Father
- 9:17 | Christmas is one of my favorite storytelling and uh there’s a lot more like I said there’s one in every single
- 9:23 | Pavilion and they have like a little pedestal and like a little display sign that kind of gives you some backround
- 9:29 | around information uh but I can’t wait to show you guys The Barn Santa that’s over in Norway he’s very mischievous
- 9:36 | he’s kind of like uh the sneaky Santa and I like that it’s kind it’s such a cool
- 9:49 | [Music]
- 9:54 | story to all those gathered on the streets of this Fair Village
- 9:59 | greetings allow me to introduce myself I have been known by many many names there
- 10:06 | are some that call me Santa Claus but here in the United Kingdom I am Father
- 10:12 | Christmas and I bid you welcome We Gather today to to the
- 10:18 | devil’s n one stroke for every year since the birth of Christ now let’s see
- 10:24 | where was I ah yes 65
- 10:30 | 66 2024
- 10:37 | 2024 we’re going to be here for a while aren’t we everyone get
- 10:43 | comfortable at 68 we will get back to that a bit later
- 10:50 | at any rate I have been around for many many years bringing holiday joy to Good
- 10:55 | Children across the land I have received letters from many of you this year but
- 11:02 | people like you my friend and you my
- 11:07 | friends and you you certainly are expecting an awful
- 11:12 | lot this year aren’t you my friend ever The Optimist pay very close
- 11:21 | attention now is I was saying the ancient tradition of Jingle
- 11:27 | Bells very very good I think we’re ready Catherine now
- 11:32 | everyone would you please join Catherine and I as we sing the traditional Welsh
- 11:37 | Christmas Carol that we all know is called jing Jingle
- 11:43 | Bells Jingle Bells deck the holes no deck the holes yes of course I said a
- 11:50 | traditional Wells Christmas Carol Jingle Bells isn’t even from England it’s from
- 11:56 | New Jersey or some place like that Story Time with Father Christmas is so
- 12:02 | amazing it’s so magical seeing him come out ringing the bell and then singing songs and I didn’t put in The Full
- 12:09 | Experience only because he’s there for quite a bit but I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what it’s like in case
- 12:14 | you plan on coming to visit Festival of the holidays yourself now we’re going to keep moving along maybe try some more
- 12:20 | food definitely more cookies and some more of the holiday entertainment I made my way over to the
- 12:27 | France Pavilion to check out their holiday kitchen they don’t have any of the cookies on the cookie stroll here
- 12:33 | they do have the frozen hot chocolate martini which is a very popular drink especially during the Festival of the
- 12:38 | holidays but I might just keep moving along P Noel is doing his storytelling
- 12:44 | over here and he’s got a nice little setup and I think the next one is uh uh
- 12:49 | in a half an hour so if we don’t come back and uh check on him uh maybe we’ll do it the next time we’re going to try
- 12:57 | to make our way over to the mor Pavilion so that we can try one of the cookies there and then go back and
- 13:04 | backtrack to go see per Noel and and also we also have the Hanukkah
- 13:09 | storytelling so we got a lot happening in just these two little areas and uh
- 13:14 | I’m hoping that uh we get to you know do them both right next to the France Pavilion they have lahim and I know that
- 13:22 | they have that classic black and white cookie here cuz I get it every single year but I wonder if they got anything
- 13:27 | different oh looks like they got pastrami on rye potato lackas and there it is the black and white cookie for
- 13:34 | 325 it looks like it’s going to be good food this year but the line is pretty long here I don’t know if I don’t know
- 13:41 | if we’re going to have enough time to go uh get a cookie and then get back to watch p no well yo I had a little magic
- 13:47 | happen a friend of mine grabbed me a cookie since uh she was waiting in line already so now we get to try it and uh
- 13:56 | hopefully be able to make a Paran Noel look at this look at this black and white cookie it’s
- 14:01 | so soft and the uh chocolate on top is like almost melting so we got to give it
- 14:07 | the the official cookie break even though my fingers are going to be covered in chocolate afterwards I tried
- 14:12 | to go right down the middle there but now we’re going to dive in M I don’t know how to shut the camera
