- 0:00 | all right good morning Las Vegas um we
- 0:02 | got some clouds in the sky here’s your
- 0:04 | morning weather report it looks like it
- 0:06 | might be a little cloudy today why do
- 0:09 | you say that well we see
- 0:12 | clouds I’m Master of the obvious all
- 0:14 | right it’s super early it’s like 6:00
- 0:17 | a.m. I don’t know something like that
- 0:19 | and um we got to find some stuff to do
- 0:21 | uh last night was just a barrage of
- 0:24 | Beatdown like literally we were just
- 0:26 | sore from the beat down last night so
- 0:28 | we’re going to try to find some things
- 0:29 | today that don’t require a beat down at
- 0:31 | least for now so I don’t know what we’re
- 0:33 | going to do but um let’s just go have
- 0:36 | some fun we’re in Las Vegas you got to
- 0:38 | have fun so let’s
- 0:41 | [Music]
- 0:48 | [Music]
- 0:53 | go head outside get our car from the
- 0:58 | valet and um
- 1:02 | yeah be a good day so we’re top floors
- 1:06 | up there um that’s the Nomad on parking
- 1:10 | GM very
- 1:13 | top here’s our view
- 1:15 | today New York New
- 1:18 | York look at
- 1:20 | that right guys got my juice it’s um
- 1:24 | it’s actually different Hawaiian hair
- 1:27 | and it’s got some greens in it did you
- 1:28 | say hair hair Hawaiian hair pear why did
- 1:33 | oh pear oh so it sounds kind of good
- 1:36 | we’ll see how it is but it also has
- 1:38 | Greens in it kale spinach
- 1:41 | celery sounded interesting juice was in
- 1:44 | enough so we also got a coffee from
- 1:46 | Starbucks nice thing is we’re at South
- 1:49 | Point um very relaxed South Point and um
- 1:53 | they have a Starbucks they right in our
- 1:54 | lobby so really nice just ordered on the
- 1:57 | app and
- 1:59 | he ready and we’re chasing a $1,000
- 2:02 | major I hope we get it we really need it
- 2:05 | oh my goodness our beat down that still
- 2:08 | hurts
- 2:10 | hurt anyway we’ll let you
- 2:16 | know all right to the Senai glutenfree
- 2:20 | Bakery
- 2:21 | guys amazing I don’t know what you like
- 2:24 | so let’s get him a little bit of guys
- 2:26 | look at this
- 2:28 | yumminess lemon bar this is a crack
- 2:32 | Bar
- 2:34 | cookie and then some sort of um
- 2:38 | chocolate peanut butter yummy yeah a
- 2:40 | Girl Scout peanut butter cookie or
- 2:43 | whatever yeah doesn’t get much better
- 2:46 | than this
- 2:48 | [Music]
- 3:34 | surprise we’re at the golden
- 3:37 | Tiki oh my
- 3:40 | goodness have little
- 3:49 | [Music]
- 3:53 | boobs going to decide what I want here
- 3:59 | [Music]
- 4:02 | I think I might do the tiil LA Sunrise
- 4:06 | we’re playing um video
- 4:08 | poker at the
- 4:11 | bar page spiced rum and Diet
- 4:17 | yeah got um that’s the Kraken that’s a
- 4:21 | reman diet and that is my tie look at
- 4:27 | that looks good I I show you the drink
- 4:30 | and it’s very good it’s strong
- 4:35 | [Music]
- 4:54 | [Music]
- 5:06 | all right we got a another Tiki drink
- 5:08 | here and look at all the pretty fun
- 5:09 | things flowers
- 5:12 | cherries an angry
- 5:15 | Tiki there we go I sure it’s going to be
- 5:18 | delicious this officially was a little
- 5:20 | great spot I’m so glad we finally came
- 5:23 | we got to play some games have some fun
- 5:26 | have some
- 5:28 | drinks and now now we’re headed to the
- 5:30 | next fun event so officially I approve I
- 5:34 | absolutely approve of this cute little
- 5:35 | spot golden Tiki and that’s not just the
- 5:39 | drink talking it well it might be
