- 0:00 | all right fam we are officially in
- 0:02 | Nassau Bahamas we got the fam back there
- 0:06 | so we getting ready to head to uh we
- 0:08 | didn’t tell you yesterday but we get
- 0:09 | ready to head to a fish fry man so we
- 0:11 | said all all the shift that we don’t
- 0:13 | that got our start is out here the
- 0:15 | sunrise the sunshine and the glory uh
- 0:18 | Disney wish ship is huge too man all
- 0:21 | right fam we are in the
- 0:23 | taxi pray for us so we in the taxi going
- 0:26 | to take us to the fish fry man
- 0:29 | [Music]
- 0:57 | all right fam we have officially made it
- 1:00 | over to the fish fry so this will be our
- 1:04 | second time actually coming
- 1:09 | here all right fam that’s the that’s the
- 1:20 | menu is the
- 1:24 | drinks all right strong Miami vase
- 1:27 | number one strong Miami vase number two
- 1:29 | y
- 1:30 | strong Miami bik number three we got the
- 1:33 | Bahama Mama Miami bik number four what
- 1:37 | you got Addie smash all right the food
- 1:40 | is coming out so fam got some Snappers
- 1:42 | some rice and some
- 1:44 | plantains and it and it looks delicious
- 1:47 | add got the C Burger looks delicious
- 1:50 | Terry got the snpp of macaroni and
- 1:51 | cheese and the and the
- 1:53 | plantains all right family we got the
- 1:55 | ultimate uh seafood platter they got a
- 1:58 | little bit of everything on there and
- 2:00 | cheese com shrimps rice cabbage
- 2:04 | butter yeah Lobster yep sauce
- 2:08 | rice You Name It We Got You Name It We
- 2:11 | Got It You Name It All right so I got
- 2:14 | the twin brother special this time still
- 2:17 | working on this
- 2:18 | platter y’all this food is delicious man
- 2:21 | all right fam we are back in Port at our
- 2:23 | spot that we always come to the Island
- 2:26 | Post I got me a Bahama Mama and I got
- 2:29 | got me an extra shot to go inside of
- 2:31 | that the queen got a jungle bird blue my
- 2:34 | thae painkiller Terry coming with them
- 2:36 | drinks right there that’s pain killer
- 2:38 | too what you got sticking with the goom
- 2:40 | smash That’s the menu here all right fam
- 2:43 | we just enjoyed Nassau with the fam we
- 2:47 | are actually headed back to the ship now
- 2:50 | a good day in N we got some dayami food
- 2:54 | yeah man I’m telling y y’all need to go
- 2:55 | to twin brothers just come here just
- 2:57 | tell the taxi drivers you want to go to
- 2:58 | the FR ride
- 3:00 | and it going take you right on over
- 3:02 | there all right fam it is the next day
- 3:05 | of C day and we’re actually heading to
- 3:08 | the Mason jar for brunch so this will be
- 3:11 | our first time trying it and you said
- 3:14 | it’s supposed to be good the queen said
- 3:16 | it’s really really good well that what
- 3:17 | people said so we about ready to see if
- 3:19 | they right we got job right there get
- 3:24 | Marin get
- 3:26 | Mar going back to 1951
- 3:30 | they working it out sorry fam here’s the
- 3:33 | Mason jar menu I don’t have any F
- 3:39 | un all right so we got some cornbread do
- 3:42 | you want your cornbread put your hands
- 3:44 | on my cornbread is
- 3:46 | going and I think he said permento
- 3:49 | cheese and CRA some so I got a peanut
- 3:53 | butter oldfashioned man so let’s see
- 3:57 | what that talking about all right the
- 3:59 | queen got some double eggs and they look
- 4:01 | good too all right fam got this cinnamon
- 4:05 | roll it looks delicious I hope it tastes
- 4:07 | as good as it look though so these the
- 4:09 | Johnny
- 4:11 | cakes all right family we uh got our
- 4:13 | breakfast it took a long time but we