- 14:22 | off this has got to be one of the softest black and white cookies I’ve ever had usually the uh chocolate on top
- 14:29 | is kind of like a candy shell but it’s actually like liquid it’s like you know sticky and I like it I think it’s so
- 14:36 | good I probably would definitely put this above the gingerbread but not above the co uh the coffee cookie the coffee
- 14:42 | cookie is still at the top of the list but we still got some more cookies to go I Love My Muppets Christmas Carol
- 14:49 | shirt this is probably my favorite Christmas movie of all time in fact this
- 14:54 | ghost I think it’s the first ghost used to scare me so much when I was a kid just in the Muppets one too and to be
- 15:01 | walking around Epcot with one of the shirts on is so cool if you guys ever want to buy any shirts from roselt I
- 15:07 | have a link in my description I think you get a discount too and uh they like I said have some pretty good Christmas
- 15:13 | shirts coming out
- 15:19 | soon hey can we all say this
- 15:29 | yeah and as we say in my country no that mean joyous
- 15:38 | Christmas M let me ask do you know who I
- 15:46 | am will no Father Christmas I am the
- 15:53 | good spirit of the Cesar Lo if we shall write a letter to
- 15:58 | me her well and puts on a t address on the envelope the French government pays the
- 16:04 | postage on my not bad he come to me from a lovely little
- 16:13 | girl named B who live with her old unle Lou and her brother franois on a
- 16:22 | farm in the mountains of Prov and let uh
- 16:27 | we will give you a bit of the flavor of
- 16:34 | the do you believe in Christmas with me Merry Christmas the
- 16:43 | language of
- 16:48 | [Music]
- 16:55 | [Music] hair Noel was so fun and it was great
- 17:02 | listening to him I think his speaker was broken cuz he was very softspoken but
- 17:07 | still I liked it a lot and now we’re going to move along cuz I think the Hanukkah storytelling is going to start
- 17:12 | immediately after him so we’re going to try to hop over
- 17:23 | there n the n and the
- 17:29 | [Music] Shalom everyone my name is Zachary I’m thrilled to celebrate Hanukah with all
- 17:35 | of you here at the Epcot International Festival of the holidays I’ve been traveling for a while I’m finally home
- 17:41 | just in time to celebrate Hanukkah and during my time abroad I traveled from one corner of the world to the next I
- 17:46 | learned two things one the world doesn’t have any corners and two people in
- 17:51 | different places and cultures they all celebrate Hanukkah in their own unique ways and it’s all beautiful did everybody out there know Hanukkah is the
- 17:58 | only Jewish Hol H not mentioned in the Torah it’s true it’s why there are so many different ways of celebrating the
- 18:03 | holiday all throughout the world every Hanukkah celebration though does have one thing in common and that’s the
- 18:09 | telling of a story and it’s not just any story it’s a miraculous story it’s the story of our ancestors the mccabes
- 18:16 | picture it it was 2,000 years ago in the land of Jerusalem and there was a temple to the Jewish people it was the Holy
- 18:23 | Temple a sacred place of worship it was well I wish I could describe it to you
- 18:28 | but I can’t because it was desecrated quickly Stand Together Brothers we cannot let the temple fall they are
- 18:35 | coming they are here it was 166 BCE and an opposing Army marched on the temple
- 18:41 | 40,000 well- armored and well-trained soldiers and their adversary a small
- 18:47 | band of Jewish Rebels known as the macbes led by Judah the strong the
- 18:52 | Hanukkah story was a lot of fun because it added a little bit more of a musical
- 18:57 | storytelling and I’m glad I caught that we literally walked up just as it started but next we’re going to keep
- 19:03 | moving along make our way to America and uh try the holiday turkey there it’s one of my favorite things even though I just
- 19:09 | had a lot of turkey for Thanksgiving and by the way Happy Thanksgiving everyone I hope everyone enjoyed a nice dinner with
- 19:14 | family or uh you know got to go out and try some food when they’re hanging out here in the Parks I remember taking my
- 19:20 | mom my and Bonnie to Chef Mickey’s for Thanksgiving dinner one day and it was so fun uh but now like I said we had
- 19:27 | leftovers turkey now it’s time to have some more the stage is all set for the candlelight processional later on
- 19:34 | tonight and it’s going to be probably a soldout show cuz Josh Gad is pretty I mean he’s a pretty well-known actor