- 5:42 | partially but it’s still very cute all
- 5:44 | right we’ve arrived we’ve arrived on
- 5:47 | Fremont we’re going to head
- 5:50 | up to a bar overlooks Fremont
- 5:54 | [Applause]
- 6:02 | [Music]
- 6:12 | pickles oh these are the pickles yeah
- 6:15 | look at that looks
- 6:17 | amazing I got a salad that looks great
- 6:20 | for you look at that I know that looks
- 6:22 | amazing those
- 6:24 | toppings sin lantro lime yeah I think
- 6:28 | I’m going to enjoy that
- 6:30 | Big Time buffalo chicken pizza can’t I
- 6:34 | know she she ain’t going to have I’m not
- 6:36 | going to have it the buffalo
- 6:40 | chicken all right when the wine glass is
- 6:42 | on the Move nothing can stop the wine
- 6:45 | glass the wine glass is
- 6:48 | moving all right guys all right sorry
- 6:50 | about the sun in your face um so I went
- 6:53 | into the restroom and there is a there
- 6:56 | is a drink holder for your drink drink
- 7:00 | in the stall so if you’re walking around
- 7:04 | and you’re like I have my drink what do
- 7:05 | I do with my drink they have a dedicated
- 7:07 | drink holder for your drink so there you
- 7:10 | go it doesn’t get better than that does
- 7:13 | it nope it doesn’t and there’s Freeman
- 7:17 | behind me
- 7:18 | there all right in case you guys are
- 7:21 | curious we’re going to call for a roll
- 7:23 | away
- 7:28 | [Music]
- 7:49 | we’re really doing it here we’re really
- 7:51 | doing
- 7:52 | it we’re going up to the second floor of
- 7:55 | the D and the
- 7:57 | escavator SK better this is
- 8:01 | this is it
- 8:03 | babe we’ve
- 8:05 | [Music]
- 8:17 | arrived
- 8:19 | woo there it is there’s remon babe
- 8:30 | we got zip
- 8:34 | liners nobody’s dancing yet except for
- 8:36 | that
- 8:39 | guy this is a d upstairs guys it’s
- 8:42 | pretty cool their bar has really nice
- 8:45 | chairs with a bar a feet bar which is
- 8:53 | nice look at Bubba okay two Buffalo look
- 8:56 | at that Buffalo gold buffalo sinky here
- 8:59 | we
- 9:00 | go we’re going to win a major or a
- 9:05 | jackpot hand pay guys so we left Bion
- 9:10 | the little bar up there that was so cool
- 9:13 | so amazing and now we walked down
- 9:15 | Premont and we are at um the D we’re
- 9:20 | upstairs at the D apparently there’s
- 9:22 | some good games up here so we took the
- 9:24 | escalator up like big shots that we are
- 9:27 | big and um we’re helping to win like um
- 9:31 | a hand PID so help us you know wish us
- 9:34 | good luck we’re going to try to win a
- 9:36 | hand paid take it home with us that
- 9:38 | would be really
- 9:41 | [Music]
- 9:45 | amazing
- 9:46 | $71
- 9:48 | [Music]
- 9:57 | oh I know it’s hard
- 10:02 | that’s
- 10:05 | awesome oh my
- 10:07 | word all right it’s the size of my hand
- 10:11 | basically wow holy moly it’s so big it’s
- 10:15 | a the Bat Blue nothing it’s Canada baby
- 10:19 | it’s all about
- 10:20 | Canada here’s Canada Canada look at that
- 10:23 | Co it’s bar Canada that’s why it’s right
- 10:26 | here we
- 10:28 | go did did
- 10:32 | [Music]
- 10:34 | [Music]
- 10:35 | the we at bar Canada it’s
- 10:40 | upstairs at the D we got our drinks we
- 10:44 | playing some video poker and I’m
- 10:46 | enjoying our time there are like 30,000
- 10:51 | TVs here so yeah you’re going to be
- 10:53 | watching sports if you’re sitting here
- 10:55 | but that’s okay and um yeah
- 11:07 | right oh my goodness what happened
- 11:11 | here what are you
- 11:16 | [Music]
- 11:21 | serious
- 11:24 | wow what the heck happened here that’s
