DISNEY WORLD VLOG | Travel Day & Day 1

Magic of Disney: Our Travel Day Vlog

Join us as we embark on a new Walt Disney World Vlog series at Coronado Springs! Follow along for all the magical moments and adventures in store for us at the happiest place on earth. #DisneyWorld #Vlog #CoronadoSprings

  • 0:00 | [Music]
  • 0:18 | welcome back wonderlands to a brand new Walt Disney World Vlog series I have a Momo say hi to everyone
  • 0:26 | Momo say hi hello she’s not coming with us but no she wanted to make an appearance yeah all right you good okay
  • 0:35 | and we’re back y’all we are back with another Disney World vacation Vlog
  • 0:43 | series you got to love it yeah we’re excited very excited we are going back
  • 0:48 | to Coronado Springs yeah we loved it so much that we had to go again and we love it so much that we actually decided to
  • 0:55 | go a bit early yeah so about that yeah so I opened up my fat MTH that’s that’s
  • 1:01 | what happened as it usually does Yeah so basically what happened was our original
  • 1:06 | plan was to leave Tuesday which is tomorrow like really super early like we would
  • 1:14 | have had to have W waken up at like 2:00 in the morning that’s not waking up
  • 1:19 | early that’s waking up late like it’s just so we were in the office and I was like man it sure would be nice to leave
  • 1:27 | today and next thing you know clacky clacky clacky clack this one got it all
  • 1:33 | figured out um it was free to move our flights over to today and then she
  • 1:39 | called up Coronado and she wasn’t able to extend
  • 1:44 | our room yeah because they were basically booked out out so we got a
  • 1:49 | standard room so what we’ll have to do is we’re going to fly in tonight we’ll get there probably around 7 or 8 and
  • 1:57 | then we’ll go into our standard room spend the night and then we’ll switch
  • 2:02 | over into our actual room which is in the tower it worked out we got to extend
  • 2:07 | our vacation a little bit more which we like but yeah I’m excited and I’m excited to go back to Coronado though I
  • 2:12 | I you know Skyliner you know it’s nice I love the Skyliner but um yeah Coronado
  • 2:18 | is an underrated Resort I mean it’s I I’ve said it before I’ll say it again I’ll
  • 2:24 | stick by it it is a deluxe Resort for moderate pricing I don’t care what you say fight me so for this series we’re
  • 2:32 | super excited to get back into the magic to see the holiday season we’re going to
  • 2:37 | Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party um which we’ve never done we’ve never done
  • 2:43 | I I used I did it when I was very young but do not remember that done it at all
  • 2:48 | and I’m curious because I really enjoy the Halloween party so I kind of want to see how this kind of compares to that I
  • 2:56 | have a feeling that I’m going to like the Halloween party a little bit better cuz I just like Halloween more but I
  • 3:02 | think it’ll be cool to kind of really see Disney in full Christmas decor so
  • 3:09 | with that being said if you have not already subscribed to our Channel please do so now to see all of our Vlogs button
  • 3:18 | hit it press it so please go ahead and like this video as well as it helps others find our content stay tuned for
  • 3:26 | many more Vlogs but for now let’s get changed let’s pack up the car and let’s head to the airport let’s do it I hate
  • 3:33 | the traveling part let’s do it let’s go all right all checked in just waiting
  • 3:40 | to drop our bags flight got delayed by 10 minutes but not that big of a deal do you have
  • 3:48 | have anything to say cuz I know you just have to have something being hot for to
  • 3:53 | man we’re through security and heading to our gate
  • 4:00 | Chris and I are going to try and find somewhere to grab a bite and a drink cuz
  • 4:06 | vacation has officially started we’re going to do the gate driveby there’s our gate it
  • 4:14 | exists okay now we’re going to go find a
  • 4:23 | drink there’s a little concert going on behind us so we’re sorry if it’s loud but drink hand we have to drink this
  • 4:31 | kind of fast cuz our plane board like half
  • 4:37 | Beau because that is a cult site in the Philippines true story my God no we have
  • 4:43 | a really uh really that’s crisp I went with the uh Sam Adams seasonal draft
  • 4:50 | it’s quite delicious and in classic Sam fashion hi noon hi noon not sponsor it’s
  • 4:56 | better than a white claw in my opinion way better yeah well we’re gonna enjoy this and then I
  • 5:02 | was just about to talk to Samantha and I think the plan now if any of y’all are
  • 5:08 | new to the channel we know that sometimes we’ll say what we’re going to do and we switch things up pull an audible but I think we’re going to go to
  • 5:15 | chicken guy cuz we never been there we want to and then afterwards we’ll go to the ice cream place what’s the ice cream
  • 5:20 | place called salt and straw STW get chicken and ice cream and then we’ll peruse cuz that are some things that I
  • 5:27 | want to get specifically in the card variety AKA lorana
  • 5:33 | anyway adct look it up look it up anyways we’re going to enjoy this and I think the next time you’ll see us is
  • 5:39 | maybe when we’re on the plane so so we will be boarding in
  • 5:45 | about literally like 5 minutes the drink was like perfect we got some french
  • 5:50 | fries too and now we’re just waiting to be called Sir huh you ready I I was born
  • 5:56 | ready I was telling Chris when we were having a drinks that it feels weird because we don’t really travel at night we travel in the morning so I’m all kind
  • 6:03 | of like screwed up it is kind of weird but I am looking forward to going to Disney Springs y so and having more
  • 6:10 | drinks um yeah I’m going to drink some more for sure and build up an appetite
  • 6:15 | and then go buy some stuff yes so the next time you see us we’ll be boarding
  • 6:22 | the plane so let’s go well we’re on the plane no first class this time no first
  • 6:28 | class but we’re going to have to lay another like 15 minutes yeah and we’re
  • 6:34 | contemplating I know we said that we were going to go to Disney Springs but we’re kind of contemplating that because our flight got delayed it seems like
  • 6:40 | we’re not going to leave until take off till 6:30 so that puts us landing
  • 6:47 | 7:30 probably won’t get back to the resort till let’s say 8:20 8:30 right
  • 6:52 | just give a take Disney spring closes at 11: so what
  • 6:58 | we might do is go to the Bridges and um do that so we we’re still figuring that
  • 7:03 | out but I’m leaning more towards Three Bridges and going to Disney screens but
  • 7:11 | we’ll see we’ll see so we’ll see you when we get there [Music]
  • 7:43 | [Music] so we are finally off the plane and
  • 7:50 | Chris you have your bag I wanted to come
  • 7:55 | here as soon as we got off the plane cuz
  • 8:00 | I was just having anxiety about my bag insert clip where Chris gets his bag
  • 8:07 | here we have good news wonderlands they have my
  • 8:12 | B Chris’s back made it and my big cheetah suitcase made it too I was so
  • 8:19 | nervous I was just like please just come down here to get my bag please like so I
  • 8:25 | have my bag so and now we’re back we’re back so now we have to to grab a lift
  • 8:31 | yep to go to Coronado Springs so let’s see how much that’s going to be I say
  • 8:39 | $45 so I was right $45 it’s
  • 8:45 | 469690 I knew it it feels confirming your ride it feels weird being back I
  • 8:51 | mean not really but just I think what’s weird about it is we were supposed to
  • 8:56 | leave tomorrow morning yeah and we left today they I’m so glad we did that I am too like a little bit of extra money to
  • 9:03 | to stay in the hotel room our flight changed it for us for free yeah but um
  • 9:09 | yeah that would have been horrible we’re not going to Disney Springs but we are going to go to the Three Bridges cuz
  • 9:15 | they stay open till midnight I think at least we’re going to try so with the Three Bridges Bar and Grill cornado
  • 9:21 | Springs it is the bar that’s in the middle of the little man-made lake there and it’s walk up only so I couldn’t get
  • 9:29 | reservation so we’ll see if there’s availability I mean it’s Monday night so I’m not yeah we’ll see or we can sit at
  • 9:34 | the bar isue and if we can’t there’s other places to eat there yeah and fun
  • 9:39 | fact about Coronado you can fit Magic Kingdom including the parking lot inside the
