- 0:00 | hello and welcome back to our YouTube
- 0:02 | channel uh snack ver box this week and
- 0:05 | we do other stuff as well traveling
- 0:07 | around the world if you want to check
- 0:08 | them videos out uh they’re all good but
- 0:11 | this week is a snap ver box I no idea
- 0:14 | what number we on now do you L count so
- 0:17 | yeah let’s see where we don’t know what
- 0:18 | we’re having there so be surprised see
- 0:20 | where we’re coming
- 0:21 | from Czech
- 0:28 | Republic check the public what jokes we
- 0:31 | got where is it where is it where is it
- 0:34 | not sure I don’t know but it’s stunning
- 0:36 | and medieval are you going to tell us a
- 0:38 | joke I was trying to find out way check
- 0:40 | Republic is a joke you want a joke I
- 0:42 | want a joke everybody wants a joke
- 0:45 | what’s cck’s favorite type of
- 0:48 | music no idea check and roll check and
- 0:52 | roll not rock check and roll what El you
- 0:55 | got um I’ve got a friend from Prague oh
- 0:58 | it must be Prague
- 1:00 | Frog who is really good at chess he’s my
- 1:04 | Checkmate okay for that right what we
- 1:07 | got let’s have a look shall
- 1:10 | we we got some
- 1:14 | shn GH
- 1:16 | crisp
- 1:18 | nickel thinly sliced crisps made from
- 1:21 | only high quality potatoes onion look
- 1:24 | like onion flavor
- 1:26 | garlic garlic sorry garlic we’ve got
- 1:30 | boham
- 1:32 | cook Aron some kind of peanut crisps but
- 1:36 | looks in it
- 1:39 | hello you got them yet no still looking
- 1:43 | I’ve got them corn grap peanut and oil
- 1:46 | we got b a b looks like a vanilla bar
- 1:51 | some sort UK
- 1:55 | version drink as always we got a cactus
- 1:59 | a cactus Cactus relax Cactus oh it looks
- 2:03 | like a cactus on it it’s very be
- 2:04 | interesting this carbonated lemonade
- 2:06 | features a unique prickly Cactus
- 2:09 | flavor Cactus flavor wow that’s going to
- 2:13 | be interesting usual some candy hard
- 2:17 | sweets called
- 2:19 | Pedro Pedro Pedro a bubblegum bubblegum
- 2:24 | we got a deli chocolate Hazel not
- 2:26 | filling that looks nice all right also
- 2:29 | got
- 2:30 | this is so soft some kind of so boy suck
- 2:34 | classic some sort of chocolate is that
- 2:37 | some sort of chocolate it’s a check
- 2:40 | treat that brings a touch of nostalgia
- 2:42 | with every bite it’s a soy
- 2:45 | bar we
- 2:47 | going we’re going to you’ll see that on
- 2:51 | our videos on YouTube eventually we
- 2:54 | should got some JoJo’s Cactus flavor
- 2:57 | apparently sweets okay what does a
- 3:01 | cactus tast like no idea we’ve got a
- 3:03 | pnic some G of fruit Chocolate
- 3:07 | Bar Cake oh and we have some rolls H
- 3:12 | truck bii dobly rolls you
- 3:16 | look big rolls I love way you try
- 3:18 | pronounce what they well you got to try
- 3:21 | if you don’t try you don’t get anywhere
- 3:22 | sorry if I buter in the names and we’ve
- 3:24 | got some sort of chocolate Millen I bet
- 3:28 | M this looks nice there you go oh it’s
- 3:30 | got a rum and this SC in the vanas Box
- 3:33 | this time it’s from Czech Republic so
- 3:36 | yeah let’s get started where we want to
- 3:37 | go first we’ve got to go Cactus got to
- 3:41 | go Cactus I’m intrigued sweets or drink
- 3:43 | sweet I don’t need a drink yet let’s try
- 3:46 | sweet Cactus sweet everybody now does it
- 3:49 | taste like Cactus or are they just in
- 3:50 | the shape of a cactus I’m going to say
- 3:53 | are they just in a shape of the cactus
- 3:55 | these are
- 3:56 | Nestle Nestle
- 3:59 | you want to try one of these
- 4:02 | M smell like fruit
- 4:04 | gummies yeah just tast like fruit
- 4:06 | gummies Cactus
- 4:09 | kiwi Milana
- 4:12 | Milana no don’t know going be a surprise
- 4:16 | surprise got kiwi I
- 4:18 | think one oh so sour come on
- 4:24 | man sh oh the
- 4:27 | shower oh
- 4:38 | very
- 4:39 | sour no it’s not
- 4:43 | it e it no is not
- 4:48 | oh who M been in
- 4:51 | sour going out B oh my God they’re like
- 4:54 | the most sour sweet ever my da likes
- 4:58 | you’re not even sour
- 5:00 | sour
- 5:01 | God oh did they say sour on them oh my