- 19:40 | especially within the Disney community so I’m not too sure if we’re going to be able to see it but I’m definitely coming
- 19:46 | back and seeing it eventually this year because I love like just seeing all of the uh uh singers and cast members come
- 19:53 | walking down with the candle light it’s such a great experience and my mom loves it
- 19:59 | too since I’m not actually getting a cookie from every single holiday kitchen
- 20:04 | we’re going to be bouncing around and going from different countries and skipping over countries but I’ll come
- 20:10 | back like I said and make a full video just you know touring around the whole festival of the
- 20:15 | holidays we made it to the American Pavilion and look at the Christmas lights are starting to turn on and it’s
- 20:21 | also starting to be a little bit gloomy out looks like we got some rain just a light sprinkle but uh we still got like
- 20:28 | I said a cookie stroll to complete so we’re going to keep snacking I came for the turkey dinner
- 20:35 | and look at that you get turkey stuffing green beans mashed potatoes the works
- 20:40 | and then I ended up getting the Snickers doodle cookie which is a part of the cookie stroll and that marks us at four
- 20:46 | cookies only one more to go and I like I got a little sweet and a little Savory something like I said I’m pretty stuffed
- 20:53 | on Turkey but I can’t pass this up every time I come here I think they even have like little tiny onion straws on there
- 20:59 | or something scoop seed potato so good and here is a proper look
- 21:07 | at the uh Snickers doodle cookie in the American Pavilion look like it looks
- 21:13 | like it’s got a lot of uh Ooey gooeyness inside there so when I break it apart I’m hoping it’s a soft cookie we’ll see
- 21:19 | we’re going to break it open look at the back side of this cookie look at
- 21:26 | that all right let’s justop a that was I thought it was going to be a slow like break like you you know you see caramel
- 21:32 | in between still looks pretty good though I’m glad that we tried this
- 21:37 | cookie it’s definitely not as soft as I thought it was going to be and I like that it has like the crunchy caramel on
- 21:43 | the side there but still a very good cookie and I’m glad that we got to add it to our cookie stroll the cookie is
- 21:51 | great but honestly I love this turkey dinner and it’s such a good price point for the amount of food that you get you
- 21:57 | get a big pile of potatoes at least three pieces of turkey and the green beans all mixed in together so we’re
- 22:04 | going to snack this up and uh move on to Germany I was going to stop in Italy to see some more stories but I think this
- 22:11 | rain is uh probably putting all of the uh Santa and storytellers on a rain delay so if they open back up I
- 22:18 | definitely want to make sure I see the Barn Santa like I said so we got to get to
- 22:23 | Germany we made our way up to the Germany Pavilion and I’m so excited it
- 22:28 | because I get to try the hazelnut Linder cookie this was my favorite cookie from
- 22:33 | last year and I’m pretty sure it’s probably going to be the same one unless they changed it if they changed it then
- 22:39 | we’re going to have to you know rearrange our cookie order here this Linder cookies looking real nice take a
- 22:47 | look at that bad boy I don’t want to lose all the sugar I lost my plate but uh it’s starting to be a little windy
- 22:53 | here so I think we’re just going to break into the cookie oh don’t want to lose the jelly too but look at how much
- 22:59 | Jelly’s in there oh I might eat all of this one look at
- 23:07 | that cookie and now we went from chocolate fingers to powdered sugar all over my shirt but I can’t resist and
- 23:14 | it’s actually falling apart and there’s so much jelly in the center there I thought that they were going to put uh
- 23:19 | hazelnut in there but I’m glad that they kept with the uh traditional raspberry filling also I have to point out that
- 23:27 | this is my mom’s favorite cook and she didn’t come down for this year’s Festival the holidays and she’s missing
- 23:32 | out you’re missing out ma you’re missing out on the Good Cookies as we were enjoying our Linder
- 23:39 | cookie I noticed some live music over here in the Germany Pavilion we play because back home in
- 23:45 | Germany during Christmas time we love to sit with the whole family in front of the television watching Disney movies