  • 9:46 | Coronado Springs Convention area that’s crazy that’s how big it is that’s crazy
  • 9:52 | we’re going to wait for the lift we’ll catch you back
  • 9:57 | then here we are Walt
  • 10:17 | Disney after a long flight we’re here well it wasn’t really that long but it’s been a long day of travel so it smells
  • 10:24 | so good in here smells really good so we’re going to check in and hopefully
  • 10:29 | get our room well obviously get our room yeah hello check so for tonight we are
  • 10:36 | staying in room 5252 which is building number five I’ve
  • 10:41 | never stayed in the Casitas before like I said um later on this trip in our previous series we stayed at the Grand
  • 10:47 | dintino Tower which is where we are right now but this actually works in our favor because the Three Bridges Bar and
  • 10:54 | Grill is right here so we just have to walk over so I think that’s a win- win Chris is current over here at belloff to
  • 11:00 | get our instacart order and apparently he uh got us a golf cart to uh get to
  • 11:07 | our room why not on vacation all right how did you get a golf cart he’s he
  • 11:13 | mentioned it so I was like hey can we get a a cart to bring all of our groceries that we instacart in our bags
  • 11:20 | and he’s like do you want a cart to push or a golf cart I was like just do the
  • 11:26 | cart and he goes are you sure you’re on vacation and I asked him I was like well can it
  • 11:31 | bring our bags and all of our grocery he’s like yeah so called him up um he’ll
  • 11:37 | let us know when it gets here I’m pretty sure we probably go out front and then it’s going to take us to our room so
  • 11:43 | it’s a lot better than walking there we go save some steps we’re fancy VIP yes
  • 11:50 | so I already have mine on but we’re going to film uh Chris’s right of
  • 11:57 | Honor isn’t it right of passage right a passage R of Honor you know you
  • 12:03 | say fight a passage fight a passage that’s your favorite or one of your favorites it is one of my favorites I’m
  • 12:10 | not sure what my favorite ride is right now Guardians is a I think Guardians is my favorite yeah all right got your
  • 12:18 | magic band let me see there you go same old same old oh did you charge it oh
  • 12:24 | there you go oh and then here’s our sh
  • 12:31 | chatau I don’t know what a chatau is chatau is a house valet this is what I meant I meant
  • 12:37 | valet so we are on the second floor and they do have elevators here so we’re
  • 12:43 | going to grab elevator take it on up oh nice
  • 12:51 | elevator can’t really tell cuz it’s dark but there’s a little
  • 12:57 | Courtyard we’ll show you in the morning oh there’s a tower how
  • 13:03 | pretty you guys can’t really see it but we’ll show you like Chris just said we’ll show you in the morning but all
  • 13:10 | right here we are 5252 there we go oh I hear you I hear
  • 13:16 | he’s not nice turn on the
  • 13:23 | light call all day we’re in our room and the room is absolutely
  • 13:29 | adorable this is a amazing stainy room I’m impressed so I’m going to show you
  • 13:34 | guys the room real quick it’s going to be like rapid fire Chris and I are so
  • 13:40 | hungry so uh here’s a quick little room tour of the standard room at corado
  • 13:45 | Springs so when you walk in they have two queen-sized beds um lighting over the bed oh my God
  • 13:54 | I’m so sorry for how loud that just was when you come to the left there is a uh
  • 14:00 | sofa chair but we have all of our instacart on it three cabier artwork which is adorable you do
  • 14:09 | get the standard ice cabinet oh Chris’s gushers those do not come standard
  • 14:15 | coffee uh maker it looks like this is a cure egg with the pods I know you can call the front desk and get more Chris
  • 14:23 | is loading up our fridge right now this is only a beverage cooler and it cools up to 41° and above we say it every time
  • 14:30 | at a friendly reminder that if you have medication you can yep you can leave it
  • 14:35 | at the front desk and you can put some foods in there but like like salads and stuff but if you
  • 14:42 | have like perishable stuff that’s not the best place you can get sick like your
  • 14:48 | sisters did one time moving on through the room tour we have this beautiful
  • 14:54 | desk that’s also a dresser you do get six drawers chair uh there’s tons of USB
  • 15:00 | plugs and things like that ah welcome Jarrett family our last name on the TV
  • 15:05 | which is one of Chris’s favorite perks I do like that there is a conjoining door
  • 15:10 | so if you do have a travel party you can ask for a joint room and then this is going to be the restroom sliding doors
  • 15:17 | which is really nice and this is what I love about Coronado the huge spacious
  • 15:23 | bathrooms the double sink it’s always nice to have a double sink comes with
  • 15:29 | amenities lots of storage down here here’s the armor looks like you get an
  • 15:34 | extra pillow extra blanket now this one doesn’t light up
  • 15:39 | the one in the tower lights up so little uh fact for you there Chris is modeling
  • 15:45 | some of the extra bathroom storage oh he wants to show you all the storage
  • 15:54 | guys I’m sorry he’s very uh detail oriented
  • 15:59 | say um usual restroom and then it looks like just your basic bath and a sliding
  • 16:07 | shower door oo the the the shampoo conditioner and whatnot is different oh
  • 16:12 | it’s different what do we have we have sea salt body wash Sea Marine
  • 16:17 | conditioner and Sea Marine shampoo there we go I’m putting my purse together cuz
  • 16:23 | we’re going to go to Three Bridges yeah we got to go and have daddy’s hungry
  • 16:29 | dinner all right guys let’s go get some dinner yeah we’re hungry let’s get
  • 16:35 | Battle you ready for some food I’m so hungry I want to tear up whatever they
  • 16:40 | have to all I know it’s 10:30 I can’t believe it we’re going to sleep good tonight we are going to sleep good so as
  • 16:48 | we’re walking over to the Three Bridges just wanted to let you guys know that you can join the walk up weight list on
  • 16:55 | the My Disney Experience app so that is what I have done I am waiting for a text
  • 17:01 | to let us know if our table’s ready which it said that it’s going to be ready very soon so I’m assuming by the
  • 17:07 | time we walk over we will have a table which will be
  • 17:17 | [Music] perfect all right we’re finally sitting
  • 17:23 | down looking at the Three Bridges Bar and Grill menu they have some appetizers
  • 17:28 | some dips uh Wings corn dip I heard the white queso dip is
  • 17:35 | really good so I think we’re going to try to get that it does have tho in it and Chris and I are big fans of tho
  • 17:41 | Entre are going to be mahim Mahi and shrimp steak freaks they have a wedge
  • 17:46 | salad chicken mole which I believe Chris is going to get y the Poke bowl with
  • 17:51 | marinated tuna pork panita tacos and a Three Bridges signature Burger which I’m going to get and then dessert they have
  • 17:59 | churros which are some of my favorite Tres Lees which is Chris’s favorite a fresh fruit sorbet and coconut fla and
  • 18:07 | then they have their wines and Cocktails but I’m going to do a shopa haer and Chris what are you going to drink oh
  • 18:13 | Modello there you go kind of get in the Spanish mood true even though this
  • 18:19 | supposed to be Spain not Mexico it’s a Mexican beer I think I didn’t know that pretty sure it is I think you’re
  • 18:26 | right and we’re enjoying the lovely view of this view the tower that we’re going
  • 18:32 | to stay at tomorrow the tower that we’re going to stay at tomorrow we have our cheese dip Chris
  • 18:40 | has already uh taken the first little bite I’m hungry what do you
  • 18:46 | think is it groundbreaking or is it I wouldn’t say it’s groundbreaking also our chips are a
  • 18:51 | little stale uhoh just being honest it’s not bad it’s not like super stale it’s
  • 18:57 | just a little stale but it’s delicious I mean it again it’s something you know
  • 19:02 | groundbreaking here but it is delicious [Music]
  • 19:09 | so I’m happy Oh I like that it is good you see
  • 19:15 | anything about the chips though our food has arrived and I went with the signature burger and they split
  • 19:23 | it because Chris and I wanted to split it and then this is Chris’s m
  • 19:29 | looks like he got some seasoned Yuka fries as well yep and if you don’t know what mole is it’s like a traditional