- 5:05 | remember does it say sour so
- 5:07 | bad fun shape sweet playful Cactus shape
- 5:11 | no I can
- 5:13 | eat let’s wash it down with some cactus
- 5:16 | juice ey
- 5:17 | water just from a
- 5:20 | b oh no thank you you know where it’s
- 5:23 | smell like Cactus no what Mel so it say
- 5:29 | Cactus notes so it is Cactus you know
- 5:32 | what I don’t hate that it’s quite
- 5:33 | refreshing it’s not sour it’s I think
- 5:37 | it’s quite
- 5:40 | nice yeah you get watermelon yeah yeah
- 5:43 | and I’m not a fan of watermelon but
- 5:45 | that’s quite like a really light Taste
- 5:47 | of watermelon no idea what Cactus is
- 5:50 | can’t taste it it tastes good even
- 5:52 | though I don’t know what I tast bu that
- 5:53 | that’s nice refreshing right so what you
- 5:57 | want to go for now oh get the salour out
- 6:00 | your
- 6:01 | M crisps
- 6:03 | crisps garlic garlic I love a bit of
- 6:08 | garlic
- 6:10 | like
- 6:12 | nice don’t like it
- 6:21 | nice I want cly
- 6:23 | one oh they
- 6:26 | smell what they got m
- 6:33 | wow yeah garlic flavoring very garlicy
- 6:37 | oh they’re very good good try one
- 6:42 | me
- 6:44 | very very
- 6:48 | smell
- 6:49 | ASMR that’s yeah they’re really good
- 6:52 | well done let’s move on to some more
- 6:58 | fish the
- 7:01 | we had some that were peanut before Oh
- 7:04 | smell like heaven can you remember where
- 7:05 | they were from I think they’re the same
- 7:11 | thing MH mhm coated with five pieces of
- 7:14 | fried
- 7:19 | peanut so
- 7:24 | good that good the
- 7:27 | soft a little bit crunchy peanut butter
- 7:30 | peanut butter is salty that
- 7:34 | delicious very
- 7:36 | delicious I really good oh I don’t know
- 7:38 | which one I like better so far so good
- 7:40 | from Czech Republic yeah what are we
- 7:42 | going for next cake cake I love a bit of
- 7:45 | cake P it got some honey on it I think
- 7:48 | it’s honey cake oh I like a bit of hon
- 7:50 | it and some kind of fruit gingerbread
- 7:53 | base enriched with a sweet fruit filling
- 7:56 | made from plums plums plums
- 8:00 | look gingerbread it’s a big
- 8:03 | one that’s what she
- 8:06 | said it smells
- 8:10 | chocolatey no put
- 8:15 | intended nope just one just one you like
- 8:20 | it smells good
- 8:23 | where oh is it that in the
- 8:27 | middle yeah Ginger it’s not as ginger as
- 8:30 | the ones we’ve had before slight bit of
- 8:33 | Ginger bit
- 8:36 | good that ni want me try
- 8:41 | it what do you think to these M I like
- 8:44 | them really
- 8:46 | nice well matter going with chocolate
- 8:49 | cre you oh no she don’t like that she
- 8:51 | don’t like that one let’s try this one
- 8:53 | I’m intrigued it’s hard but it looks
- 8:57 | nice but is this what is it called is it
- 9:02 | the sock yeah it’s a
- 9:06 | sock um oh I was expecting chocolate
- 9:09 | it’s a soy bar that has a smooth texture
- 9:11 | and Rich satisfying flavor it smells
- 9:14 | like alcohol what’s a
- 9:19 | soy smells
- 9:21 | like wor or something little look
- 9:25 | appetizer a
- 9:27 | cake really bad what is
- 9:31 | it it tastes like rum it’s it rum I’m
- 9:36 | getting out cold alcoholic flavor no soy
- 9:41 | don’t hate
- 9:42 | it
- 9:44 | soy so
- 9:47 | weird you don’t hate
- 9:49 | it look
- 9:51 | so coconut smells like coconut smells
- 9:55 | like coconut that’s it but it does feel
- 9:57 | like it’s got bur like it’s got rum some
- 10:01 | kind of alcoholic flavor is that one my
- 10:03 | n used to like I put my finger on it I
- 10:07 | don’t eat it I don’t like that texture
- 10:10 | is really
- 10:11 | bad yeah yeah so what do we think to the
- 10:15 | what was it called suck suck no no it
- 10:20 | sucks did you like it you mind no it’s
- 10:23 | got a really bad texture it no didn’t
- 10:26 | mind it no let’s move on man
- 10:29 | that taste away of
- 10:34 | chocolate chocolate you can’t chocolate
- 10:37 | no you can again this is one yeah that’s
- 10:42 | that’s
- 10:43 | r i don’t one but not chocolate no you
- 10:46 | can really taste with Ren that it’s got
- 10:49 | like a soft bit in the middle
- 10:51 | Ren um so the ones we had from