- 23:53 | translated into the German language that’s why you now have to to
- 23:58 | listen to this song from The Aristocrats movie in German have fun anyway
- 24:07 | [Music]
- 24:25 | [Music]
- 24:38 | all right enough of the cookie business with that lindsor cookie we have officially completed the cookie stroll
- 24:45 | and we have all of our stamps and we get to go up and get the completer festival treat that uh it’s free and I’m glad
- 24:52 | that we got to catch the the German band that was playing I thought they were going to play Christmas music but then they started doing the the cats and I
- 24:59 | thought that was interesting after trying all of the cookies I still think I got to put the Linder at my number one
- 25:04 | spot probably the coffee at number two the Snicker doodle at three the black and white and then the gingerbread
- 25:11 | shingle or gingerbread tile I just love Linder cookies and you know I’ll probably come back and try more of the
- 25:17 | food today was all about the cookies and the cookie straw and who knows maybe I’ll come back and try the other cookies
- 25:23 | because I think there’s nine of them all together yeah there’s nine cookies so you can do this twice almost and try
- 25:30 | different cookies each time I am a little sad that I didn’t get that other stamp from uh the one booth
- 25:38 | only because like I said we got two of the Molly Kiki Maki uh stamps when I bought Kristen a cookie and uh now it
- 25:45 | kind of just looks like it’s not complete but it is complete we just need one more stamp there but I like to see all different cookies on there I think
- 25:51 | it’s kind of cool and it’s a a nice souvenir to have the Barn Santa is coming out in 1
- 25:57 | minute and I think the rain stopped enough that maybe they’ll uh come back out telling stor so we’re going to make
- 26:03 | our way to Norway oh oh there you all are oh well already assembled are you oh
- 26:11 | my and what a fin looking group and you
- 26:18 | sir well hello everyone allow me to introduce myself I
- 26:26 | am the legendary Barn s here in Norway they call me f niss now
- 26:34 | sometimes people can’t see me so they think I don’t exist and wait a minute
- 26:39 | you can see me can’t you oh good I can see you too now this time of year in Norway we
- 26:47 | like to say guu so on the count of trya let’s all say guu together shall we here
- 26:53 | we go a oh very good yes it would be a go except
- 27:04 | every Christmas it’s the same seag who is on her way here now she doesn’t see
- 27:09 | me because she doesn’t believe I exist say you wouldn’t mind if I use a
- 27:15 | little magic and mischief to help sigri tell her story would you my name is
- 27:21 | sigri and I am the holiday Ambassador for the Norway Pavilion and I am so
- 27:26 | excited today to tell all of you about Christmases in Norway it is said that
- 27:32 | this uh this Barn Sant is kind of old and and rather odd and funny looking
- 27:37 | little fellow he looks like this you ready I’m the burn center the cows
- 27:43 | that’s not true I’m sorry uh ma’am did you say
- 27:52 | something it’s kind of an off day for me folks uh well now
- 27:59 | Christmas in in Norway
- 28:07 | is is my favorite time of year yes yes yes we have a festive
- 28:13 | decorations oh like this over here and
- 28:19 | the smell yes the smell of holiday cookies feels the air ha yes yes but here’s the
- 28:26 | best part h ah in Norway we have a 3-day celebration
- 28:32 | T oh yes we celebrate with a party we like to party we like to party we like
- 28:40 | to to oh yes and our big
- 28:49 | celebration is a Merry Christmas season is good for
- 28:56 | me and you
- 29:05 | [Applause] a Barn Santa listen there’s always one I’m going to need you all to let it go
- 29:11 | because I just spent this entire show telling you not the Barn Santa sweet ones he does not
- 29:19 | exist you it’s me you him I’m
- 29:25 | [Applause] Barn Santa was so great I’m so happy we
- 29:30 | got to catch him uh especially with this light rain now that we got to uh see a
- 29:36 | couple Santas eat a couple cookies I think we should go over and redeem our Festival
- 29:41 | treat there it is the cookie stroll completer treat pickup and here it goes
- 29:48 | my final stamp I think they use that little Stamper right there I wonder what it is hi guys I was like I have to stamp
- 29:55 | them I forgot thank you like La La Land right now winner winner cookie
- 30:03 | dinner and I don’t even know what we get this year it might be something different oh thank you that’s what you