  • 19:36 | Mexican sauce and a lot of time it’s made with like chilies and like cocoa powder and
  • 19:44 | other things some places also to um really nice restaurants they’ll make
  • 19:50 | mole and then they’ll reserve some from one batch and add it to the new batch so
  • 19:56 | and they do that over and over and over again so you a mole that’s like 10 years old essentially so kind of like how a
  • 20:03 | sourdough starter is Right essentially yeah it it doesn’t act as the same way
  • 20:08 | but yeah like a Sourdough sort if you want to think of that way they add some of the old to the new and each Place does molay different and there’s
  • 20:14 | different colored Moes too but anyways I’m hungry let’s dig in and we’ll let
  • 20:20 | you know what this is all about because this looks absolutely amazing that
  • 20:25 | mole is delicious it’s harder to explain the flavor
  • 20:31 | there’s definitely like cocoa powder in it but it has this like
  • 20:36 | sweet floral note to it like all spice maybe or cinnamon oh it’s
  • 20:44 | really good how’s your burger my burger is absolutely
  • 20:49 | delicious and I ask for it to be medium and it’s like perfect
  • 20:55 | perfect absolutely perfect mine came Yuka fry well roasted Yuka with the
  • 21:01 | chimmy Cherry sauce and the server is going to bring us some cilantro sauce to dip the Yuka in which is like so good so
  • 21:08 | and if you don’t know what Yuka is it’s basically like a really starchy root um
  • 21:14 | kind of like if you like potatoes and you might like Yuka but we’re going to enjoy our dinner cuz we are so hungry it
  • 21:21 | is so late may get dessert I don’t know firstr and I were’re debating off camera
  • 21:26 | um but we’ll catch you guys when we’re all done well it’s almost midnight and
  • 21:32 | we’re all done tired and full we’re so tired what would you
  • 21:38 | give the Three Bridges bar rating oh I gave it a seven out of 10 oh did you
  • 21:43 | yeah I give it the same I give it a s out of 10 I I kind of want to try some more of the food yeah I wasn’t like
  • 21:49 | blown away and I think you made the same comment like if you’re staying here definitely come eat here check out the
  • 21:55 | food but I wouldn’t like if you’re staying elsewhere I wouldn’t like go your way to come here no so let’s make
  • 22:01 | our way back to the room we’ll do a quick little recap yep and uh catch you guys in a
  • 22:18 | sec okay wonderlands it is officially midnight and we are going to call it a
  • 22:25 | day on our travel day MH after how many hours of
  • 22:30 | [Music] traveling since two too many to count my
  • 22:35 | brain’s not braining anymore so I need some sleep so we’re going to call it a night here but don’t go anywhere because
  • 22:41 | we’re going to roll right into day one for us which is Hollywood Studios a Toy
  • 22:47 | Story themed day sleeky dog Dash Al
  • 22:53 | alien swirling saucers Toy Story Mania and
  • 23:00 | and a dinner reservation at Roundup Rodeo barbecue so don’t go anywhere we’re going to roll right into day
  • 23:08 | one see what happens next future CM here and future
  • 23:16 | Chris what is up welcome to officially day one of our vacation we are heading
  • 23:24 | into Hollywood Studios momentarily we are waiting for a bell Services I see
  • 23:29 | him he’s coming oh he’s coming we’re waiting for Bill services to be here in
  • 23:35 | literally any second to collect our bags to hold because we’re transferring over to the tower
  • 23:40 | today and uh yeah so uh let’s uh head to
  • 23:46 | Hollywood Studios yeah let’s go ride some rides eat some drinks I mean some
  • 23:51 | food and yeah just do that oh look there he is he’s here here we go okay bye bye
  • 23:57 | see you in sec well it’s really sunny I don’t know if you guys are going to be able to see it
  • 24:03 | but bye to our standard room and hello Tower and hello to the
  • 24:11 | tower mhm I’m ready you ready it is beautiful outside it’s currently
  • 24:18 | 75° the highs will get to like 87 it said no humidity I can do this this is
  • 24:25 | this is really nice all right let’s go downstairs and we’re going to catch catch the bus to Hollywood Studios so
  • 24:33 | walking down from building five Casitas you have to kind of cross over the
  • 24:39 | parking lot and where that awning is with the brown uh roof my brain is not
  • 24:46 | working today that’s where the bus stop is so Coronado Springs I think
  • 24:52 | there’s five bus stops around the property so you just have to make sure
  • 24:58 | when you check in ask which one’s the closest one to [Music]
  • 25:10 | you are you ready for today uh it’s born ready for it is absolutely gorgeous
  • 25:18 | outside beautiful outside yeah I’m ready to go I mean uh the fact that the bus is
  • 25:26 | basically empty we’re going to Hollywood and some of the weight times for some of the rides that we’re
  • 25:32 | looking at are really low like 20 minutes is a good sign now things might pick up later on in the afternoon but I
  • 25:39 | think it’s going to be a good [Music]
  • 25:47 | day you know you’ve made it a Hollywood Studios when you see the Skyliner or Epcot or Epcot so Chris was
  • 25:57 | Chris and I we’re talking about on the bus and I think our game plan is to see what the ride wait times are I noticed
  • 26:05 | they increased a little bit definitely need to go to Baseline to get an early
  • 26:10 | morning pretzel we’re going to go to Woody’s lunchbox for lunch and then probably take a small
  • 26:17 | break after that since we have to transition rooms but this is what the crowd looks
  • 26:23 | like so far the park literally just opened up like 25 minutes ago
  • 26:29 | I’m really excited to see Hollywood studios’s Christmas decorations oh yeah that’s right cuz I’ve never been here
  • 26:37 | well I’ve been here when the holiday season was happening but I was very young mom and dad you’ll remember that
  • 26:43 | but I don’t so I’m very excited to see and I see tinsel is this season so
  • 26:49 | excited they were playing Christmas music on the bus so I am just like I’m on a high right now so I’m very
  • 26:56 | excited to we’re going to get through security tap in and we’ll catch you guys
  • 27:03 | in a [Music]
  • 27:10 | sec touch your [Music]
  • 27:17 | tickets there we
  • 27:22 | go how cute is this
  • 27:28 | [Music] all the tinsil all of the
  • 27:35 | stars it’s very festive here everybody’s here for the holiday
  • 27:42 | season all right so we’re in Hollywood Studios as you guys saw the entrance way is absolutely
  • 27:48 | adorable I’m going to check the weight times cuz I wanted to do Mickey and minis but the line’s outside it’s a
  • 27:53 | 40-minute wait so that’s not going to happen Star Tours has a five Muppets 3D has 10
  • 28:02 | let’s do Muppets you want to do Muppets okay all right well there we go guys so let’s go see Muppet
  • 28:08 | 3D I’ll be back I’ll be back from Mickey and Minnie’s runaway wear away yeah a
  • 28:14 | line’s too long it is way too long and I’m not waiting in that line our
  • 28:19 | lightning Lanes don’t kick in until 11: so so we got some time plus we get to go
  • 28:24 | sit in some AC real quick yeah watch The Muppet Show which I like that that show I do too we haven’t done
  • 28:30 | it since last year something smells so good M smells like ronto wraps before you get
  • 28:39 | to Galaxy’s Edge you’re going to hang a left and this is the grand arts or what
  • 28:46 | is this called it’s called Grand Park actually Grand Park used to be home of
  • 28:52 | the Muppets they have the um pizza place here they have Mama Melrose Italian over
  • 28:59 | here and then Muppet Vision 3D is still here it’s kind of like a
  • 29:05 | forgotten side of the park I think go look under that
  • 29:12 | [Music] mat is it a hidden Micky oh no oh it’s a
  • 29:19 | key yep what’s the key for security be back in 5 minutes oh that’s kind of cool
  • 29:26 | the keys down there that’s pretty that’s clever I got to admit ladies and gentlemen we have an
  • 29:34 | unexpected surprise I have the great honor of introducing the one the only Mr
  • 29:42 | Nikki Mouse hello hi there welcome to my par
  • 29:49 | how you doing hello you are not a Mickey Mouse you are
  • 29:54 | a rat rat SM besides get tourist what do they know so as the name says this is a
  • 30:03 | 3D show so I’m not going to be filming it as it will probably not come out on camera but this is the
  • 30:13 | theater huge theater so we’re going to enjoy the show and see you guys in a