- 10:55 | Sweden had roming I think yeah they were
- 10:59 | nice
- 11:00 | I’m not that no it’s not doing it for me
- 11:03 | no me neither I mean chocolate all me
- 11:06 | chocolate then go for it but I prefer me
- 11:09 | room them separate so far I think the
- 11:11 | crisps are winning let’s go another
- 11:13 | chocolate bar yeah so far I think the
- 11:15 | cry it hands down
- 11:18 | oh dark
- 11:21 | chocolate what’s this one
- 11:24 | Del
- 11:26 | Del that’s good reminds me of a Snicker
- 11:29 | in the
- 11:31 | M I love that it’s light noua light
- 11:36 | noua nice not the best the worst better
- 11:40 | than the one toast mine yeah got these
- 11:45 | left um breakfast bar I
- 11:47 | guess I nothing wrong with breakfast
- 11:50 | bars
- 11:52 | blueberry excited going to be
- 11:55 | good different things a chance m
- 12:01 | that looks
- 12:04 | baked smells good smells like a
- 12:07 | muffin got stck your teeth we you
- 12:12 | okay yeah because some else we work
- 12:16 | gives you energy healthy breakfast
- 12:18 | option yeah don’t go wrong get I like
- 12:23 | that um come on please be good hang on
- 12:27 | what
- 12:29 | come let my daughter yeah tell us what
- 12:33 | you think I’m going to guess like Hubba
- 12:35 | Bubba yeah play last two seconds and
- 12:38 | then they’ll be just red no flavor hard
- 12:43 | what FL what flavor is it bubblegum
- 12:46 | bubblegum flavor and what flavor does
- 12:48 | that mean bubblegum flavor you know
- 12:51 | bubblegum is it cheape it tastes like
- 12:54 | the what flavor will go after two
- 12:56 | seconds HBA Bubba yeah I don’t know we
- 13:00 | don’t know let’s just do this last one
- 13:02 | very flavorful very flavorful hopes my
- 13:05 | high hopes for this one come
- 13:08 | on one each smell of
- 13:13 | anything so
- 13:17 | what’s
- 13:20 | cinnamon cinnamon crispy hand rolled
- 13:23 | Wafers coated with melted butter and
- 13:25 | filled with a sweet creamy filling notes
- 13:28 | of cinnamon and
- 13:31 | vanilla I don’t know can’t remember mind
- 13:34 | it’s weird it’s so light it’s almost not
- 13:37 | there yeah what what do you think no no
- 13:41 | what no you’re not a fan no it’s not a
- 13:44 | fan there’s not much taste to it I could
- 13:46 | taste a little bit of cinnamon I could
- 13:48 | taste cinnamon definitely I got say the
- 13:51 | crisps win it on this one yeah he down
- 13:55 | favorite M were the peanut bow nuts
- 14:00 | balls crisp what you my favorite and the
- 14:02 | garlic
- 14:04 | Cris with the
- 14:06 | drink what was the worst do you think
- 14:09 | this yeah I’d have to agree on that I
- 14:12 | don’t even know what it was some kind of
- 14:14 | yeah hey snack option healthy well
- 14:17 | whatever it is I don’t know it’s not
- 14:19 | it’s not good well that was in our
- 14:21 | opinion yeah only our opinion let us
- 14:23 | know what you think in the comments have
- 14:25 | you tried any of these Foods before yeah
- 14:28 | so please it was interesting these were
- 14:31 | the sourest sweets I’ve ever eaten in my
- 14:33 | entire life me and are not but if he
- 14:37 | thinks they’re sour then they are sour
- 14:39 | let us know what you think in the
- 14:40 | comments please please leave us some
- 14:42 | comments tried any we like to interact
- 14:44 | with people we don’t get many comments
- 14:46 | so please if you want to any good
- 14:48 | comments any bad comments we’re welcome
- 14:49 | on all yeah to check
- 14:53 | out just comments what you guys think of
- 14:56 | them have you tried these SS well yeah
- 14:59 | that was from te this
- 15:02 | box to prg can’t wait to go to prag next
- 15:05 | year so yeah we’ll uh we will catch you
- 15:08 | on the next one bye for now now
Family vlog trying different snacks from around the world, starting with Germany and loads more coming every couple of week.
#Snacks #World snacks #Worldwidesnacks #Food #Foodanddrinks #Drinks #Worldwidesnacks #Snacksfromaroundtheglobe #Snacksfromaroundtheworld
#Snackers #treats #treatssnacksdrinks
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