- 30:10 | get this year fancy appreciate it take care a little something different this
- 30:17 | year at the end when you complete the cookie stroll they give you uh cookie batter happy holidays from our worldwide
- 30:24 | family to yours you’ve completed our cookie stroll now it’s time time to create your own cookie at home look at
- 30:30 | that I’m kind of tempted to make my own cookies I mean I got it might as well and they give you everything you need in
- 30:36 | there that’s kind of interesting and it makes it fun sprinkles mini M&M’s and then they
- 30:43 | have the directions right on the back there 5 oz gingerbread cookie mix sprinkles and M&M’s and then 1 oz of
- 30:50 | water that’s all you need a biggity Baby Boom now that I’ve gotten my cookie batter I wanted to go through the censi
- 30:58 | smelling area you just go sniff around and you can sniff all the different holiday scents Maple Apple bourbon I was
- 31:05 | going to try to tell you what it smells like but I don’t think you guys would get it I might as well just describe it from the description there oh they are
- 31:12 | frosted Cedar over here you can smell it from right here you don’t have to get on your knees and like get down there and
- 31:18 | get it ginger cookie crunch they all smell really cool and I’m assuming these are all scents that you can buy in
- 31:23 | sensey and it’s kind of nice in this area it fits here very well well I feel like we had a great day
- 31:31 | today and walking out right now with this weather not being like covered in sweat is a new experience for me it
- 31:38 | feels so good to have cold Winters it’s been especially cold here in Florida the
- 31:43 | past couple days oh I forgot I want to stop in communic corp Hall and see the uh show on the gingerbread spaceship
- 31:50 | earth they also have all the merchandise in here oh there’s the cookie stroll tin
- 31:56 | that’s so cool oh I think the show already started
- 32:07 | [Music]
- 32:32 | here’s a closer look at the merchandise this is the figment sweater that everybody loves including me I think
- 32:39 | it’s so cool let’s see $74.99 but it’s so unique and if you
- 32:45 | don’t know this is what figment is wearing right now uh in uh journey into imagination it’s kind of like he has a
- 32:52 | holiday overlay and he get to own his uh his own private Christmas sweater if you like then they got a lot of other stuff
- 32:59 | here too handbags ears and even some shirts you know they’re definitely
- 33:04 | stepping up the merch here I mean this is cool I thought immediately the second they put that sweater on them they
- 33:10 | should sell the sweater and I’m glad they started doing it took a couple years though I was going to try to ride living
- 33:17 | with the land but I think the uh rain just went away for a little bit and now it’s coming back you can feel it in the
- 33:24 | wind the wind is picking up so I think we might call it a night Rey oh look who’s here the most
- 33:33 | beautiful dog on earth since I had some cookies today Gracie gets a cookie too
- 33:39 | these are the Wolf Gang Bakery cookies want cookie yo she almost CAU that in her mouth and with that I think we are
- 33:47 | done here today it’s nice to have little chilly weather here in Florida I got a sweater on and now I get to sit down
- 33:54 | relax and be cozy with Gracie for the rest of the night it’s sad that you know it got rainy at the end of the night I
- 34:02 | was looking forward to staying and seeing Epcot all lit up but I’m glad we left when we did like I said usually you
- 34:08 | could feel it in the wind uh and it ended up uh raining a lot so we probably
- 34:13 | couldn’t stay anyway but at least uh I avoided getting wet so I hope you enjoyed the video and I can’t wait to go
- 34:20 | back and check out more the Festival of the holidays to come and I can’t wait to share the month of December with you I
- 34:26 | got a lot of great videos planned and uh a lot of really cool Christmas themed things that we’re going to be doing so I
- 34:33 | hope you enjoyed the video I enjoyed making it and uh we’ll see you next time
- 34:38 | bye
#epcot #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #pagingmrmorrow #disneyparks
Hey friends! We went to Epcot’s International Festival of the Holidays, ate a bunch of cookies, and listened to Christmas stories from Santas around the world. Click the link to watch the video!
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