  • 30:20 | bit so how is your Muppet 3D Vision experence it’s great I forget how good
  • 30:25 | of a show that is though I will admit it was disappointing when the water
  • 30:31 | wasn’t working when um Fonzy bear I think that’s his name skirts you with the flower yeah but but it was really
  • 30:39 | cute oh I love that show it’s great and uh all tribute or the tribute to all the
  • 30:45 | countries but mostly America all the nations but mostly America it’s the grand finale which is adorable so once
  • 30:51 | again it was a 3D show I’m not going to film that so if you’re here and it’s still here come see it yeah it’s a good one so time is it it’s 10:05 still not
  • 31:01 | Baseline time no cuz that opens at 10:45 everything has a really high weight stur
  • 31:06 | has a 10-minute but I propose walking over to rise of
  • 31:12 | the resistance and seeing if they have the single Rider line available but we’re not single Riders I know but if do
  • 31:18 | you want to ride it and yeah both of us can just say we’re single Riders say we’re single and that could be an
  • 31:23 | experience to we may not ride it together yeah I know I know I’m okay with being split up okay so let’s try
  • 31:30 | that um and if that doesn’t work then we’ll figure something else out our lightning Lanes don’t start till: 145 so
  • 31:38 | but uh I thought it was 11: so this is what I did guys I really wanted Mickey
  • 31:44 | and Minnie’s runaway raway as a lightning Lane so what I did is when I originally booked our three lightning
  • 31:50 | Lanes last week because if you’re staying on property you have 7 days before your trip to now book your
  • 31:56 | lightning Lanes if you’re staying on property if you’re not staying on property then you can book them 3 days in advance so last week I booked alien
  • 32:04 | swirling saucers for like 11:50 return time but I kind of hacked the system a
  • 32:09 | little bit and I changed it to Muppet Vision for 9:45 which we just redeemed
  • 32:15 | and then I cuz once you tap in you can choose another lightning Lane and multi
  • 32:21 | passes has this tiered system it’s a whole bunch of craziness I’ll link the
  • 32:27 | Disney World official link below so you can read on the different tiers but you can basically there’s only a certain
  • 32:34 | amount of rid you can pick from the certain teers and I couldn’t get Mickey and Minnie’s last week because we wanted Slinky Dog we’re doing that tonight so
  • 32:42 | switch the lightning Lane to mupp Vision tapped in uh and I was able to get a lightning Lan from Mickey and minis so
  • 32:48 | perfect work out so we kind of have like a large window of things to do or to kind of fill that window so let’s head
  • 32:55 | over to rise see if we can do a single Rider and go from there sounds good
  • 33:01 | let’s go I can’t get over how beautiful the weather is right now it’s like perfect
  • 33:08 | no humidity it’s hot but it’s not like middle of August 95° at 9:00
  • 33:16 | a.m. so let’s see oh thater does say single Rider so uh
  • 33:26 | let’s give it a go no long know you you’re not my wife hey temporarily
  • 33:33 | temporarily all right so far it’s just Chris and I couple people behind
  • 33:39 | us we’ll see what we get separated each other don’t expect to see
  • 33:45 | each other ever again after this oh thank God all the [Music]
  • 33:50 | way bye babe see you on the other side
  • 33:58 | leave us yes General enemies of the first order we
  • 34:03 | will soon snuff out your Mig resistance you chose the wrong side and now you
  • 34:09 | will pay the resistance prisoners you have
  • 34:14 | what I want you know the location of the secret
  • 34:19 | base and I we’ll take it from you we needed on the bridge keep the prisoners
  • 34:26 | here I will return finish this [Music]
  • 34:44 | personally res okay take this Corridor to the turbo list then head down to the
  • 34:50 | skate pod base those Joys are programmed to return you to bat hurry and don’t get
  • 34:55 | CS we turn back will gu you recruits for your safety stay seated with seat belt securely fastened keep hands arms feet
  • 35:02 | and legs inside the transport and supervise your
  • 35:07 | [Music] children tell them it’s a prisoner
  • 35:14 | transfer did it work good now get to move on hey you’re not authorized wait and
  • 35:22 | those are the prisoners [Music]
  • 35:28 | cover is blow find an alternate route to engage us you underestimate their conviction raise the shields Shields I
  • 35:36 | see no evidence now down the alarm all Personnel to their station th the
  • 35:42 | prisoners have Escape How brave but ultimately hopeless there’s nowhere to run
  • 35:52 | [Applause] [Music]
  • 36:03 | [Music]
  • 36:09 | you guys really cutting get close don’t [Music]
  • 36:15 | you okay you’re [Music]
  • 36:25 | clear your Escape RS in a little off Target ground crws will meet you outside
  • 36:31 | the wreck all right we survived that was awesome that’s a really good ride and I
  • 36:37 | think the whole thing took just under a half an hour but we want to note that if um doing single Rider does help you skip
  • 36:44 | the lines but you don’t get to do any of the pre-shows so you don’t get to see Ray talk to you and then you don’t get
  • 36:52 | to get on the transporter ship and go through all of that but we’ve written it so many many times that it’s not a big
  • 36:59 | deal we just want to ride the ride but just keep that in mind if you want to do single Rider you do get to skip the lines but you miss the pre-shows I would
  • 37:05 | say if you have like a family or you’re doing it your first time buy a premium pass and just do the whole thing it
  • 37:13 | experience it’s the whole immersion of it is what makes that ride but again we’ve written it so many times we just wanted to Rite it so and it is now 10:45
  • 37:22 | Bine I can’t wait pretzel and beer breakfast of champion let’s
  • 37:28 | go one of our favorite places on property Baseline C
  • 37:34 | house it’s so good all right everybody we’re here we’ve made it our favorite
  • 37:40 | spot
  • 37:46 | cheers now it’s a little pricey this was $44 for for California Sunset that was
  • 37:54 | $650 I got a 20 o Stone IP a that was $ 12225 and then the prepo was $10 so you
  • 38:03 | know you guys have seen it before look at that thing I’m trying not to like it comes
  • 38:10 | with um cheese sauce and mustard mustard I like the mustard Samantha
  • 38:17 | likes the cheese but um yeah this is our favorite
  • 38:22 | spot for all you Wonderland out there you all know that for any of you newcomers
  • 38:27 | we love this place if you haven’t been here come here and get the pretzel CU in our opinion it’s the best pretzel on
  • 38:34 | property and even if you’re not a big drinker or don’t drink it’s still a nice place to like sit down they have tables
  • 38:40 | outside they have tables inside obviously we’re inside yeah if you want to beat the heat yeah and then they have a sh cery board which we’ve never tried
  • 38:47 | but honestly don’t really want to we’ve also been to places where we’ve had some really nice Sherie boards and I
  • 38:55 | don’t know they don’t really impress me that much anymore so all right let’s get the first dump yeah let’s do it
  • 39:02 | cheese oh you got cheese on my mustard you got mustard on my
  • 39:13 | chees fantastic mhm all right so we’re going to enjoy
  • 39:18 | this take a quick little break and then figure out what we’re going to do
  • 39:26 | next because we really don’t know you know what the vibe of this trip
  • 39:32 | is going to just be chill go the flow and relax because it’s beautiful
  • 39:39 | weather we’re going to take it in take every ounce of this trip in and just kind of you know there’s no need to rush no
  • 39:47 | we have a general plan but we’re not like rushing around that’s the goal yeah
  • 39:54 | because we basically have ridden almost every ride with that being said we’re going to finish this
  • 40:01 | up and we’ll catch you later Che cheers all right drinks drank pretzel at hello
  • 40:10 | plans have been made Chris is most likely going to go on tarot terar it’s only a 20 minute wait I won’t record
  • 40:16 | that though cuz I kind of want to be in the moment and enjoy it yeah so we’re going to let him go do that I’m going to go shop because obviously that’s what I
  • 40:23 | do and that’s dangerous and then Rock and Miller
  • 40:28 | coaster only has a 35 minute waight right now which isn’t too bad however