- 4:15 | finally got it oh yeah she got that’s
- 4:17 | the southern breakfast all right fam
- 4:19 | here is the uh chicken sandwich see what
- 4:22 | that’s talking about the southern
- 4:24 | breakfast was okay all right fam Queen
- 4:26 | got a drink called the Mississippi
- 4:28 | Moonlight she look good do it do it
- 4:30 | taste as good as it look
- 4:33 | though it tastes
- 4:35 | like raspberry lemonade to be honest oh
- 4:38 | okay your that may be the problem yeah
- 4:41 | cuz you can’t taste the Moonshine all
- 4:43 | right family we going finish eating
- 4:45 | breakfast so now we headed over to the
- 4:47 | salarium only section all right we up
- 4:50 | over here chilling
- 4:52 | [Music]
- 4:55 | now it’s a gorgeous view
- 4:59 | [Music]
- 5:10 | cheers thank
- 5:12 | you pretty good let’s see if the queen
- 5:15 | like it
- 5:17 | open:
- 5:19 | 4:00 it’s called a Papa Jack that is
- 5:23 | good all right fam we’ve been hanging
- 5:25 | out in the salarium all freaking day
- 5:28 | having a good time good conversation so
- 5:31 | BR over there we finally coming in the
- 5:33 | dining room here is the
- 5:37 | menu for tonight all right for appetizer
- 5:40 | I decided to go with the buttermilk K
- 5:43 | Mar the queen go her same thing Caesar
- 5:47 | salad you got to get the greens in where
- 5:49 | you can so the queen got prime rib no I
- 5:53 | don’t no what you got tendone tendone
- 5:56 | God and some brushless brow not brast
- 5:59 | brows some potatoes and be that’s not
- 6:01 | it’s it’s Roto say that’s the PE
- 6:05 | risoto okay I and raw well mine is a
- 6:10 | seafood Linguini so I got that one right
- 6:13 | for dessert I got creme ble and the
- 6:16 | queen got uh some apple cbla with a
- 6:18 | little bit of vanilla ice cream right
- 6:20 | there what
- 6:22 | that capuccino chocolate cake that look
- 6:25 | good all right fam so now uh we are
- 6:28 | actually heading over to the aqua
- 6:31 | Show The Catch do so we will see y’all
- 6:35 | over at the aqua Show man
- 6:45 | [Music]
- 6:54 | [Music]
- 7:21 | [Music]
- 7:24 | so we kind of had a quick transition
- 7:26 | where we had to go from one place to the
- 7:28 | other so we just left left the aqua Show
- 7:30 | which was amazing by the way yeah it was
- 7:33 | then we headed over to Crazy Quest
- 7:35 | because there has been this thing going
- 7:38 | on with who has the best Quest and I
- 7:41 | don’t even know why it’s even a thing
- 7:43 | Carnival wins Quest all day long down
- 7:48 | all day every day but this was a good
- 7:51 | quest for Royal Caribbean yeah Dirty
- 7:55 | Dancing I knew it I knew it
- 8:00 | [Applause]
- 8:08 | [Applause]
- 8:21 | everybody
- 8:26 | [Music]
- 8:29 | hey hey get it baby hey hey hey hey hey
- 8:35 | hey hey hey hey hey hey he hey all right
- 8:39 | fam you just see that we done done crazy
- 8:41 | Quest it came from the I show crazy
- 8:45 | Quest got crazy this time ain’t got
- 8:48 | nothing no problem n they don’t but they
- 8:49 | went more wilder than I they went they
- 8:51 | went further yeah they went further than
- 8:53 | they used I seen some stuff I shouldn’t
- 8:55 | have seen right what’s up fam we are a
- 8:59 | officially back in co co K where I love
- 9:03 | to be yes indeed we’re headed to the
- 9:05 | hway to the adults only area and have a
- 9:08 | great
- 9:09 | [Music]
- 9:25 | time all right fam so we are on the tram
- 9:29 | headed on over to the
- 9:34 | hway all right fam we done made it down
- 9:36 | the hway beach I want to come and give
- 9:38 | y’all a look at the beach portion of the