- 11:27 | amazing
- 11:30 | uh yeah that’s amazing right there
- 11:34 | a125 that’s amazing oh Lord
- 11:41 | [Music]
- 11:53 | [Music]
- 12:09 | all right the
- 12:11 | uh Visitor
- 12:16 | Center amazing
- 12:27 | [Music]
- 12:33 | [Music]
- 12:47 | [Music]
- 13:09 | all right we are at um the Italian place
- 13:14 | in Italy and we’re going to enjoy a
- 13:16 | lovely dinner we’ve been um we’ve been
- 13:19 | busy all day and then we came back from
- 13:21 | the national park today played some
- 13:24 | games we took a nap we went to the pool
- 13:27 | and now we’re going to eat some food so
- 13:29 | I am
- 13:30 | excited it’s going to be so good Brian
- 13:33 | got a yummy bread I did with a
- 13:36 | dipping drink very soft and then I got a
- 13:39 | drink too guess what it’s a reasing wo
- 13:42 | it’s a reasing big shocker
- 13:55 | [Music]
- 14:01 | [Music]
- 14:04 | all right guys we are heading from our
- 14:06 | Resort uh we came back after a little
- 14:08 | drive this morning and we went to South
- 14:10 | Point poker got my juice and now we’re
- 14:13 | back but we’re going to head out to New
- 14:15 | York New York before hitting downtown so
- 14:19 | our last night so we’re going to try to
- 14:21 | make the best of it make the most of
- 14:26 | [Music]
- 14:27 | it talk about de lights there’s lot of
- 14:30 | Christmas
- 14:40 | lights all right guys we are chasing
- 14:42 | $1,000
- 14:47 | major that’s pretty good not bad
- 14:50 | [Music]
- 14:52 | yeah all right guys we are leaving New
- 14:54 | York New York there’s a roller coaster
- 14:57 | it goes inside the building
- 15:00 | and we’re going to take lifter Uber over
- 15:04 | to
- 15:21 | [Music]
- 15:24 | downtown all right here’s a drink menu
- 15:27 | guys I am going to that right
- 15:36 | there you have bottles of wine actually
- 15:39 | not so bad pricing on that which is
- 15:43 | crazy
- 15:45 | here at the
- 15:48 | bar over looking fre
- 16:08 | very
- 16:11 | [Music]
- 16:16 | good I’m down $60 and no bonus this is
- 16:21 | how brutal these games can be but you
- 16:23 | got to keep the faith you got to keep
- 16:26 | believing something will happen and and
- 16:29 | then it will boom so I’m not doing great
- 16:35 | but hopefully we’re going to hit a bonus
- 16:37 | we did hit a bonus it just not very much
- 16:40 | and um yeah now we’re on our next 100
- 16:43 | which is crazy but you know it could
- 16:45 | turn around any second run golden centry
- 16:49 | and the major jackpot is $600 so you
- 16:53 | just never know I’ve had a hit on 50
- 16:56 | cents a couple times like literally is
- 16:59 | like $525 so it can hit anytime but yeah
- 17:05 | so far so good we had a great time at
- 17:07 | Whiskey ler up in walking down Premont
- 17:11 | and now we’re at um Golden Gate which is
- 17:14 | really close to that actually so let’s
- 17:18 | see what we
- 17:19 | [Music]
- 17:26 | got we go
- 17:30 | [Music]
- 17:37 | all right guys we are at the
- 17:39 | plaza we are trying to win some money
- 17:43 | here so far it’s not working out for us
- 17:48 | but hopefully we’re going to win some
- 17:51 | big
- 17:52 | bucks got some yummy yummy yummy
- 17:59 | yummy
- 18:00 | yummy 8s baby 80s
- 18:04 | [Music]
- 18:09 | [Music]
Hi Everyone! Come with me to Las Vegas! Staying at the Golden Nugget and Nomad above Park MGM for this trip! Also, checking out the Red Rock Canyon and Zion National Park!
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