  • 40:33 | they might be offering a single Rider line so we’ll see when we get over there because if they’re doing a single Rider
  • 40:39 | then we’ll obviously we’ll do that if not we’ll think about waiting in line that long cuz 30 minutes really is
  • 40:46 | anywhere between 15 to 30 so we’re definitely going to have lunch at some point yeah get that brisket sandwich yep
  • 40:53 | do Mickey and Minis and then most likely leave so we can check yeah get into our actual hotel room that
  • 41:00 | we’re going to be in for a week and then so that is the plan let’s head over to the Tower of Terror let’s do that so I’m
  • 41:08 | here with h Santa Claus Chris went to Tower of Terror and that means I have
  • 41:13 | about 30 minutes to shop so we’re heading down Sunset Boulevard let’s go
  • 41:19 | in and out of the stores I’ll show you guys what’s going on in the merchandise
  • 41:24 | shop I do want to try to get pair of Toy Story ears because I have a Toy Story
  • 41:31 | out for tonight cuz we’re going to go to the Roundup barbecue restaurant so I kind of want to go get ears to match my
  • 41:38 | outfit so let’s see if we can find something all right we’re heading into Beverly sun
  • 41:44 | set this seems to be the Pixar gift shop so let’s see if we can find something
  • 41:51 | see some cocoa merch I do see some Toy Story merch
  • 41:59 | Pixar don’t see any ears
  • 42:05 | though all the different Lounge flies which are
  • 42:11 | adorable but not what we’re looking for first little bit of Christmas March
  • 42:16 | that we’ve seen so far looks like the Christmas SP Jersy little snowman ears
  • 42:23 | and they have a Santa hat with Mickey ears on it cute is that and then in the background there’s
  • 42:30 | a little snowman loung fly how cute continues I’m heading over here to
  • 42:36 | The Majestic Theater check out this shop and immediately when you walk in
  • 42:43 | they have some Christmas merch which is adorable I love this little hillow plush
  • 42:49 | how cute is that some snowman stuff just a red basic
  • 42:54 | sequin ears but not what we’re looking four I have to show you guys this collection because I’m a very
  • 43:02 | minimalistic like black and white beige type of girl and this these overalls are
  • 43:10 | adorable even that Patchwork tea that’s really cute
  • 43:15 | too so I did not find any new Toy Story ears I think I’m going to have to go to
  • 43:21 | the front of the park and yeah currently on the phone with my sister Kelly hey Kelly shout out to you um I’m literally
  • 43:27 | sitting in the exit of Tower Terror waiting request um just to kind of like
  • 43:32 | stay out in the sun it’s now 85° outside my hair is now up and I think we’re going to go try to do rock and roller
  • 43:39 | coaster after this but wanted to chill here wait for him I did buy a T-shirt and I’ll show you guys later in the Vlog
  • 43:47 | what I did buy cuz it’s already like in my backpack but just kind of waiting um
  • 43:53 | it’s a little after noon a little after 12:00 p.m. and then our first
  • 43:58 | our next lightning Lane is Mickey Min like 125 or something like that so we’ll probably head back to the resort after
  • 44:03 | that and get our room but uh let’s uh S A we for first look who I found me she
  • 44:10 | found me great ride I mean like I just I love that ride so much the guy next to
  • 44:16 | me he’s about my age and he was like gripping on to everything bunched up and
  • 44:22 | I was like screaming my head off and when we were done he looked over at me he’s like yo you’re crazy man I see you
  • 44:27 | have your hats so you didn’t lose your hat I didn’t lose my hat I didn’t lose my I put my glasses in there I came like
  • 44:32 | my fanny pack was like all over the place did you have
  • 44:38 | some big drops yeah we had some really really good drops um so if you don’t know each time they have an algorithm I
  • 44:46 | guess it’s different so the drops are different whatnot the ones on this one
  • 44:52 | were more intense but I’ve ridden this before and I’ve definitely had like more drops but these were like I mean I was
  • 44:58 | out of my seat love it yeah great ride so I think we’re going to go try the single Rider
  • 45:04 | on um rock and roller coaster next yeah I mean we did rise of the resistance and we were in and out in 30 minutes so
  • 45:10 | let’s see if we can do the same thing with Rock and roller coaster and then maybe lunch yes lunch and then Mickey
  • 45:15 | Minis and then we’ll eat yeah sounds like a plan that’s the
  • 45:24 | plan all right we’re going to try single Rider and then we’ll let you know how it
  • 45:30 | is after the ride since I cannot record well single ride worked we got on
  • 45:37 | the same train loving an elevator well did you know the last lyric was loving a roller
  • 45:45 | coaster oh my oh yeah so anyway long story short I got my own C and Chris
  • 45:51 | Scott front row baby so that was I’m going giggly cuz that was really fun
  • 45:56 | it’s a fun one it was really I was so nervous I have hoop earrings on today and I was so nervous of getting caught
  • 46:01 | so I was kind of like holding on like like stretching my neck out so my ears don’t get caught but okay that was fun
  • 46:08 | yeah so much fun single Rider is like in our favorite today I like it yeah it’s worthed out for us for sure so I think
  • 46:15 | it has the Wonderland seal of approval well are you hungry I’m ready
  • 46:20 | for some uh brisket grilled cheese baby and some tomato soup and a beer 12:45 so
  • 46:26 | so uh with Woody’s lunch box you can place a mobile order so I’m going to whip out my phone do that and then we’ll
  • 46:34 | hit you guys back up when we’re EA lunch all right so mobile order
  • 46:41 | definitely definitely do it here there’s a huge line waiting for their lunch so I’m going to pick it up and go meet
  • 46:49 | Chris at ABC commentary there you are my friend enjoy
  • 46:57 | Woodies lunchbox barbecue brisket sandwich best sandwich I’ve ever had
  • 47:03 | cheers I’m a d straight tomato
  • 47:09 | soup and in true Wonderland fashion got to have a
  • 47:15 | beer so the time is 1:20 so what we’re going to do is enjoy our lunch and then
  • 47:21 | when we’re done it’s time for Mickey and min’s run away and then we’ll go back to pornado and hopefully our room is ready
  • 47:28 | I didn’t get a room number ass signed just yet but it’s in the middle of the day and I would really like to have a
  • 47:34 | break yeah I want a break too so uh that’s the plan it sure is brisket
  • 47:41 | sandwiches in hailed fantastic oh I love that sandwich that’s
  • 47:47 | Samantha and I are both in ingredients that that’s the best sandwich on property
  • 47:52 | easily I’d give that 8 out of 10 yeah I’ll do the same I like it with the
  • 47:59 | soup that’s optional but I like the Dunk Dunk Samantha likes her tater tots but
  • 48:05 | although I didn’t really eat that much I was soup Envy which I always am so yeah she always dips in My
  • 48:10 | Soup there’s a party going on behind us but yeah if you haven’t tried that sandwich and you come to Hollywood
  • 48:15 | Studios go out of your way to get that sandwich mobile order it and you can use
  • 48:22 | a quick service credit which is what we did so now it’s time to step into the
  • 48:27 | world the cartoon world nothing can stop us
  • 48:35 | now nothing can stop us now hi
  • 48:41 | beautiful day for a picnic yep we’re off to the park see yall
  • 48:47 | there nothing can stop us now I don’t know how any trouble
  • 48:54 | [Music]
  • 49:06 | oh hi you folks want to take a ride on the train excuse me you there do you
  • 49:13 | mind helping these good people into the cartoon while to fix this here loky motive well I gu I can’t goofy thanks be
  • 49:20 | back in a jiffy to pick you all up can you all hear me way back in the back you
  • 49:26 | welcome more folks ready for a relaxing ride around the
  • 49:33 | park folks hello there how you do hey L Li sure take good of
  • 49:40 | our what could possibly go
  • 49:49 | [Music]
  • 49:59 | [Music] don’t let him get away not a
  • 50:05 | [Music] chance hooray hooray hooray step up
  • 50:11 | ladies and gentlemen [Music]
  • 50:17 | boys there they are we’ll be right down
  • 50:24 | [Music]
  • 50:32 | Hur hurry you have the they go over
  • 50:38 | [Music] [Applause]
  • 50:48 | [Music] the everyone to your positions ready and
  • 50:57 | 1 2 3 1 2 3 oh excellent you’re all Ming so beautifully
  • 51:07 | together now let’s con