- 9:40 | holway cuz we getting ready to go up
- 9:42 | there and jump in the
- 9:45 | pool so we actually going up there and
- 9:48 | getting in that
- 9:52 | pool thank you so the first drink of the
- 9:55 | day is called the watermelon Rita it’s
- 9:58 | right there on the menu
- 9:59 | all right fam we still up out here I’m
- 10:01 | like I’m like
- 10:03 | three either three or four three and A2
- 10:06 | three and
- 10:16 | A2 we at three we at three Wai
- 10:20 | on dang almost got knocked out I need
- 10:23 | the
- 10:26 | champag hey go ahead baby I see you
- 10:31 | hey I got you I got
- 10:33 | [Music]
- 10:37 | you make sure hold on man that’s all had
- 10:41 | to do we had to do the same
- 10:44 | show
- 10:47 | hey I see you I see
- 10:50 | [Music]
- 10:52 | you appropriate
- 10:54 | bro get it going
- 10:59 | we had to take a break get some pizza to
- 11:01 | feed this liquor very important yeah
- 11:04 | this pizza this pizza out the hway is
- 11:06 | good better get it get
- 11:10 | [Music]
- 11:12 | it all right fam uh perfect de COC K is
- 11:18 | over and we headed back to the ship now
- 11:21 | look at the size of the Utopia compared
- 11:24 | to the celebrity reflection you can put
- 11:26 | the celebrity reflection inside of the
- 11:28 | Utopia all right family we are going to
- 11:31 | the Utopia station for the
- 11:34 | train yes sir yes sir we going to cross
- 11:38 | the ocean we’re going to stay there 75
- 11:40 | minutes to look old but I’m 140 years
- 11:43 | old follow me please in the past get the
- 11:47 | drinks here please
- 11:51 | okay thank you thank you cheers
- 11:56 | family this Elixir going to make you 10
- 11:59 | to to 15 years younger to the 15 years
- 12:01 | younger yes it is hey I’ll take it I’ll
- 12:03 | take
- 12:04 | it cheers
- 12:10 | family all right so that’s the drink
- 12:13 | menu
- 12:17 | [Music]
- 12:22 | fam all right so we got our bread the
- 12:25 | cutest bread baskets
- 12:27 | ever all right here is my corn chowder
- 12:32 | what you got appadas
- 12:34 | appadas braz and short red right mhm and
- 12:38 | I got the brazing short rib Too not bra
- 12:41 | just braed yeah bra I said
- 12:44 | bra got me a
- 12:46 | oldfashioned all right so I got a
- 12:48 | dessert called the gold bar but this is
- 12:51 | the one right here it look just like a
- 12:53 | say go all right fam we just left the
- 12:56 | Royal Railway and now we decided to come
- 13:00 | and catch the comedian what if they had
- 13:02 | the sex package on the ship would y’all
- 13:04 | get the sex package you’d be
- 13:08 | surprised got in be surprised how many
- 13:11 | little old senior citizen ladies would
- 13:13 | love the sex package
- 13:16 | on I know for a fact cuz they try to
- 13:19 | talk to me sometimes they’ll get at you
- 13:21 | they’ll get at you if they like you
- 13:23 | they’ll pull up on you they they they
- 13:25 | don’t play around either one of them on
- 13:27 | the scooter with a pearl neck necklace
- 13:29 | came
- 13:32 | up I said can I help you she said can
- 13:35 | you have sex said hey she ain’t even ask
- 13:38 | me my name I said you ask my name first
- 13:41 | she said 40 years ago I have rocked your
- 13:46 | world I said ma’am 40 years ago I was
- 13:48 | two you
- 13:49 | [Applause]
- 13:51 | nasty so if you have enjoyed this Vlog
- 13:55 | you want to go on our review of the toia
- 13:59 | to sees us on the screen and we’re going
- 14:01 | to catch you in the next video straight
- 14:04 | from the VA the dirty dirty style two up
- 14:07 | two down h
- 14:11 | [Music]
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