  • 51:13 | [Music]
  • 51:24 | [Music]
  • 51:40 | Chris shrunk just a little bit I’d be out of the frame so how tall are you 6’2 anyhow
  • 51:49 | there you go fun fact Chris uh 62 we just got done with Mickey and Minnie’s Runway Railway great ride yeah but a
  • 51:56 | little disappointing today yeah the um animatronics of Mickey and Minnie when you’re in the jungle weren’t working and
  • 52:02 | then the tornado room wasn’t spinning I mean we know Disney at this point like a
  • 52:09 | lot of things sometimes don’t work but it does take away from the awe factor of
  • 52:15 | the ride yeah but still I mean it’s a fun ride I still enjoyed it I still
  • 52:20 | enjoyed it too and hopefully you guys did too M So the plan is now is to exit
  • 52:25 | the park I do want to go through one of the stores uh through the uh Hollywood
  • 52:32 | bullyard I was trying to think of the Mage trip here we may or may not show you guys that just because like I said
  • 52:38 | earlier on the Vlog I have not been able to find toy store at year so I’m kind of like H this is my last hope yeah um but
  • 52:45 | if I do find them you’ll see them if not uh then we’ll catch you back at Coronado Springs and hopefully our room is ready
  • 52:51 | we didn’t get a room number yet but it should be ready to to the front desk and see what’s going on so
  • 52:57 | well let’s go do that let’s go shopping a little bit I might get some ice cream yeah all right let’s go
  • 53:07 | bye and I’m 56 for anybody who cares and someone purchase something
  • 53:13 | power limes sour lime tappy are you going to get into it now or later
  • 53:20 | now oh it’s that good artificial slime green thing is we’ll see how sour it is
  • 53:26 | cuz I like sour stuff he does like the sour the [Music]
  • 53:38 | better it’s okay it’s okay it’s not very sour no and it’s got that
  • 53:45 | like weird artificial line flavor i’ give it
  • 53:51 | a three out of 10 oh it’s like key lime yeah mhm
  • 53:57 | well you tried it well no Toy Story ears but we did a
  • 54:03 | lot we did rise of the resistance single ride single ride Rock and roller coaster
  • 54:10 | Cris a Tower of Terror we did Muppet Vision 3D we did Mickey and min’s Runway
  • 54:16 | rway as a lightning Lane so I think we did pretty good and we hit a baseline
  • 54:22 | yeah had M lunch box yep [Music]
  • 54:28 | yeah I bought a T-shirt and I’ll show you guys that in a bit but it is uh just after 2:15 ti so yeah we’re ready for a
  • 54:36 | break I pushed back dinner a little bit so let’s go get a bus and head on home
  • 54:42 | right we have our room assignment Chris is doing the
  • 54:48 | honors oh this is nice let’s turn on all the lights cuz we
  • 54:55 | don’t pay the all right hold on got to do the master switch there we go all right Chris is going to turn on the
  • 55:01 | lights I’m going to go right into my room tour which basically this is like the because we’re on the opposite side
  • 55:07 | that we were staying on uh in August and everything’s kind of like on the Le hand
  • 55:13 | side but you know your normal shower your sinks there’s a wardrobe this is a
  • 55:19 | joining room so that’s interesting if you are traveling with a party same as
  • 55:25 | the other standard room rooms and then we have two beautiful queen-size
  • 55:33 | beds and got a full desk oh Chris look
  • 55:38 | happy anniversary Chris and oh look guys how sweet is
  • 55:45 | that and then we have a view of Coronado
  • 55:51 | Springs so in August we were on the other side and we had a view of
  • 55:56 | Epcot and Hollywood but now we just have a resort view which isn’t that bad but I
  • 56:02 | can see animal kingdom back there see if I can zoom in for you
  • 56:08 | guys that is uh you could see Pandora slightly to the left and then that’s
  • 56:14 | Mount Everest so we’re going to call get all of our bags Chris and I were talking
  • 56:19 | on the bus about going to the pool but I don’t think we’re going to have enough time I think we’re just going to like chill yeah which I can’t chill
  • 56:27 | so I probably will go get our drink mugs and go get drinks and maybe a snack yeah
  • 56:34 | maybe maybe some alcohol but I think we’re just going to chill in the resort or it seem like I’m an alcoholic I do
  • 56:41 | not have a problem y’all I just like only on vacation I wouldn’t say only on vacation but yeah I definitely like to
  • 56:47 | drink a lot on vacation our first lightning Lane is 620 to 720 as is if I
  • 56:53 | don’t make any changes for alien swirling saucer Toy Story Mania between 6:30 and 7:30
  • 56:59 | and Slinky Dog Dash between 7:35 and 8:35 and then I moved back our dinner to
  • 57:05 | 810 so we have a late dinner that’ll be the last thing that we do tonight so we have plenty of time it is 3:15 so
  • 57:12 | literally an entire hour passed from the time that we left Studios to now which is actually like kind of insane Disney
  • 57:19 | just is kind of like a Time suck sometimes it just lose track of time but
  • 57:24 | we’re going to stop it here chill and then we’ll pick you guys back up when
  • 57:29 | we’re ready for our Toy Story themed evening and we’re back we’re back about
  • 57:36 | we took about a three-hour break yeah so and as you can tell by the lighting it is getting darker out it’s not dark all
  • 57:44 | the way but it is getting darker so if you haven’t noticed by our fits we’re all toy storyed out yay I’m a toy I
  • 57:52 | don’t want to talk about how I don’t have Toy Story year so I’m just going to go with my normal maybe we’ll
  • 57:57 | yeah but now was too late oh you know you know where we’re going to find them at what Disney Springs oh yeah you know
  • 58:04 | last trip and the trip before that I saw a bunch of them and I was just like I’m never going to wear these and the one
  • 58:09 | time that I actually want but that’s just goes to show you that if you see it buy it if you want it and this was
  • 58:16 | originally supposed to be Samantha shirt but I said I think I would look better in it and she didn’t believe me and then
  • 58:22 | I put it on and then bam he does look good but it it’s totally my shirt I’m
  • 58:27 | just allowing him to wear it mhm and then I got my normal backpack on tonight
  • 58:32 | all right so let’s head out to Hollywood Studios and I’m excited for Woody’s
  • 58:39 | Roundup yes specifically the part where you have to freeze I’m going to pick like the most awkward position
  • 58:45 | like if you don’t know what he’s talking about hopefully you guys will see it later Andy’s coming we got to go so yeah
  • 58:55 | we’ll talk about that experience it a little bit more but let’s get out of the room and catch a
  • 59:04 | [Music]
  • 59:14 | [Music] bus so Chris and I are in Hollywood
  • 59:19 | Studios we made it for round two and we’re just taking in all of the Christmas decorations it’s beautiful
  • 59:26 | this is so I’ve never seen Hollywood Studios like this it’s so pretty all the lights are up I’ll insert some footage
  • 59:32 | so you guys can see what we’re looking at the big tall Christmas tree in the middle of uh I think this is Echo Lake
  • 59:38 | in Hollywood studio so yeah just taking it all in and uh we’re going to Mosey on
  • 59:44 | our way to Toy Story Land and our first actually I’m going to let my husband choose you want to do Toy Story Mania
  • 59:51 | first or alien swirling saucers alien swirling saucers all right so that’s our first drive and uh let’s go head on
  • 59:59 | over he’s practicing all right let’s head on over there howy being here in the backyard
  • 1:00:07 | with all you new toys this is definitely my finest Hour
  • 1:00:12 | welcome we have made it into Toy Story Land and don’t worry we’re going to do
  • 1:00:18 | all of the rides but we have aliens rolling saucers on our list first and
  • 1:00:25 | that’s going to be the deepest ride in the land like you have to walk in deep
  • 1:00:31 | into the land to get to the ride you guys know what I’m talking about have you been on this no I have not so this
  • 1:00:36 | is a first for both of us very CIS you wanted to go on this cuz it’s spin well I wanted to do a little
  • 1:00:44 | bit of everything tonight I’m down Toy Story themed night
  • 1:00:57 | [Music] I am very thankful that we don’t control the spin because Chris would be spinning
  • 1:01:03 | us like nuts oh it’d be crazy
  • 1:01:08 | [Music] oh so stupid it look like they’re about
  • 1:01:16 | to crash it does oh we’re going this way now
  • 1:01:22 | [Music]
  • 1:01:27 | cut cut the [Music]
  • 1:01:45 | close are [Music]
  • 1:01:51 | ety we are eternally dizzy that was a lot of fun that was cute yeah
  • 1:01:58 | I wish you would have spun you around more but that’s just the extremist in me was light years talking yeah that was a
  • 1:02:05 | lot of fun I mean i’ Tri that again like yeah I mean it was practically a walk on for us with Lan stuff so what next a
  • 1:02:12 | little friendly competition of toy star Mania oh you’re going down he say that every time going down so I win every
  • 1:02:20 | time you do I’m just there for fun I’m coming for blood all right let’s go that let’s go
  • 1:02:27 | all right we’re in line for Toy Story Mania got to pick up some 3D glasses oh
  • 1:02:33 | you got one I got one for you Chris almost forgot his thank
  • 1:02:39 | [Music] you all right as this is a competition
  • 1:02:46 | the camera’s going to go away so we’ll let you know who wins after the ride
  • 1:02:58 | yeah baby you already know what’s up all I do is win win win no matter
  • 1:03:04 | what told [Applause] you all right after Chris’s Victory on
  • 1:03:13 | Toy Story on Toy Story Mania we’re going to see if we can check into dinner just
  • 1:03:18 | a little bit early at Roundup Rodeo barbecue so it goes to show it doesn’t
  • 1:03:24 | hard to ask I ask asked if we could get our table early and we did so we’re all checked in Chris is taking some photos
  • 1:03:31 | so we’re going to have um dinner at rounda FR of barbecue and I’m very excited I’m very hungry I’m starving I’m
  • 1:03:38 | ready to eat whatever they give me yeah uh this is feeding time it’s a family
  • 1:03:44 | service meal or family style rather which means they bring everything to you
  • 1:03:49 | so hungry
  • 1:03:57 | hungry hry last
  • 1:04:03 | Jared look at this everybody how cute is
  • 1:04:09 | this all right we’re at our table Chris is looking at the menu but I wanted to
  • 1:04:15 | show you guys these plates how cute they’re like they look like the it’s it’s made of it’s melamine
  • 1:04:24 | that’s what it’s called like plastic but they look like paper plates pretty cool
  • 1:04:30 | so Roundup Rodeo barbecue like I was saying is a family style restaurant and
  • 1:04:35 | they just bring out everything so looks like you’re going to get a root and toot
  • 1:04:40 | anded tomato salad which is cucumbers pickled red onion white balsamic vinegarette watermelon salad and then it
  • 1:04:47 | looks like you’re yep you get to enjoy a platter of evil Dr smoked ribs
  • 1:04:53 | buttercups beef brisket there’s a sausage my boot barbecue chicken with style I thought it said something else
  • 1:04:59 | for a second there’s a snake in my boot and then the sides you get uh
  • 1:05:04 | veggie SLO mac and cheese baked beans corn on the cup and potato B I love how it says reach for the
  • 1:05:12 | side now you can ask for plant-base but we are not going to do that tonight and
  • 1:05:18 | honey I do say you are you perfectly blend in with your surroundings in the sh I can’t wait when we have to freeze
  • 1:05:24 | it’s going to be awesome so just so y’all know this
  • 1:05:30 | restaurant is on the dining plan so we will be using one sit down credit per
  • 1:05:35 | person for this and also you get not only an alcoholic beverage of your
  • 1:05:41 | choice so you can choose beer wine or a cocktail but you also get a non-alcoholic drink as well so Fountain
  • 1:05:47 | drinks they have sweet tea uh unsweet tea I asked for a mix so that’s kind of
  • 1:05:54 | cool typically when you go to some of these restaurants um on a Dining Plan it’s either a choice of alcoholic or
  • 1:06:00 | non-alcoholic beverage so this this restaurant you get both so so I’m super
  • 1:06:06 | excited it’s going to be so much food I don’t care I’m just really really
  • 1:06:11 | excited and the biscuits we get salad and biscuits first I’m going to chill on the biscuits though I might have a nibble but that’s how I heard they’re
  • 1:06:17 | good that’s how they get you though you feel up on biscuits and then you can’t eat the other stuff yeah true it’s so
  • 1:06:23 | cool because obviously we’re in Toy Story Land Hollywood Studios and Toy Story Land is all about like shrinking
  • 1:06:29 | down to the size of a toy and this restaurant really does a really good job I’ll show you guys um a little bit of
  • 1:06:36 | the scenery here there’s like a little like make believe Town Zerg is here
  • 1:06:43 | Woody’s here it’s just it’s absolutely adorable just the Ambiance is really
  • 1:06:48 | really cool so I really hoping the food lives up to the Hy so we have our
  • 1:06:53 | appetizers our first here we have the tomato and cucumber
  • 1:06:59 | salad with pickled onion we have some fresh watermelon watermelon and the
  • 1:07:06 | biscuit I don’t know what type of sauce that is but a red pepper jelly oh nice so we’re going to dig into this is
  • 1:07:12 | approaching the rodeo I repeat Andy is approaching the rodeo drop your lassos
  • 1:07:18 | and assume your positions in three 2 1
  • 1:07:25 | well Partners this year Train’s reached its final
  • 1:07:33 | destination Molly you’re going to bust up the place then come on there little
  • 1:07:41 | lady well done cow FKS
  • 1:07:46 | y all right so here is the meat platter we have baked beans corn on the cob I think there’s chicken chicken ribs
  • 1:07:54 | brisket nice and then there’s sausage on the bottom nice then we have potato
  • 1:08:01 | barrels Pola and then the mac and cheese and then of course we still have some biscuits left over oh my God look at
  • 1:08:07 | this it’s a sausage [Music]
  • 1:08:12 | lollipop like a red up snake or something that’s cool all right so what we’re going to do
  • 1:08:18 | is we’re going to dig into this feast and then
  • 1:08:24 | oh then we see you guys when we’re all done we’ll do a review later
  • 1:08:31 | ye all right Chris mid meal check in I excuse
  • 1:08:39 | me I have to admit I didn’t have high expectations of
  • 1:08:46 | this place going in from what we saw online and other vloggers and stuff like
  • 1:08:54 | that I I am pleasantly surprised I mean is it the best barbecue
  • 1:09:01 | I’ve ever had absolutely not but a sure as heck not the worst barbecue and
  • 1:09:07 | honestly my favorite out of the proteins was the ribs the ribs were like cooked
  • 1:09:13 | perfectly the corn which was like aote style corn it wasn’t bad the baked beans
  • 1:09:20 | they were a little I don’t want to use the word weird but they were just different they were very very like vinegary
  • 1:09:25 | col saw was really good um the mac and cheese was it wasn’t bad but it it it has the
  • 1:09:33 | mouth feel of like fake cheese kind of like just too much fake cheese but other than that as a
  • 1:09:41 | whole I was impressed because I think going into it I wasn’t expecting it to
  • 1:09:47 | be this good I think I’d give this the experience with the food
  • 1:09:55 | yeah yeah yeah I give it a 7 out of 10 I wouldn’t necessarily like maybe go out
  • 1:10:01 | of my way to come here unless you’re into the theming of the restaurant you have kids and and try to experience that
  • 1:10:08 | you know what I I I would if you’ve never come here if you’ve never been to this restaurant I’d go out of my way
  • 1:10:14 | yeah I change my answer yeah I’d come out of my way now that we’ve been here and I know what it
  • 1:10:19 | is you know I might be a while before I come back but yeah delicious ious 7 out of 10
  • 1:10:27 | experience is fun with the random like ringing of the Bell the interaction with the you know the the voices the other
  • 1:10:34 | characters you have the freeze and just so yeah I’m back everything that Chris
  • 1:10:41 | just said ditto 7 out of 10 I think if you haven’t eaten here before come do it
  • 1:10:48 | I think it’s a great value for the Downing plan it’s only one credit
  • 1:10:54 | everything gets brought to so you don’t have to make any decisions which I’m so indecisive whenever we go out to eat I
  • 1:11:01 | never know what I want which I know most girls can relate to that so it’s great that everything just gets brought to you
  • 1:11:07 | all you have to do is just order your drink so some of my highlights were the brisket the biscuit with the pepper
  • 1:11:16 | jelly and I like the KLA I like the ribs the corn was good my least favorite are
  • 1:11:24 | going to be the tots and the mac and cheese I just thought it was more on the basic side of things and I’m also
  • 1:11:29 | spoiled because Chris makes the absolute best Mac and Cheese in the entire world
  • 1:11:35 | basically everything was really good I think if you haven’t eaten here yet I say go ahead and get a reservation but
  • 1:11:42 | now we get to wait uh for our dessert so we’ll show you guys when we get it our dessert got dropped I think this was the
  • 1:11:49 | chocolate one apple apple P apple back there um lemon blueberry cheesecake okay
  • 1:11:57 | uh chocolate no this is the chocolate one oh and then this is peach cobbler okay
  • 1:12:04 | and then forky alamode turn them around I’m
  • 1:12:11 | trash how cute is he so and I think this has changed I know in the past uh you
  • 1:12:19 | individually picked your dessert but now moving forward they bring you all of them so that’s awesome you want to watch me try all of them so they’re served in
  • 1:12:25 | little plastic mason jars and so they’re they’re layered so this is the apple pie one so we’re going to try this first
  • 1:12:32 | pretty good I like that it reminds me of the the tart in um in Germany so this is the
  • 1:12:41 | chocolate one it’s essentially a s’more so it’s um chocolate mousse marshmallow fluff graham cracker bottom and like
  • 1:12:49 | chocolate tws not tws but like uh chocolate shavings so okay so it’s not
  • 1:12:55 | marshmallow fluff this is whipped cream all right so this is a lemon blueberry cheesecake oh but it’s like a a no-
  • 1:13:01 | baked cheesecake oh Samantha and I aren’t really big fans of no baked cheesecake let’s
  • 1:13:10 | see so far that’s my least favorite the apple pie is my favorite so
  • 1:13:16 | far and then the peach cobbler no it’s not peach cobbler it’s a
  • 1:13:22 | strawberry [Music] I don’t know what’s in it it looks like
  • 1:13:29 | blitzed up fruit cocktail uhoh that’s not good I changed my mind
  • 1:13:36 | that’s my least favorite I don’t like it it almost tastes as if like the fruits
  • 1:13:41 | like not good I oddly like that that’s all you it’s like fruit salad it’s
  • 1:13:49 | disgusting is what it is and then here’s the forky alamode
  • 1:13:55 | [Music] it’s like a chocolate
  • 1:14:01 | cupcake I’m going to go with the apple pie this was my favorite that’s your uh
  • 1:14:07 | that’s your that’s my number one just got the bill I wanted to let you guys know what the value of the dinner was so
  • 1:14:15 | for two adults it was $98 for both of us to eat Chris’s beer was $150 my cocktail
  • 1:14:23 | was $15.50 so after taxes it came to whopping
  • 1:14:29 | $133 13 which means we totally beat the
  • 1:14:34 | Disney dining plane today because we also had a quick service lunch each today so I tipped our server um and
  • 1:14:43 | anytime that you don’t have cash you can leave a tip with your Dining Plan and then it get charged to we’re just having
  • 1:14:50 | it charged to the room but you can leave cash I just didn’t have enough with me but overall I think this was great value
  • 1:14:58 | desserts were fantastic the drinks were good the food was great the service was good and we basically got our table
  • 1:15:05 | turned in an hour so I I I say come visit we didn’t do it
  • 1:15:13 | but on the way in if you have little ones or if you want to you can actually ride a horsey to your table so I thought
  • 1:15:18 | that was adorable Chris didn’t want to do it you look mean
  • 1:15:25 | all right Kelly would have Kelly would have you ready for I just real you had fruit roll up in
  • 1:15:31 | your bag the whole time yes that’s hilarious now he’s having second
  • 1:15:38 | dessert all right well can I say you ready to go on Slinky Dog Dash wildest
  • 1:15:44 | ride in an’s backyard all right let’s go
  • 1:15:55 | hang
  • 1:16:02 | [Music] on here we [Music]
  • 1:16:13 | go better in the back oh that’s fun [Applause] [Music]
  • 1:16:23 | [Applause] [Music]
  • 1:16:28 | well we’re at the front of the park cuz we’re calling it a night on our Toy Story themed Hollywood Studios evening
  • 1:16:35 | how did you enjoy your evening had a blast I did too food was great the rides were great beautiful weather Y and now
  • 1:16:44 | I’m tired yeah I could go for a little chill and watch some TV and yep get some
  • 1:16:50 | rest for tomorrow it just turned 9 so like everyone’s me everyone’s pouring
  • 1:16:55 | out of Hollywood Studios right Nowack bus yes but it is what it is so let’s go
  • 1:17:02 | get a bus and we’ll catch you guys when we’re back in the room yeah let’s do that well it’s it’s 92 good night pal
  • 1:17:11 | good night indeed we’re back in the room we had a wonderful day oh man it was a
  • 1:17:18 | great day so real quick we’ll do a quick recap top three of the day go I would
  • 1:17:25 | have to say riding all the rides in the morning without any lightning lane or anything like that we took advantage of
  • 1:17:31 | the single Rider that was really good uh really loved getting the brisket
  • 1:17:36 | sandwich we haven’t had that in a while so that was very delicious and then I think my number three these aren’t in
  • 1:17:44 | any particular order is having such a chill evening and also I really enjoyed
  • 1:17:50 | Woody Roundup um blew my expectations out of the water I didn’t think it was
  • 1:17:55 | going to be that good so yeah that’s that’s my top three Toy Story theme
  • 1:18:02 | beautiful yeah it was fun had a blast what about you uh top three would be the
  • 1:18:08 | Christmas decor in Hollywood Studios I think that was really cute I would say
  • 1:18:13 | um also testing out the single Rider lines I think it worked out in our favor yeah I didn’t mind not being next year
  • 1:18:19 | no and then I’m also going to copy your third which is dinner dinner exceeded my expectations which were low because I
  • 1:18:25 | heard a lot of mix riew I did did not know what to expect but I was pleasantly
  • 1:18:32 | surprised me too so with that if you have stayed to our long travel SL day
  • 1:18:38 | one thank you so much please subscribe if you have not and please smash that
  • 1:18:44 | like button it press that button it cost you zero
  • 1:18:50 | dollar and it helps others find our Channel and it helps us out yes and I
  • 1:18:55 | will link all of our socials down below if you have any questions comments concerns uh excited to see here about
  • 1:19:03 | Christmas be in the holiday spirit leave a comment below and uh let’s see what
  • 1:19:08 | happens next let’s definitely do that let’s get some shedy I’m tired bye bye
  • 1:19:15 | [Music]

WELCOME WONDERLANDERS to our Walt Disney World Christmas Vlog Series! It’s Travel Day and Day 1 at Hollywood Studios!

In this vlog:
Travel Day: We fly from RDU to MCO to kick off our holiday Disney vacation a day early! After landing late, we head straight to Three Bridges Bar & Grill at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort for a delicious late-night dinner on the water.

Day 1 at Hollywood Studios:
Test out the single rider line for Rise of the Resistance and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster for some thrill-packed fun!
Take a mid-day break to transfer to our upgraded room in the stunning Grand Destino Tower at Coronado Springs.
Enjoy a magical Toy Story-themed evening, featuring a mouthwatering dinner at Roundup Rodeo BBQ and a ride on Slinky Dog Dash to end the night with a bang!

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Marcella Gucci embodies a warm, inviting, and adventurous spirit. Her tone is friendly yet knowledgeable, blending passion for culinary exploration with a genuine love for travel. She communicates with enthusiasm, inspiring her audience to embrace new flavors and cultures.

As the founder of Travel Foodie, Marcella is a culinary enthusiast and globe-trotter. With a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for diverse food cultures, she curates experiences that connect people through the universal language of food. Marcella’s mission is to transform culinary dreams into reality, guiding her audience on a delectable journey around the world.

Travel Foodie where culinary curiosity meets wanderlust! This site is your passport to a world of flavors, offering a delightful mix of travel tips, authentic recipes, and immersive culinary experiences. Whether you’re planning your next adventure or simply looking to spice up your kitchen, we will serves up inspiration and tasty tidbits that will leave you hungry for more. Bon appétit!

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